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"You better be joking right now, Hector?" Daisy fumed down the phone as she stormed around the Rosberg house. "So that's it? You're not coming?"

A loud, angry sigh left the blonde lips as she jumped down on the sofa opposite a scared-looking Nico. He knew that something horrendous was about to happen when his sister raised her voice and had that narrowed glare. Usually, it was reserved for him, so today, Nico was thankful that it was someone else on the receiving line.

Nico wasn't sure what to do when his little sister was in these moods. One wrong move and she would bite his head off. However, he also hated seeing Daisy in such visible distress.

He looked over to his sister, who was pinching her nose and biting her lip.

"Are you ok, Dais?" Nico asked, shuffling towards his sister. "Did something happen with Hector?"

Daisy had been dating Arsenal footballer Hector Bellerin for seven months. Last Christmas, the blonde met the Spanish fullback at an event in London and hit it off straight away.

Nico had only met Hector a handful of times, including the most recent Monaco Grand Prix, and he seemed like a decent guy. He was also able to put up with his sister, so in Nico's eyes, Hector Bellerin was a saint.

Daisy rolled her eyes to look at Nico. For once, her brother genuinely seemed interested in what was going on with her. Usually, he would ask out of pity rather than actually wanting to help her. However, today, Daisy could see what she called 'The Nico Sparkle' in his eyes. She hadn't seen it in a long time.

"He got called up to Spain's Under 21's team," Daisy remarked with an etched tone. She let out another dramatically loud sigh and sunk into the sofa.

Nico was confused; surely, being called up to represent your national team was great, and his sister should be proud of him.

"So it means it can't take me to prom tonight," She added when she saw the glazed look on Nico's face. "So now I'm going to have to go solo, which is so embarrassing." Daisy wept.

Now it made sense to Nico, although he wasn't sure why she would be so bothered about going to prom alone. Daisy loved doing things on her own; in fact, she prided herself on being Little Miss Independent, even begging to attend the illustrious French boarding school.

"I'm sure you'll still have fun with your friends?" Nico suggested as he got up from the sofa to go and sit next to his sister.

Nico pulled Daisy up and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. This might be the first time in forever that he had given his sister a hug. Their relationship in the past few years had been fractured by familial dramas and Nico's racing career. Not to mention the moment that Daisy had told her parents that she no longer wanted to go to Law school but wanted to be a model instead.

It felt strange when Daisy leant her head against her brother's shoulder. Both of them quickly shuddered, and Daisy thought about sitting back up, but Nico pulled her back. This was a moment Nico wanted to savour, not his sister being sad but Daisy needing him.

Nico couldn't remember the last time Daisy truly needed him, but he probably wouldn't have been there. Not in the way that she would have wanted.

"Yeah, probably, but...like...I just wanted that one perfect evening," Daisy hiccuped and unlocked her phone to show a photo to her brother. "It's not fair, and I can't even be angry at Hector because I know how much this call-up means." She pouted.

One thing that Nico had always loved about Daisy was her compassion and understanding. She could want to throw you off the side of a building, but she would always empathise with you. Daisy hated seeing people upset, especially her brother, and would always be the first to comfort him should he be. So many had always told their parents how lucky they were to have such loving children. Oh, how times would change.

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