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Rooster's POV
We wake up the next day and we pack everything up to go back to base. I mumble "it's too early" and Jake says "I know, baby" kissing my cheek. Then we both shower, get our uniforms on, and we leave after saying bye to Jakes parents and Savannah. We get in the car and I say "I'm sleeping, wake me up in twenty minutes" closing my eyes. Jake chuckles saying "I love you" and I mumble "I love you too" him rubbing my thigh as I fall asleep. I wake up about half an hour later and Jake says "hello" and I smile saying "hi" kissing his cheek. He says "are you ready for this?" I say "I think so" and he says "I'm not" and I laugh saying "I know, baby, I know." We get to base and I say "here we go" chuckling and Jake says "definitely." We run into Admiral and he says "y'all need a room, don't you?" I say "yes" chuckling and he says "take your old room, no one took it." Jake says "score!" I roll my eyes and we chuckle and Admiral says "they aren't awake yet" and I say "we've got this" and he says "thank you" and goes back to his office. I say "you take that side and just wake everyone up. Throw a shoe at them whatever." He chuckles and I knock on the first door saying "wake the hell up! I'm not doing this every morning!" I do that to everyones doors and I go back down the line this time opening door saying "wake up! Get moving! We have lots to get done today!" I hear a couple people say "I hate you!" I say "be glad its me and not the Admiral! Be ready in five!" Jake offers me a hand and we go to the classroom set up that's near where all the planes take off. We walk around the runways and Jake says "my plane!" I laugh and we see our planes and he says "glad they're still here" and I say "yes" chuckling. I say "they look shiny, must've gotten all fixed up since the last mission" and Jake says "yeah, definitely." I say "because I remember getting shot at least once" us chuckling and Jake says "we should do some flying today." I say "teach some maneuvers?" He says "that would give us an excuse" and I say "I'm itching to get up there too" chuckling. Everyone starts tiredly coming into the classroom set up and Jake slaps my ass saying "lets go" and I say "ok" him walking in between the desks and going to the front, me following. I say "you guys are wrecks this morning." Jake says "if the Admiral walks in here, you guys are screwed." I say "really basic rule. Number one, you get here before us. We aren't going to wake you up every morning. You are here and awake at seven. Number two, you are supposed to tuck your shirt in. You aren't children anymore. You are young but you made it through flight school. You graduated high school. You're adults now, please get your shit together because we aren't going to play parental roles because you can't be responsible." Jake mumbles "they make you mad, huh?" I say "yes, I have you to tell to tuck your shirt in every morning. I don't want to do this anymore than once every morning." They all get up and tuck their shirts in and I say "ok. I'm lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw. Call sign Rooster. I graduated flight school, college, and Top Gun. I fly solo, I have been flying planes for twelve years now. I was trained on an FA-18E Super Hornet and I've shot down one enemy plane. Your turn, we'll go around the room I guess" shrugging and Jake says "I feel like I'm at school." I say "just shut up and go" chuckling and he says "I'm lieutenant Jake Seresin. Call sign Hangman. I graduated Top Gun top of my class and I finished flight school with pretty much all good grades. I can fly many types of planes but I was trained on an FA-18E Super Hornet and that's my drug of choice. Ive shot down two enemy planes and I fly solo usually as a wingman not a leader." I say "how long have you been flying?" He says "fourteen years cause you went to school and I just went right to flight school. So, fourteen." I smile saying "ok, who wants to go next" and one of the guys in the front say "I don't know how to follow that up but I'll give it a shot. I'm Jared, I'm nineteen, and I never fucking learned how to read. Kidding, my name is Jared though. Call sign Baron. I'm twenty two and I graduated flight school at nineteen and I was a Naval solo pilot. Shot down two enemy planes with no help. Now I'm here." Jake says "holy shit" quietly and I say "I might not be qualified for this job, do you want it?" We all chuckle and a few girls go and I say "the girls always have the coolest call signs. Haven't heard that many but they always have the cool ones." I get a few names like Dice, Elvis, and ECM. I say "do I want to ask what ECM means?" Jake laughs saying "no" and I say "I'm gonna ask just to spite you now" and the kid says "Enlisted Chick Magnet. Call me" winking at me and I say "how about I won't but you will land many if you talk to the right people around here" chuckling. We go through names and I say "I'm gonna be honest. We wanted an excuse to fly again, so today, were going to do that and I just want to see what you all can do. So, were going to play a game." Jake says "oooo, are we playing The Game?" I say "yeah. Its a free for all, last one standing wins. Try not to get locked in or you're dead, who's ready?" They all look at each other and I chuckle saying "lets go have some fun."

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