Rooster's POV
We go right to the bar and Phoenix says "time to partayyyy!" I roll my eyes saying "are you drunk already?" She says "ok, rude" and I say "it's Friday, I'm ready to get shitfaced" and we laugh. I say "I'm kidding. You do not need to see that" and we chuckle. Jake keeps his hand on the back of my neck, squeezing gently, and he says "I'm ready to party!" I roll my eyes and we all go into the bar and we order drinks and we all just do our thing. Phoenix says "who is that?" Bob says "wait, why is there a kid here?" I say "Pennys daughter. No idea, go for it though" shrugging and Phoenix says "I have a feeling they're like thirty though" and I say "no idea. You're over twenty one, that's not a huge age gap if that's what you're worried about." She says "fair" and I say "go talk to him, if all goes sideways, you might make a friend" shrugging. Phoenix says "true. Can you give me an introduction?" I say "no, you can do it for yourself" and she says "fine." She goes over to this guy and I let them talk for a bit then I make eye contact with Jake and he winks at me and I nod, wanting him to follow me. I finish my drink and I put my glass on the bar, doing a walk by of Phoenix and her guy full on checks me out. She follows and Jake, her, and I stand in the hallway and she says "what did you do?" I say "I think he's not all the way straight but he might be not all the way gay" shrugging. I say "I got full on checked out, so I don't know." Jake says "wait, what just happened?" I sigh saying "she saw a guy, she went to talk to him, and I did a walk by to make sure he wasn't being a creep, and he full on checked me out. Now, she doesn't know what to do. Help me out a bit." He says "I don't know how to help. Um, just go back saying you had to go to the bathroom and give him your number then if he never calls you back, then you'll know" shrugging. I say "that's the best you've got?" He says "you have anything better?" I say "after hearing that, no. That's pretty good now that I think about it." Phoenix says "ok, wish me luck" and he goes over and we go into the bathroom and I say "five minutes" pulling him to the big stall. He pushes me against the wall, I take his toothpick, and  he kisses me then kisses down my neck. I say "what are you thinking about?" I set a five minute timer on my phone and he says "I want to help her out and you might be subject in the new plan." I say "oh god" and I run my fingers through his hair. I say "should I ask what the plan is or should I just shut up?" He mumbles "ask me" biting gently and I moan quietly saying "so, what's your plan?" Jake says "she's been talking to him for an hour or so. So, do a walk by, check him out, and go play piano cause that's the hottest thing you do besides walk and take your clothes off." I say "good plan" chuckling and rolling my eyes at him. I kiss his lips, him saying "give him a look then do your thing then don't get too close. Just look at me." I say "mmm, ok" and I kiss him. He mumbles "ok, lets go." I say "I owe you later" us leaving the bathroom. He says "you can start paying me now by walking in front of me." I walk in front of him by a few feet and I give the guy a look and he still stares. Phoenix says "there he goes" and I say "you know where I'm going?" She says "I do" and I go to the piano and people mosey over. I say "I think its tradition now, let me know when you get tired of this song" as I noodle and I look at the guy for a second then I look at Jake. I just keep my eyes on him and Phoenix says "stop building it up, Rooster!" I say "suck it up, sister. We have all night. Alright" and I start playing the one song they all are waiting for. I sit up a bit more and I get into it just staring at Hangman cause I feel the other guys eyes on me. Jake just leans on the piano closer to me and the other guy gives me space but not much more than Jake is. I sing at my guy and he smirks, putting another toothpick in his mouth, and I just do my thing. I finish and people cheer and get ready to party all night. Jake says "I could go to bed" and I say "me too. I have to ask Maverick something though." He says "can I come with you?" I say "come on" rolling my eyes and we walk over, leaning on the bar, and Pete says "who's the guy?" I say "which one?" He says "the one with Phoenix that won't stop staring at you" and I say "I was going to ask you something" and he says "shoot." I say "are you allowed to bring one night stands back to base?" He says "if you get caught once, you get a slap on the wrist. You get caught more than once, you get threatened to get kicked." I say "one more thing, what happens if you get caught having relations with another student as a student?" He says "nothing, may I ask why?" I say "didn't want to read the handbook and asking for a friend" and he says "ok" chuckling. Penny hands me another drink and does the same for Jake. We say "thank you" smiling and the guy looks at me and Jake mumbles "if he keeps staring at you, I'm gonna kick his ass." I say "just breathe. If I feel uncomfortable, you will be the first to know" quietly. He squeezes my shoulder saying "ok. Lets go find something to do."

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