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Rooster's POV
We wake up and I say "Jake, why now? Its too early" quietly and he says "this is the only time that works for us" us getting up. I say "fine" kissing him and we finish getting ready then we go to this house. Jake says "I love you" and I say "I love you too" him pecking my lips. We look at this house while we walk around with this lady and I mumble "I wan to look at more houses but this definitely an option" and Jake mumbles "I was thinking the same thing." After looking at this house for a while, we tell the lady we'll think about it, and we go back to get ready for graduation. I say "that was stressful for some reason" as I button my shirt and Jake says "well, it was this lady selling a house to us because she's getting paid for it, not because she likes the house." We chuckle and I say "that's true" chuckling. I peck his lips and I tuck my shirt in and he says "don't do that to me" and I say "what am I doing?" He says "putting your belt on this close to me" as I do my belt up. I kiss him saying "aww, you poor thing. I still owe you, you can have me later." I turn to walk out of the room and he slaps my ass saying "fine" and I say "I love you." He says "I love you too" and we go to this graduation location. Phoenix says "well, you guys look hot" and I chuckle saying "I'm sweating, which do you mean?" We laugh and Phoenix says "I know, I'm sweating. Had to break out the really good deodorant today." I chuckle saying "I completely get it" chuckling. Jake says "I hate pants" and I say "wow, didn't know that" sarcastically. We chuckle then we all sit down to listen to everyone speak. Pete says "now, you ego maniacs, want to know who graduated as top of the class. Drum roll please" and we do a drum roll on our legs like we would when we were kids. We laugh and Pete says "everyones favorite or least favorite, Jake Hangman Seresin." He says "shut up" chuckling and he goes to Maverick and says "as your least favorite student, that was good, right?" Maverick laughs and they shake hands then Jake hugs him as Maverick says "kid, you deserve it." I make sure to get pictures for his mom and Phoenix says "speech!" We all laugh and Jake says "no way" chuckling and this young woman comes over and sits in his seat next to me saying "what just happened?" I say "just graduated top of this class." Jake says "fine. I want to thank my family, my boyfriend, and all my friends because I'd go crazy without y'all. I'm already crazy but thats besides the point. Anyway, now that I'm considered the best now, you all can suck it" and we laugh and Jake says "Phoenix, can I be done now?" We chuckle and she says "I guess." We laugh and the girl next to me says "Jake was never a good student until now I guess." I laugh saying "really?" She says "I mean he was just an average jock in high school." I say "he still is but he upgraded to a little above average" and we chuckle. She says "shade. I like you" chuckling and I say "you're his sister, aren't you?" She chuckles saying "yeah, how do you know him?" I say "I'm Bradley" putting my hand out, her shaking it, and she says "ohhh, I know you. My mom loves you more than me and Jake combined. I'm Savannah" I say "I know, nice to meet you" and we chuckle. and Jake comes back saying "you took my seat" and she says "suck it." He sits behind me saying "don't listen to anything she says" and I say "I'm gonna listen to her, so I have dirt on you. Gives me the upper hand in one way." We chuckle and she says "feisty" and I say "you gotta be feisty to stay afloat around here. Or you'll end up like Bob" chuckling. Bob says "I heard you" and I say "love you, Bob" smiling and we all go through graduation very casually and some tears. Phoenix says "you aren't moving too far from here, are you?" I say "no, wherever were going, were going to be no more than two hours out." She says "I'm going to miss you two as much as you two don't stop arguing." I chuckle saying "were not that bad, are we?" Jake says "I don't know" and she hugs him saying "I'll kind of miss you." I laugh and Savannah says "you can keep him if you want cause now I have to live with him again." I chuckle and Phoenix says "you're taking both of them? Good luck, girlfriend" and I say "I'm easy to deal with" and Jake says "no, you're just easy." I say "Jake, I swear to god. Shut up" and he says "lips are sealed" and I say "we have to finish packing." Jake says "ugh" and I say "I know" and and Maverick says "how did she get in here?" Savannah says "I'm hot, deal with it, old man." I laugh saying "I like you more than Jake." Maverick says "you're a mini Hangman. I cant tell if I absolutely hate it or not." I walk away with him and he says "I just wanted to say if you ever need anything, let me know" quietly. I say "I'll see you around, Pete. I think a thank you is in order" quietly and he shakes my hand. I hug him saying "I'll be giving you a call, don't worry." He taps my shoulder as I pull away and he says "good luck with buying a house, when you argue prices, go lower than your budget then you'll get the price you want." I chuckle saying "I'll keep that in mind" and I go back to Jake saying "lets pack, shall we?" He groans saying "I hate it" and I say "suck it?" We chuckle and Savannah says "lets go, I told mom I'd be back by six or seven." We chuckle and Jake says "you are with responsible adults, you will be fine. Moms not going to worry too much." I say "responsible adult" pointing at myself and I say "just one" and he says "I hate you" and I say "I hate you too." Phoenix says "you have a point" looking at me and we all go back to our rooms. 

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