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"You're incredible, you know that?" Nico gasped as his little sister exited the runway.

Daisy's brow beaded with sweat, but her lips were curled into a smile. A smile that Nico had never seen, a proud smile, an accomplished smile.

It was a sweet moment between brother and sister as Daisy made her way from the runway to the dressing room. She had allowed Nico to be backstage at the Alexander McQueen show. It wasn't usually allowed but Daisy had been a personal friend of Sarah Burton for many years, and as the designer's favourite muse, Nico had been allowed backstage access.

"It's always cool watching a show from the wings," Daisy laughed as she sat down in her hair and makeup chair. "But it was an honour to be able to close Sarah's last show for McQueen," Daisy mentioned as an assistant came to unpin the models hair.

After a whirlwind British Grand Prix, where Lewis Hamilton had stood on the top step for a record time, Nico P2, and Charles Leclerc P3 – it had flown into fashion week. Daisy had closed for seven couture brands, two casual brand and one student show. It had been obvious for a while that Daisy was the in-demand model, a muse to many and the highest paid model to grace the runway.

However, despite all the rumours, and publications, Daisy was just excited that her brother was finally going to see what she did best. It had been a long time coming, but Nico was grateful, and somewhat regretful, to finally be seeing his sister do what she did best.

"I wish you'd have brought me to a show sooner?" Nico remarked as Daisy was escorted behind curtains to change into the glittered black dress she was allowed to keep. "I would have been able to make a case to mum and dad?"

Daisy nodded to herself. Bringing Nico to a show was never about proving herself to their parents. She already knew that they didn't agree with her lifestyle, although they'd never cared enough to have an input.

Nico had been feeling guilty ever since the Monaco drinks. He had never truly seen just how neglected his little sister had been, and sure, Daisy had never really blamed him for that, she knew that his karting and legacy was on the line. However, now, in the present, after winning the World Championship, Nico began to wonder whether it was all worth it.

"Shall we go?" Daisy asked as she reappeared. She looked amazing, but she always did. Her hair was now tousled in waves laying on her shoulders, her nude lip now red, and she wore a new season McQueen glittery black dress that was certain to get the paps attentions.

Nico nodded. "Lewis is waiting for us in a car," He told his sister.

A smile smacked across the blondes face. It was great having Nico in the wings, but even better having Lewis in the front row. He had been the one person who had kept an active interest in her career even when he shouldn't have. Lewis had been her person for a lot longer than either of them had realised.

Before they left the warehouse, Nico pulled Daisy aside.

There was a heartful look in his eyes. A look Daisy had never really seen, or at least not in Nico's eyes.

"I am really sorry I've never seen you," Nico heartfeltly remarked as he held his hand on his sisters shoulder. "The worst part is that I don't even know when it happened," He solemnly said.

Daisy knew exactly what he meant. There was a moment in their lives when they went on different paths, well, where Daisy separated from the Rosberg name. It was a moment that neither could recall.

Nico knew that it would have been when he was on the bid for the greatest prizes of all, the one that both of his parents had held out. However, it was a prize that didn't account for their second child, the one that was destined to be forgotten.

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