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"When will you tell me what happened in Dubai between you and Nico?" Lewis asked. He sat down opposite the blonde girl. "And Max?" He added.

Daisy shook her head as her eyes darted down to her phone, which had been buzzing nonstop with phone calls and messages from the Red Bull driver.

Max had apologised for bringing Nico to their evening. Even though Daisy forgave him, she didn't like the position she had been put in. Primarily as Daisy had explained to Max how she felt.

"Dais, you can tell me anything," Lewis encouraged and placed a hand over hers. "I'm always on your side; I always have been."

The only good thing to come from what was supposed to be an idyllic break in Dubai was spending the whole day at the beach with Lewis.

They had discussed their argument in the hotel room after waking up together, and things had been put to bed.

"There's nothing to say. Nico is an asshole and always has been," Daisy chuckled, rolling her eyes, "And Max, well, he meant no harm."

Lewis nodded as he listened to Daisy re-hash the conversation with her brother. He still felt awful that he had not been there to defend her, but it was those feelings that made Lewis come to a realisation. There was nothing he wouldn't do for Daisy Rosberg.

"Plus, I'm Team Lewis Hamilton..." She smiled.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Daisy sceptically asked as she looked over to Lewis, who was resting his chin on the palm of his hand. "Is something wrong?" She panicked.

Lewis's eyes were sparkling. There was a stillness to his body, but his mahogany eyes were shooting flares in the blonde direction. The champ smiled and ran his tongue across his lip before gently biting down.

Slowly he shook his head. "Nothing wrong, just you look different today." He replied with a tantalising smirk.

Daisy had no idea what Lewis was going on about. She didn't think she looked any different. There was nothing new that the model had done.

"Maybe it's just that you're wearing my favourite jumper." Lewis pointed out, but that wasn't it. The driver couldn't put his finger on what had changed, but something definitely had. "It suits you, by the way," He laughed, taking a sip of the coffee on the hospitality table.

Daisy looked down at the purple jumper she had found lying in Lewis's driver's room. She hadn't expected the a/c to be so cold in the garage today, and given that Daisy had dressed for Australia, a jacket wasn't in her outfit.

"Good, because I plan on keeping it." She winked. "Plus, it smells like me, so I don't think you'd want it back now." Daisy pointed out. However, that was a lie; it smelt like Lewis, which was why Daisy wasn't giving it back.

Lewis raised a brow and sat next to the blonde who had clutched onto the jumper. He watched her bring it to her nose to inhale the scent, and now he wanted to smell it. Lewis loved the perfume she had worn today. It was the same one Daisy had worn in Abu Dhabi in 2017. A night that Lewis couldn't get out of his head.

Daisy watched Lewis sit down. He swung his legs on either side of the bench, shuffled closer to her and pulled at the Versace jumper that he was never getting better.

"It smells like us," He remarked, almost shocked at the words coming out of his mouth. "Now I think I want it back," Lewis toyed, resting his chin on Daisy's shoulder.

The blonde could feel the champs coffee scented breath prickling at her cheek. Daisy couldn't remember the last time he had been this close to her. As Lewis continued to talk about the jumper and how good it looked on her, Daisy held her eyes shut, taking in every hitch of breath that pulsed against her.

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