Rooster's POV
I say "you are the worst" as I wash my hair and he kisses my neck. I bite my lip and I wash his hair while I'm there. He grabs my ass and I grab his ass making us smile and shake our heads at each other. He brushes his nose against mine and barely kisses my lips. I look at him mumbling "you are wild" rinsing my hair and he does the same. We finish up and I toss a towel at him and I grab my towel, him mumbling "we should do this again sometime." I say "yeah" and he smirks, kissing me, and we finish drying off. We get out and he takes another toothpick out of his locker making me roll my eyes. I get some clothes on and I sit on one of the benches. The door swings open and Phoenix says "you guys are slow. I had time to shower, do my hair including drying it, put on makeup, and find clothes that are clean. Then, none of you are ready! Lets go!" She leaves and I say "were gonna get our asses kicked. Lets go" getting up and Jake follows after me after putting his towel in the laundry bag next to the door. He comes up behind me saying "how are you feeling?" I say "I'm ok" looking at him and we go into our room to grab a couple things. He takes his shirt off and takes his toothpick out of his mouth, him kissing me softly. I mumble "fuck" quietly and he smiles, kissing me more. I say "I hate you" out of nowhere and he says "what's that supposed to mean?" I say "you know what it means" and he says "ok, well now what?" I say "please kiss me. I just thought I should tell you that" and he chuckles saying "ok" kissing me. I run my fingers over his side saying "I think we should go." He says "come on now." I chuckle saying "later" and he says "fine, let me buy you a drink." I say "that sounds good" and he slaps my ass, walking out in front of me. I chuckle saying "fine, be that way" quietly and we all go to the bar. Phoenix says "aren't you two supposed to hate each other?" Jake says "just a second ago, he told me he hated me out of nowhere" and I say "I still hate you" walking ahead of him a bit. Phoenix and I walk together and we get to this place, getting drinks from the bartender. I look at her saying "I know you, I can't remember your name for the life of me." She says "I'm Penny, I was a friend of your dad." She hands us drinks, Hangman handing her his card. I say "now that's how I know you?" She says "is Pete around?" I say "yeah, no idea where he is though. He'll probably be around in a bit." Jake and I go to play pool and I say "any bets today, sir?" Jake says "same deal as earlier. If I win, you're dead" and I mumble "desperate much." He says "you first" and I start after he sets everything up. I say "you are going to lose." He says "I hope you die" chuckling and we keep playing and drinking as we talk. I sigh, him saying "hah! I win!" I say "I see that" and he says "you owe me now" then I say "that I do" nodding. Phoenix says "that is going to haunt you" and I nod saying "yeah, yeah, whatever" us chuckling. I walk over to the piano and that's when Pete walks through the door and he leans against the piano saying "what are you going to play today?" I say "the same think I play everyday" sighing as I noodle. I say "you're waiting for me aren't you?" He says "I saw a sign today" and I say "oh god, what are you thinking?" He says "something came back to me I thought I lost" and people gather around as I play and I say "what's that?" He says "these" showing me some rusty dog tags and he says "I was gonna be selfish and keep them but you deserve them." I say "oh my god" looking at them and they are my dads. I say "how'd you find them?" He says "found them on the beach" shrugging and I say "ok, before I start crying, lets have some fun" putting them around my neck, speaking quietly. Phoenix says "please play, I love your voice" and I say "fine fine" smiling and I start playing Great Balls Of Fire, all of my friends and Pete yelling it. Penny comes over and leans on the opposite side of the piano, smiling and closing her eyes. Jake then comes over, leaning against the piano, diagonally from me. His toothpick in his mouth and smirking at me as I sing. I look at him just doing my thing. Pete ruffles my hair and walks over to the bar with Penny, them quietly talking as they watch me. As I finish, they're all yelling, and I hear a dry deep voice say "its almost as if he was here." I turn to see a familiar face. Iceman. He says "you've grown so much" and I say "and you sound like an old man, old man" bro hugging him. He says "you all are growing up around me. Is that his new girlfriend?" He points at Penny and I say "you know her and I think so. Don't ask me though" shrugging. He says "let me buy you a drink." I smile and we go to get a drink and people are just jaw dropped. He has always been cocky, so he's like Jake cranked up to ten even in his fifties. He's also a admiral and commander of the US Pacific Fleet. He's the big boss. Kind of a legend in Top Gun. I guess Jake didn't recognize him the other day but he sure is now making me smile and shake my head.

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