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Abu Dhabi


Lewis had just fallen asleep when he was woken by pounding knocks at his door. He rolled his eyes as a groan escaped his lips.

He tapped his phone revealing the time – 04:12. Who would be disturbing him at this time?

The knocking continued. "Yeah relax, I'm coming," Lewis bleated as he turned on the soft lighting in the hotel room. He made sure to pick up the light purple linen shirt and put it on to cover his toned torso.

In the door stood Daisy Rosberg, quite clearly inebriated. Tears were streaming down her face as she clutched onto a bottle of Moet and her handbag. She looked towards Lewis, who was bleary eyed.

Considering he had just won a championship. He didn't really look like he was enjoying it, although perhaps that was because he had just been woken up.

"Daisy?" Lewis asked in a perplexed tone and tilting his body against the door frame.

Daisy had been a guest of Lewis as well Mercedes for the whole weekend. She had spent her time in the garage with Hector Bellerin, her boyfriend. However, Lewis hadn't seen the Arsenal player at the celebration. Come to think of it, Lewis hadn't seen him since before qualifying.

The blonde looked up at him. Her blue eyes pearled with tears. "I'm sorry Lewis I thought this was... um," She hiccupped and looking at the door number.

Lewis shook his head as his eyes drew up and down the girl's body.  as she stood in the doorway, Lewis noticed that she was still wearing the Lewis championship T-shirt over the flowy floral wrap dress she had been wearing at the race.

"What the hell is going on Daisy? It's 4 o'clock in the morning!" Lewis remarked, rubbing his eyes. "Are you drunk?" he asked but he already knew the answer.

Daisy couldn't really say anything, the only noise leaving her mouth was silent sobs. Clearly, she was not okay but it had been years since Lewis had run to her rescue. That job was Hector's.

Lewis's brow softened. "Do you want to come in?" He asked as his gaze drew up and down Daisy's frame. This was not the first time Lewis had seen the blonde wearing one of his championship winning shirts, but this was different.

Daisy nodded and she followed Lewis into his room. Despite hours of celebrating Daisy saw that Lewis's stuff was already perfectly packed and lined up against desk, even the clothes he had been wearing at the party were neatly hung on the back of the chair.

"Here," Lewis said as he passed Daisy a glass of water. "Drink this,"

The Champ walked over to the sofa and sat down beckoning the blonde to come and sit next to him. Daisy hesitated, although that was more to do with the alcohol swimming in her blood and less to do with it being Lewis Hamilton.

Lewis tucked a leg underneath his body and rested an arm on the back of the sofa as Daisy sat on the edge of sofa. He was exhausted but there was a sadness in Daisy's eye that the Champ recognized all too well.

"Now, will you tell me what's going on? It's just your Daisy Rosberg and you're in my hotel room...I'm not sure how happy your brother would be if he knew," Lewis mentioned.

This was the first time that Lewis had ever seen Daisy drunk. It was also the first time that Daisy didn't seem quite so innocent. She had always been Nico's little sister, a little dot that would follow them around and beg to be included in every single one of their games.

Yet here she sat - blonde curls sitting at her shoulders, what was left of red lipstick, and blue eyes that only seem to beg for Lewis. Daisy finally sat back on the sofa and crossed her legs. She rested her chin on the back of sofa inches aways from the Champs fingers that gently tapped on the fabric.

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