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"Fuck, why are you here? You shouldn't have stayed over," Lewis groaned as he rolled over to face the blonde girl lying in his hotel room bed. "I had a great night, but we agreed that 'us' was for show only." He pointed out. "This is why I get you your own room."

Last night was a big night, it was the early hours before Lewis had even joined Daisy and a few of her model friends in Dubai. Champagne had flowed from the moment he stepped foot into the bar, and Daisy had started way before him.

Their bodies were drawn to each other as they floated around the dance floor. Sweat sticking their limbs together, music pulsating through their core, celebrating another incredible Lewis Hamilton victory. It was a fun night, or at least Daisy had thought so until she saw the feared look in Lewis's tired coffee-toned eyes.

Daisy couldn't help but let out a scoff. It wasn't like they had done anything more than a few stolen kisses in the bar. As the Arabian sun climbed through the sky, the duo ran from the bar back to their hotel.

Once they had gotten back to Lewis's hotel room, shoes were off, clothes were chucked on the floor leaving the blonde and the champ in their underwear. As soon as they had gotten under the covers they were both out like a light.

"Yeah, my bad." Daisy bit back and rolled her eyes. The displeased tone in her voice was incredibly obvious as she rubbed her temples. "I'd hate to ruin the show." There was the scoff again.

The blonde shuffled herself out of the bed and sat on the edge for a moment whilst the collected her thoughts and looked at the mass of messages on her phone. 'Interesting', Daisy thought as she saw one particular message that interested her.

Lewis immediately reached out and placed a hand on the girl's shoulder. He realised how his words had sounded and the likely effect they would have on Daisy. However, she was having none of it, and Daisy pulled her shoulder away and stood up.

"Come on Dais, I didn't mean it like that," Lewis pleaded and bounded up from the bed to follow her around the room. The last thing he wanted to do was upset Daisy. Nevertheless, the damage was already done, and one thing he had learnt from the Rosberg's is once they have been upset you can either expect revenge or the silent treatment.

The driver winced in pain with every step he took. From the beating, his body took in the g-forces to the insane amount of alcohol consumed last night, Lewis was feeling significantly worse for wear, that was for sure.

Lewis sat down on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands as Daisy threw on the silver mini dress she had been wearing. She also picked up her heels but kept them in her hands before turning around to face the driver.

"Please, babe, really, I didn't mean it." Lewis exhaled.

Now, this was a face Lewis hadn't seen in a while. Daisy's brows were furrowed, and her face pinched inwards. Narrowing eyes only put Lewis further on edge. She was minutely shaking her head before taking a deep breath and holding it for a moment.

The last time Lewis had seen this reaction on the younger Rosberg's face was at the Spanish 2016 Grand Prix. Nico had collided with him going into turn four, which was what many considered to be the catalyst to the season. This was also the last time Daisy had watched a race from Nico's side of the garage.

All Lewis remembered was the look on Daisy's face after her conversation with her brother following the crash. Daisy was not just annoyed and frustrated, but she was conflicted. However, Lewis was not sure what was causing the blonde to be conflicted today.

With piercing blue eyes, Daisy locked onto Lewis.

"It's fine; I have other plans." Daisy scraped with a digging smirk before innocently walking to Lewis and standing in front of him.

Lewis let out a frustrated breath. That did not go how he thought it would. There was no lecture or lengthy conversation; Daisy took it well. Perhaps too well.

Daisy leaned her body down to Lewis's level and grazed his cheek with her lips. A smile was beginning to form on the driver's face. However, just as quickly as Daisy leaned in, she bolted upright.

"What are you doing?" Lewis remarked, confused by what had just happened. They always left one another with a kiss on the cheek whenever they left. They had done it for years.

Daisy smirked, "Kisses are for the show."

With that, the blonde left Lewis Hamilton speechless. Something that was not achieved often. However, it was incredibly pleasing.

As Daisy walked to her room, she unlocked her phone and replied to Max's message.

'I'd love to get dinner, it's a date. x'


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'catching up with blondie is always chaotic'

tagged: daisyrosberg



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Dais, I'm sorry
My words came out wrong
Can we talk?


let me take you for dinner?


You have (6) missed calls
from this number

Lewis, it's fine
Us sharing a bed was not
part of the plan
We only need to put on the act
when we are at races or in public
Understood now.

I have plans tonight.
Let's catch up back
in London, or whatever.
Probably see you at the next race?

please can we just talk about this?
I really didn't mean to upset you
It's just
You know?

it's just what Lewis?

never mind.
Enjoy your night petal x


Daisy your plans are with Max?!
read 00:45


will the plan last to the end of the season?

something tells me one of them is playing with FIRE

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