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"Are you coming back to bed, or?" Lewis asked, bleary-eyed, standing in the doorway of his living room.

Daisy was busy typing away on her laptop, too deep in thought to take her eyes off it. Her brows were furrowed, and she was biting her lip. Whatever she was typing was tough, as a half-naked Lewis Hamilton was usually all that was needed to distract her.

"Dais, Petal, are you ok?" Lewis pondered rubbing his eyes and sitting next to her on the sofa.

His eyes dropped to the word document full of broken promises, dark revelations and sweet suggestions. A small laugh then left the Champ's lips. Finally, the blonde looked at Lewis with tear-stained eyes. Daisy's lower lip quivered as Lewis held a hand over hers.

Daisy rested on Lewis's shoulder, allowing the Champ to read the words she had spilt over the last few hours. "Are you going to send this to him?" He tenderly remarked as his fingers trailed up and down Daisy's silk pyjama-covered shoulder.

'There is nothing more in this world that I want than to be able to see you as the person you were before 2016.

I miss who we were, Nico and Daisy, The Rosberg's, the blonde dynamites. The siblings who were going to create an empire, but you can't build an empire on broken promises.

I hate that I have to keep your secrets when they are killing me inside. That's what I hate the most about you; you won't let me be free. Perhaps that is my punishment, my eternal damnation for going against the name. For going with my heart.

You said I was important to you, but you still make me feel I'm not worth your time. You only needed me when you wanted me to do your dirty work.

So, where do we go from here? How can we fix something that perhaps was never complete, to begin with? You were my brother, Nico.

I guess actions always prove why words mean nothing'

Lewis felt the girl shrug against him.

"Du'know, maybe..." Daisy sniffed a tear falling onto the keyboard. "He'd probably never read it anyway; I think he hates me."

Lewis shook his head. How anyone could hate Daisy was beyond him. Sure, he saw the blonde from a different light, but he had watched her grow up. Lewis had been a part of her life for as long as they could remember.

Daisy swallowed. "I wonder maybe things have gone too far now, and I don't want any awkwardness at Easter lunch." She said with a hiccup before throwing a hand to her head. "Fuck, I was meant to ask you if you wanted to come? My dad invited you,"

Lewis laughed, causing the blonde resting on his shoulder to turn her gaze to him. "What?" Daisy gasped as Lewis' eyes held onto her. His intense mahogany brown eyes were fixated on her.

"Your brother mentioned it to me a few weeks ago; I just played along and pretended you'd already invited me," Lewis told her tenderly and rubbed his thumb across the blonde cheek, wiping tears away.

Of course Lewis had. Of course this man was already one step ahead of Daisy. It was the story of their relationship, Lewis held the cards and he could decide how to play them. She was grateful on this occasion for his games.

Daisy smiled and exhaled deeply; however, Lewis knew that that was not the only thing troubling her. He knew her better, or at least he liked to think he did. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" Lewis purred, pressing a long kiss to her forehead.

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