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Nico had never really known who his sister actually was. He couldn't tell you her favourite colour, season or even what she had wanted to be when she grew up; one thing Nico knew for sure, however, was that Daisy would pick Lewis every day of the week.

It had never really bothered the 2016 World Champion until Nico realised just how much he needed his sister on his team, on his side. And by then, it was too late.

"I hate her," Nico fumed as he slammed down his tumbler of whiskey onto the marble bar. "She knows I need her, and she is off fucking my teammate." Nico closed his eyes and pinched his nose.

"Bro, don't say that," Max remarked as he rested a hand on the German's shoulder. "You don't mean it."

Except at that moment in time, Nico really did mean it. Of course, he still loved his sister, but right now, the Mercedes driver was so drunk that his mind was trailing out of control. It had always been a battle between him and Lewis, and Nico thought Daisy would pick her blood when it came down to it. It was a nice thought.

"Why did you have to take your eye off of the ball," Nico pitted and took his glare to the Dutchman just trying to get through the night. "You could have been with her right now," He pointed out.

It had been no secret that Max had long admired Baby Rosberg, and they had gone to the FIA Gala together. Something so enchanting about the blonde seemed to drive people crazy. Daisy was crazy, but she was down-to-earth and sweet. Not to mention drop-dead gorgeous.

Max knew that Nico was drunk, but how he ended up playing babysitter to the man thirteen years his senior was a blur. After the catastrophic evening in Dubai, Max felt he owed it to Mercedes's second driver to be his drinking buddy. Plus, they had at least one thing in common, Daisy had picked Lewis over both of them.

"Daisy's heart belongs to Lewis, Nico; I never stood a chance." Max pointed out with a puffed chest. "Lewis is her sun, moon, and freaking galaxy."

Nico hummed and crossed his arms over his chest before asking the bartender to refill the glasses in front of the drivers. He just wanted to forget the whole weekend. Mainly, Nico wanted to forget seeing how Lewis looked at his little sister.

"I just don't understand; everyone can see he is playing her," Nico remarked, rolling his eyes.

This time, he wasn't sure he believed his own words. Nico had seen Lewis in love once. Nicole Scherzinger. He was young, but this love was mind-blowing, and when he saw how the Brit had looked at his little sister on Saturday, Lewis had the same endearing sparkle in his eye as he had back with Nicole.

Max shrugged his shoulders. He thought Lewis was playing Daisy too, but he also knew that Daisy was stubborn in her loyalty to the 8-time world champion. It was awful.

"If it makes you feel any better, I told her I was crazy about her, but she still picked Lewis," Max said, swirling the tawny whiskey around in the glass. "I don't doubt Lewis will hurt her, but I think you have to let it go. She is with him."

Nico huffed. That was exactly what his dad had said, but that wasn't surprising; Keke had always seen Lewis as a second son. When they were growing up and friends, Nico loved it. He adored that his dad would happily fly his best friend out to all of their family vacations, but now, Nico hated it.

"How can I let it go? She's my little sister?" Nico vented, his voice getting louder and louder. "And it's Lewis Hamilton; how can she be so stupid to think that he really likes her."

The Dutchman was at a loss. He sympathised with Nico, he really did, but there was nothing he could do to ease the situation. Max had already fucked things up with Daisy when he stupidly invited Nico to their drinks evening, and in hindsight, it just pushed her closer to Lewis.

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