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Rooster's POV
My phone rings and I say "could you answer that and put it on speaker?" Savannah says "yeah" and she does so and I say "hello, you're on speaker with a child in the car." Savannah says "I'm eighteen!" I hear Jake say "you'll always be four in my books. Is mom cooking tonight?" Savannah says "I don't know. She will if she feels she should. Why?" Jake says "I want pizza" and I say "is this why you called me?" He says "maybe" and I chuckle saying "pizza sounds really good. Your sister is talking to someone, I think we should invite him." Savannah hits my shoulder saying "you weren't supposed to tell him that!" I say "secret is, I would've told him later" and she says "I'm never telling you anything again" and Jake says "is this guy hot?" I say "Jake, he's a child!" He says "I only love you, don't worry about me." I say "I love you too. He seems like he's got many things going for him." Jake says "let's do it then" and I say "were going to your parents house first then going or are we just going to let your mom know we'll be later than we first thought?" He says "I'll call my mom and let her know. We can meet at this place if you want to pick this dude up." I say "I can't do that" nodding as if he can see me. He says "I could eat a whole pizza by myself right now. I'm so hungry." I chuckle saying "I love you, don't scare this guy" and he says "I will only do that if he's a douchebag." I say "fine" and he says "I love you too. I gotta go put gas in someones car cause I won't make it back if I don't." Savannah says "thank you, I'll pay you back" and Jake says "I got it, don't worry about it. Where are you?" I say "just passing exit one thirty five." Jake says "you're going to get off on one twenty seven assuming this dude lives near us." Savannah says "yeah" and I say "alright" and Jake says "ok, I'll see you in like twenty minutes." I say "ok, love you." He says "love you too, babe" and I hang up. I say "sometimes he has good ideas" and she says "oh my god, now I have to ask him" and I say "just do it" chuckling. She says "should I call or text?" I say "what is he most likely to answer" and she groans saying "call" and I laugh. She says "I hate calling people!" I chuckle and she calls him and before he picks up I say "put it on speaker" and she chuckles. She puts it on speaker and this guy says "hey, what's up?" She says "my brother and his boyfriend are in town and were going to get pizza. I was wondering if you wanted to come with us?" He says "sure, babe, do you want me to meet you there or whats the plan?" She says "we can pick you up" smiling and he says "ok, when will you be here cause I have to get ready." She chuckles saying "ten minutes." He says "shit, not enough time. Ok, bye" and he hangs up and we laugh. I say "girl, he's in love with you" and she says "shut up!" I say "he is! Majority of guys don't just babe anyone!" She says "wait, that happened?! Holy shit!" We laugh and I say "yes, it did" and she high fives me. We get off the highway and she directs me where to go and Savannah says "should I go up there?" I say "yes?" She says "but his dads mean" and I say "go up there" chuckling and she goes up to the door and knocks. This man opens the door and I laugh, assuming its the guys dad. Then this guy comes out of the door, grabs her hand, and they walk over to the door. I mumble "they aren't just talking, there's no way" and they both sit in the back seat. The guy says "this is the coolest car ever, dude." I chuckle saying "it's my boyfriends, he'd love to hear that. He's kind of an egomaniac." We chuckle and this guy says "aren't we all. I'm Evan" and we shake hands and I say "Bradley or Rooster is fine." Evan says "nickname?" I say "call sign" pulling out of the driveway. He says "that is cool. Navy? Air Force? Army?" I chuckle saying "Navy" and Savannah says "he's a pilot" and Evan says "that is the coolest thing ever." I chuckle saying "I mean, I guess" us laughing and he says "so, like fighter jets?" I say "F18 but I do have a pilot license cause I went to flight school, so I could figure out how to fly majority of planes. An F18 is my thing though." He says "so, you could fly a commercial plane?" I say "yes, I could if I tried" and we chuckle. I say "when I first met your dad, Savannah, want to know what he told me?" She says "what did he say?" I say "he said that he was going to join the navy just so he could get the cool sunglasses we have" and we laugh. I say "secret is, when we get a uniform, you get like five choices of ray bans. That's probably why uniforms are so expensive, were just buying expensive sunglasses" and we laugh. Savannah says "my brother loves to complain about the uniforms but I don't think he has picked up on that he's buying over a hundred dollars worth of sunglasses along with it." I chuckle saying "he's a bit of a dumb blonde sometimes but he's cute." Savannah says "at least of of the two of you are smart" and I say "yeah, or we wouldn't get anywhere in life." Savannah tells me how to get to this place and I say "what does your car look like again?" Savannah says "that's my car" pointing at a car ten feet in front of me. I say "ok, hang on, this turn might be tight" and she says "don't hit my car" as I take a sharp turn into the parking spot. I say "if I can park an airplane like that, I can park a car." I get out and Jake says "tight turn, huh?"

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