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"So, you and Nico are besties again?" Adriana quizzed as she applied the finishing touches of blush to Daisy. "Three months ago, you wouldn't have even guessed you had brother, and now he's featured in five of your six most recent Instagram pics?"

Daisy chuckled at her best friend's attempt at securing the gossip. Usually, Addy would have been the first one to know anything dramatic to happen in the models life, but since reconnecting with her brother things had changed.

Nico had gone from being blacklisted on her phone to being one of her most frequently contacted in WhatsApp.

"Oh, and you have all this spare time since Lewis set you up with Pierre?" Daisy winked. She noticed the MUA coyly smile. "Don't think I hadn't noticed all that smiling on your phone...or actually just how happy you've been!"

As promised, Lewis had introduced Adriana to Pierre just after the Tommy Hilfiger event in Monaco, and whilst initially there had been some scheduling conflicts the two of them had found time to rendezvous in Paris.

The dates had been lowkey and completely under wraps. Adriana knew all to well how the gossip magazines clawed at any girl remotely close to one of the drivers, and Pierre was a favourite. Nevertheless, it hadn't stopped the Frenchie and the Dutchie from getting to know each other, and besides, the secrecy was part of the fun.

"It's early days, but he's got an aura about him..." The brunette tranced. Adriana was smitten, and Pierre understood her hectic schedule, so the hard part of dating her was already out in the open.

Daisy raised a brow. "We should arrange a dinner. All of six of us?" She suggested standing up from the chair and walking towards the jewellery that had been laid out for her.

"Six?" Adriana remarked motioning for the stylists to come back to assist the model.

Daisy turned and nodded. "Yes. Me, Lewis, You, Pierre, Nico and Vivi?" She said counting on her fingers.

In all the years of knowing Daisy, both professionally and personally, Adriana could count on one hand how many times she had met Nico. On two hands she could probably count how many times Daisy had mentioned him.

However, Adriana was also happy for her friend. It had been a long time coming for a Rosberg reunion, and despite Nico temporarily replacing her as Daisy's confidante, Adriana also knew that Daisy had craved his attention for years.

"That sounds great to me?" She smiled.

Daisy announced that she would message Nico and Lewis to set it up for the coming weekend and to let Pierre know the plans. It was nice seeing her so excited about seeing her brother, and Adriana knew that Pierre was craving more time with Lewis. It was a win-win.

Within minutes Pierre had messaged the makeup artist confirming that they would be dining at Claridges, and instead of dinner, Lewis had suggested afternoon tea as it was Daisy's favourite and her birthday just happened to be coming up.

Adriana knew that when afternoon tea was involved with Daisy and Lewis, usually something important was going to happen. The last time they shared tea and scones Lewis had asked Daisy to move in with him.

"So has Nico actually changed?" Adriana laughed with smirking brow. "Or has his re-established bromance with Lewis mellowed him?"

Daisy pondered for a moment; her face pinched together as she thought about what Addy has just said. A few months ago Toto had sat the blonde down and discussed the intricate relationship of her brother and Lewis, and how this time around things had changed.

Toto was adamant that it was Daisy, her calming affect on both Lewis and Nico had meant bar one on track event, both drivers had remained levelheaded. It was almost as they had been replaced by their thirteen-year-old selves.

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