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Rooster's POV
"What do we want to do tonight?" Phoenix says "we gotta go to the briefing then we can go or do whatever wherever." I say "but what do we wanna do after that though?" She shrugs saying " I don't fucking know. The bar? Just like every night?" I say "I think we're getting predictable." She says "being predictable is easy." "I say "being predictable is boring" and we walk to the briefing. We've been at Top Gun for a little over a week now. The best of the best navy pilots were chosen for a top secret mission. Were being prepared and taught through Top Gun just like my dad. It freaks me out to be here because my dad passed on a mission assigned by this program. I feel like its kind of in the cards for me to die on the mission given to us. I try not to think about because they probably won't send me anyway. They only take six of us and twelve are at this training. While I'm here I'm going to do my best and have a good time I guess. We walk into the briefing and the Commander, we don't see him very often, says "you will have a new teacher tomorrow. He was a Top Gun student, graduated second in his class, and no, I didn't pick him. The only guy above me, fucking iceman, did" trailing off at the end then walking out. I stare subtly at Hangman as he walks out of the briefing. Then we all follow, majority going to the bar. I say "I'll be there in a while" to Phoenix and they all leave. I go to the showers, get out of uniform just thinking about this stupid blonde that I've developed a bit of a crush on after being here for a little over a week. He's so dumb and full of himself but I can't help but to like him. I hate my feelings. Its even worse when I have to room with him. We don't talk that much but when we do its petty arguments. I sigh and I just yell. I say "oh my god, I hate everything!" I clean up and I say "real clothes! Woo!" I'm so tired. Today's training was rough, it was just a train wreck. Rough day for us all. I go to the bar and the first person I see is Pete Mitchell. I roll my eyes and I stand next to him saying "you buying a round?" He nods mumbling "yeah, unfortunately." I say "I still don't like you but I'm nice and I'm social." The woman at the bar I barely recognize says "what can I get you?" I say "if he's paying, I'll take two. Whatever you want to give me" and she gives me two beers saying "I think his cards gonna decline." I say "my dreams would come true just them." Pete rolls his eyes saying "hows Top Gun?" I say "its good" smiling and I walk away saying "bye, old man" then I go see my friends. I hand the second beer to Phoenix and she says "this isn't an advance on me, right?" I say "absolutely not. No offense" and she takes it saying "thank you then" smiling. I say "cheers." We all talk and play pool and still do introductions cause we all haven't really met yet even though we've been around each other all week. It's like adult summer camp, halfway through you don't always know everyones names. Hangman says "wait, so your call sign is literally Bob?" We all chuckle, sipping our drinks, and I say "let him live his life, look at his face. He could do anything he wanted and we'd just have to forgive him." Once I feel like I can't contribute to the conversation I just wander to the piano, feeling almost drawn to it. I just need my dad right now. So, I do what he used to do. I finish my beer, putting the bottle on the bar, and I sit down at the piano. I just noodle, playing something soft and smooth, and Pete walks by saying "have a good night, kid." I sadly say "goodnight, Mav" and he says "you play that damn piano and don't be sad about it. Have a good time. It's what your dad would've wanted. Have fun in his memory, no crying" quietly. I say "I know, just can't help it sometimes" and he says "I understand, have fun with your friends" winking at me and walking out. Petes always been my backseat driver in a way. He did some things to me that I can't forgive him for but he's always there when I've needed him, he's the dad I don't have anymore. I just keep playing as I think. Pete has always been there for me even when I didn't need him or want him there whatsoever. He just knows whats to do even though he's generally clueless about himself. As soon as I come back to the world, people are standing around watching me play. I mumble "lets change it up, shall we?" I start playing Great Balls Of Fire. I've played this song so many times I don't even have to look anymore. I look between my friends and the rest of the room and a certain blonde guy walks over and leans on the piano, almost right in front of me. I find myself just singing at him, making him chuckle and smirk. That smirk never leaves that mans face. He twirls that toothpick around in his mouth just watching me play and on the last verse I make full eye contact over my aviators at each line that I wanted directed at him. Call it flirting, me having fun, or for real. Its all of those, I'm not gonna lie to myself. "You make me nervous but it sure is fun." He actually smiles at me and I sing at everyone around me but I keep going back to him. He never really smiles.

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