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The last few weeks had been a whirlwind. From London to Shanghai, followed by New York and Los Angeles, but finally, Daisy was reunited with Lewis, and she couldn't be happier. Even if they were on their way to her parent's Swiss vacation home for Easter.

Lewis kept his arm around the girl's shoulder as she began to stir from her slumber on his shoulder. He was happy that she was getting some well-deserved rest, and besides, Lewis couldn't get enough of Daisy. The last few races had been mediocre at best, with Nico even taking his first win of the season, Max also registered 1st place, but thankfully Lewis was still topping the championship.

"How long was I asleep for?" Daisy groggily asked, and Lewis swept a strand of hair from her face.

The Brit smiled, "About an hour, I was going to wake you, but you just kept cuddling me!" Lewis gently exclaimed, although truthfully, he hadn't even tried to wake Daisy. He knew she was tired, and Lewis enjoyed looking after Daisy. He always had.

Daisy chuckled groggily before sitting up and locating her handbag. She pulled out a small compact mirror, some translucent powder and pressed it softly against her cheeks and t-zone. It is evident that the model was nervous, and Lewis knew why.

"You know you don't need to worry; your parents always liked me," Lewis insisted, although Daisy detected a slightly worried tone. He was right; they had always liked him, but now he was dating their daughter, and the memories of 2016 weren't all that far away.

"I know, it's not them I'm concerned about," Daisy remarked as she blended a muted brown through the crease of her eyes. She turned to Lewis, "I just want to eat good food, hang out with my nieces and spend time with you,"

Lewis hated that Daisy wasn't very close with her parents, but how could she be when they had sacrificed everything for Nico to succeed. He'd already had a leg up in the F1 world, one that Lewis could only have dreamed of being so fortunate to have had, but Keke and Sina had unknowingly sacrificed all their free time to the Nico Rosberg race campaign. There wasn't much left for the blonde dot who followed her brother around.

It didn't matter how successful Daisy had become or how many covers of Vogue she had appeared on, which was seven, it never compared to the one driver champion title that Nico had received. Most of the time, it didn't bother Daisy; her parents just didn't understand fashion but just once, only once, would she like to receive a well done.

Lewis, however, championed every occasion in baby Rosberg's career, no matter what terms he was on with Daisy. Even when he was dating Nicole, Lewis had kept tabs on the runway shows, magazine covers and endorsements that Daisy had achieved. He still, to this day, had held her first Vogue USA cover framed in his office in Colorado.

"So remind me, your nieces are how old?" Lewis asked, rubbing a hand along Daisy's thigh to distract her away from the spiral of the Rosberg pressure. "I bet they are excited to see their supermodel Auntie," He smiled.

Daisy squinted. "Hollie is nine, and Delilah is six....I think," She answered, not totally sure of the accuracy. "And I hope so, I haven't seen them since Christmas, and even then, I spent more time with you,"

The one good thing Nico had done in recent years was how he had brought up his daughters. He had married his high school sweetheart, who Daisy adored, and together they had two incredibly down-to-earth, sweet, intelligent daughters. It also helped that Delilah was obsessed with fashion, just like her aunt.

Lewis smirked, "The first year I spend Christmas in Monaco, and I run into you, it seems like fate," He reminisced.

The Champion thought back to running into Daisy at a tiny, exclusive, off-of-the-beaten-track back bar in the Principality on Christmas Eve. "You wear sparkles better than anyone else I know,"

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