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"You know you've looked beautiful in every photo you've taken..." Lewis hinted as he nervously checked the time on his phone.

Daisy laughed looking over her shoulder to Lewis who rested against the back of the navy leather sofa. The Champion had been ready for nearly 45 minutes, and when he had started getting ready Daisy was taking selfies of her makeup to send to Adriana.

"Here," Lewis demanded taking the phone from her hands. "Let me take one of you?" He smiled.

Daisy shrugged and agreed. "Make sure you get my best side," She winked as Lewis rolled his eyes. It was almost instinctive for Lewis to retort back 'that she didn't have a bad side'.

A sigh of relief left Lewis's lips as Daisy relented and directed him towards her staircase. She positioned Lewis and set up the shot on her iPhone. "Ok, so don't touch anything accept the shoot button,"

Daisy was unusually firm with Lewis when it came to taking her photo, but it was yet another thing that he found delightful about her. This was her craft, and she knew what was going to work best for her.

Lewis nodded but he also knew a thing or two about being in front of the camera, and since dating Daisy, a lot about being behind it too. "Now lean on the banister," He directed.

The little black dress Daisy wore shimmered in the chandelier lit room, and her rose gold highlight beamed for all the gods to see. The model wiggled her finger towards Lewis so that she could inspect his images so far.

She tilted her head to the right, and then to left. Her finger quickly skimmed through the photos, zooming in on every other one. Daisy's lips pursed, and suddenly Lewis was nervous. If she didn't like any of the photo's that he'd taken they'd be back to square one, and running even later than they already were.

In a bid to entice her Lewis leaned in. His lips grazing against Daisy's softly perfumed neck. She smelt of amber and rose, the very perfume Lewis had picked out for her in Grasse. It had become a favourite of the models, and she often wore it on nights out.

"You know you look amazing in all of them," Lewis hummed as he titled her focus away from the phone and to his lips that were inches away from hers. "You always look amazing,"

His minted breath felt warm against Daisy's cheeks. His callused hands rubbing along her jawline. Lewis was making a point. Nothing would have Daisy's full attention when he was kissing her.

A gentle moan left Daisy's lips. Her breath was hitched as Lewis' lips trailed down her neck. It was incredible that he could still have this effect over her. Nobody had ever had this lasting effect on Daisy.

"If you want us to be on time, you might want to stop that," Daisy smirked pulling Lewis focus to her face. His smirk matched hers. And both wanted to be even later now.

The thought crossed both of their minds. They were already running late, so what was another 40 minutes. They could be even quicker if they forwent the foreplay, but where was the fun in that?

Daisy was about to pull Lewis up the stairs and back into her bedroom, but she stopped. "I want to...but...," She frustratedly remarked chewing on her lip.

Lewis nodded. He knew exactly what she was thinking. It felt wrong to be thinking that when sex was the other thing on their minds.

"Nico," They pointed out at the same time followed by a burst of laughter.

"Come on Petal, we will finish this later," Lewis promised kissing her forehead. Disappointment laced his words as he could quite happily cancel their evening plans and make new ones that involved the bedroom, chocolate and whipped cream.

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