Rooster's POV
Jake goes over to Pete to annoy him and ruin his moment with Penny probably. I chuckle and Iceman says "so, who's the big man in Top Gun this year?" I say "as in full of themselves or the best?" He says "you're a prodigy, you're the best. Who has the big head?" I say "see the blonde that is annoying the shit out of Maverick?" He nods and I say "him. He is almost a carbon copy of you, I'm about to swab his cheek to see if you're long lost father and son or something." We chuckle and Iceman says "is he nice though?" I say "sometimes" and Jake comes over saying "I think I just cockblocked our teacher" and I laugh saying "shut up" and he says "I might've. I meant to annoy him to make you laugh but I think I ruined something." I say "you'll know tomorrow" and Iceman says "that is the smoothest man I know, you aren't gonna screw anything up for him. At least you couldn't when he was your age, I don't know about now though. The face just isn't the same anymore." I chuckle saying "you all were hotties back then, don't even talk." He says "but I never landed girls like he did" and I chuckle and I say "you are a celebrity with all of the Top Gun people, you might want to go talk to them. Tell them don't be a dick maybe or they'll end up like you." Iceman says "now, that was a good one." Jake says "yeah, good one" chuckling and Iceman says "stop making heart eyes at your girl, I'm here to get a drink and talk to my platonic nephew and me from forty years ago that went to the future aka today." Penny comes over saying "Tom, you are an angry old man, slow down." Iceman says "babe, all I know is fast" and she says "oh stop it" rolling her eyes and giving us all drinks. He says "let me buy a round for all the current Top Gun students, put it on my card." He hands her the card saying "secret is, don't come in on Friday to buy a round, you'll drink so you pass out for two days. Therefore, your card will decline but I can buy a round and not spend a few hundred on a Wednesday." I laugh saying "good plan, thats good" chuckling and Penny gives us all drinks and Jake says "to me, cheers" and I roll my eyes saying "I am not toasting to you." Iceman says "he really does remind me of me. Wow" and I say "thats what I said!" Jake says "I'll gladly take being you in forty years" and Iceman says "cheers. Stay young while you can" and we sip our drinks. Iceman downs it saying "you me pool" pointing at Jake. He says "whats the bet, old man?" I say "he's good, be careful" and Iceman says "I'm better. This pool table is me like that piano is you. I'm an old man, I can't bet push ups anymore. You lose, you kiss your rival." Jake thinks saying "wait? What?!" Iceman says "you heard me." I say "uh that means you have to kiss Maverick" and he says "you only live once, Bradshaw. Live a little" squeezing my shoulder and they play. They're both pretty good at pool and Phoenix says "well, that means you are kissing him, Rooster." Pete comes over saying "what are you guys talking about?" I say "were getting kissed" and he says "he made the worst bet in the book, Ice, why?!" He says "live a little, Maverick. You aren't getting kissed, I'm gonna win." Pete says "I hate this. This is weird. Help me please" and I say "coward" crossing my arms and Phoenix says "y'all did shower together earlier" pointing at the both of us and I laugh saying "shut up." Jake winks at me then takes his turn then I say "I was really desperate. I needed a shower. Felt like I was dying." Iceman says "one, tow, three. I win" shrugging and squeezes my shoulder. Jake says "can I back out and do an alternative?" Pete and Iceman look at each other and I say "ok, ouch" rolling my eyes. Pete says "Penny! We need a closet!" We go over to the bar and Iceman says "you have to do seven minutes in heaven then" and I say "what are we? Thirteen?" Iceman says "well, you act like it" and I say "you are one to talk" and Penny points at a closet, handing Pete the key. We look and its a broom closet and I say "you better not step on me" us going in and he says "no promises, don't step on me." They're all giggling and Pete locks us in saying "seven minutes starts now." Jake leans in, me taking his toothpick, him kissing me slowly, and he mumbles "kissing you is more than a bet. I'm not kissing you for a bet. I really thought I was going to win. I'm sorry" and I say "don't worry about it" him kissing down my neck and I push his shirt off his shoulders. He checks his watch mumbling "five and a half minutes." I mumble "I don't know what you think you're doing but I can't even get on my knees in this tiny fucking closet. So, what do you even want?" He squeezes my ass and I do the same to him. I roll my eyes, turning around, and I mumble "do what you will. You get me hard, you are so dead like literally in the grave." He covers my mouth with his hand, kissing my neck, and he mumbles "I won't" his other hand resting on my ass. I hear Pete say "five minutes." I turn around, grabbing his ass, and pulling him closer to me. I mumble "oh my god" feeling him pressed against me. He gropes my ass and mumbles "you won't get hard if you remember everyone is outside that door. Unless, you are an exibitionist" making me chuckle. I mumble "no, not me. Probably you though" and he mumbles "no way" chuckling. I take his shirt off and Pete says "two minutes" and I keep taking his belt off and unbuttoning his pants. He keeps his button up on his shoulders for a quick close up so we don't get caught. I rub his abs with my fingers mumbling "I still owe you a blow job, right?" He nods and I chuckle, hugging him, and holding him close to me.

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