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Rooster's POV
My phone rings, waking me up, and I say "ugh, what time is it?" Jake mumbles "too early for a Sunday" moving to bury his face in my chest. I chuckle, rubbing his back saying "its not that early, it's eight o clock." I answer the phone saying "hello?" Veronica, one of my cousins says "older cousins are going to brunch, want to come?" I say "you had to call me at this hour to tell me were going to brunch?" She says "it's not that early, grow up" and I say "not for me but now Jakes mad about it" chuckling. She says "oooo, who's this guy?" I say "my boyfriend. Do you want me to bring him?" She says "yes, obviously. We can see who's boyfriend gets weirded out by our family first. Yours or Marias." I laugh saying "Marias for sure, I have very little faith in the guys she picks. She always picks the awkward golden retriever boys." Veronica says "and you don't?" I say "that was one time like six years ago. After that it was biker and Navy boys." She says "so, this one is a Navy boy?" I say "yes" chuckling and Jake mumbles "I'm going back to sleep" and I say "you have an hour" and he mumbles "yes, sir." I chuckle and Veronica says "brunch is at the usual place at ten thirty, be there." I say "this is just everyone over twenty one, right?" She says "yes, were getting hammered on mimosas and espresso martinis." Jake mumbles "did someone say getting hammered?" I chuckle saying "we have to fly planes tomorrow, no getting hammered for you." Veronica chuckles saying "I'll see you then." I say "love you" and she says "sending love!" We hang up and Jake says "oh come on now, we can't get hammered?" I say "no" chuckling and we lay around for awhile and I say "lets get up" quietly. He says "no" and I chuckle saying "get up" kissing his forehead and he says "fine" getting up and pulling me up with him. I say "I'm going to shower, you go be productive or something" and he says "yes, sir" and I kiss him. He says "I love you" and I say "I love you too, babe" going to get in the shower. When I get back to his room, he's half asleep in bed and I chuckle saying "go shower, baby" and he says "mmm, ok" yawning and I say "are you ok?" He says "yeah, just didn't want to get out of bed this morning" kissing me and leaving the room. I get ready and Jake comes back saying "you look cute" and I say "do you have more abs since the last time your shirt was off?" Jake chuckles and I kiss him saying "now, I ask you to put a shirt on." He says "come on now" chuckling and he kisses me and I chuckle saying "we gotta get going like now if we want to be on time." Jake says "that makes sense" grabbing one of my shirts, buttoning every button except the top two. I chuckle saying "why my shirt?" He says "cause your shirts are comfortable." I chuckle saying "ok" him smiling then kissing me. Jake says "do you want me to drive?" I say "I'll drive if you'll let me" and he says "of course you can. Why would I offer if the answer was no?" I say "you're unpredictable sometimes" chuckling and he says "lets go" and we go downstairs, him tossing me his keys, and he says "bye, mom! Bye, dad!" His mom says "where are you two going?" I say "to brunch with some of my family" and she says "that's so cute" smiling and we all chuckle and Jake and I go out to his car. We get in and he says "don't hurt my baby" and I chuckle saying "I know how to drive" rolling my eyes and I pull out of the parking lot. He puts a toothpick in his mouth and we put our aviators on. I say "were so in sync" making him chuckle. He kisses my cheek and I get to this place at ten twenty five saying "not bad" and he says "you drive slow." I say "I drove ten over the whole time" hitting him upside the head and I park next to Marias car. Maria and I get out of the car at the same time. She says "its so good to see you!" I say "its been so long!" She hugs me and I grab Jakes keys, tossing them to him. He says "thanks, baby" and this guy gets out of her car saying "who's this guy?" I say "cousin. Calm down, new guy." Maria says "he's jealous that we have attractive family" and we chuckle and she grabs my hand, us going inside, Jake and this guy following us. She lets go of my hand and Jake slips his arm around my waist. We get brought to a back room and Veronica comes over to me saying "we have so much to talk about" and I chuckle and Jake sits on one side of me, Veronica on the other. She says "first question, who is this pretty boy?" Jake smirks saying "I'm Jake" and she smiles saying "Veronica" them shaking hands. Veronica says "this is my favorite boyfriend of yours" and Jake says "there's multiple?" I say "no" chuckling and he says "I mean, I wouldn't mind" and I say "you can lie to them but you can't lie to me. You hate it when waitresses stare at me too long." He chuckles saying "that is true, they love you and I honestly don't see it" and I say "I hate you" and he says "I hate you too." He rests his hand on my thigh and quietly says "I was kidding" and I say "I know, babe" tapping his cheek and he says "I love you" quietly and I say "I love you too" quietly and one of my cousins, Freddy, comes in saying "there was a legit rooster in the parking lot." I look up as if he said my name and Jake just laughs at me then says "there's one right here too" quietly, pinching my cheek. I roll my eyes and I say "there was a rooster in the parking lot? Why?" Freddy says "no idea" chuckling and sitting down saying "I don't know about you but I'm ready to get hammered on mimosas."

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