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Easter weekend had somehow gone off without a hitch, Nico and Lewis had remained cordial, Daisy's parents hadn't questioned her career choices, and even brother and sister could laugh.

"Lewis, can I talk to you for a second?" Nico asked after knocking on Daisy's bedroom door. "Are you decent?" as he poked his head around his sister's room.

The German man was relieved to see that Lewis was not cuddled up in the plush bed with his little sister and instead was doing push-ups on the floor. For a second, Nico didn't know if Lewis had even seen him, but then the Brit removed his headphones and turned his head.

"What's up, Nico?" Lewis inquired as he wiped the sweat from his brow. "If you're looking for Dais, I have no idea where she is," He laughed and stood up.

Nico wasn't surprised; for someone who always claimed to hate mornings, Daisy loved nothing more than to take one of the horses out for a ride around the estate in the morning mists.

As Lewis sat down on the edge of the bed, Nico came further into the room and rested his backside against the dressing table. He couldn't help but gaze around his sister's teenage room that the blonde had abruptly left in 2015.

In some ways, the room hadn't changed. The walls were still covered in lilac paint, soft-toned furnishings, and the massive kingsized bed filled with plush cushions. Daisy's posters were still hung on the wall - One Direction, Nick Jonas and Lewis Hamilton.

Polaroid pictures from her school days were looped through the ribbon and cascaded down walls, and then there was her favourite stuffed animal. A crocheted Elephant holding a bouquet of daisies. The left ear was chewed out from years of Daisy nervously sucking on it when she was trackside.

A small chuckle left Nico's lips as he picked up the toy. "I got this for her when she was three," He told the Brit, who nodded. "Daisy took it everywhere," His tone was nostalgic, as if he couldn't quite believe his sister had kept it.

And then there were all the ways the room had changed. It felt unlived in; a powdery scent was hanging in the Swiss room that overlooked the gardens with a massive bay window. It wasn't a Daisy scent. Daisy had always been sweet smelling, with a hint of floral.

Everything was neatly tidied away, in the correct places, which was a far cry from how Daisy kept her rooms growing up. Nico recalled many times his pintsized sister would have standoffs in the kitchen over the state of her rooms, but Daisy liked messy. Messy was fun, chaotic and livable.

Four suitcases, two packed and two still sprawled out on the wooden floor. Mixtures of Lewis's clothes and Daisy's were still waiting to be filled, and then one item caught the blonde driver's eye.

Nico crouched down and pulled out a photo frame. His breath hitched in his throat, and he turned to look at Lewis. "Are you taking this?" He accused as a brow arched.

Lewis scoffed and cocked his head. "Are you dumb?" The Brit retorted as he pointed at the photo. "Why would I want a picture of you and your sister sitting on a bale of hay?"

Nico hummed. "Good point; sorry, Lewis." He chewed.

"Daisy told me about this picture last night," Lewis informed Nico. "She said it was her favourite memory of you two,"

That made Nico laugh. The trip to a Bavarian farm was her favourite moment? Out of all the great travels they had shared, the yachts in the South Pacific, safaris in Kenya and dinners with Royal dignitaries? The moment Daisy treasured was a three-day excursion to a farm?

"Over meeting One Direction? I'm shocked," Nico faintly gasped.

Lewis confirmed that meeting the boyband was probably a close second but that Daisy had enjoyed the trip for many reasons. "Dais said it was the last trip you all took as a family before you got serious in karting,"

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