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Rooster's POV
We go into the classroom and we all sit down and Maverick walks in saying "so. Our training has been cut short and we have to go through with the mission today." I say "I'm sorry, huh?" He says "I know" rolling his eyes and he says "so, we all know what to do but I'll give you a rundown again." Jake says "how do you pick someone to be the top of the class since we don't get grades or anything?" Maverick says "I just pick someone I think is the best" and Jake says "so there's no criteria? So, its picking favorites?" I say "where are you going with this?" Jake says "I'm saying that its kind of clear that you are getting it" and I say "ok, are you jealous or something. Like what are you getting at?" Jake says "I'm just saying its just that if you win it, it's gonna be seen as unfair. You are this mans friends kid. Probably only friend and he's dead" quietly at the end. I say "why are you like this?! What is wrong with you?" Jake says "oh my god, what have I done" quietly and I say "no shit, why would you say that?!" He says "it just slipped!" I say "oh bullshit" rolling my eyes then I say "I'm not going to rip you apart here because I'm kind of nice" grabbing his wrist and I say "five minutes" to Pete. Jake mumbles "I love you" and I say "shut up. I don't want to hear it from you" quietly and we leave the room. I look at him saying "why would you say that?! I already know that! They didn't need to know that. I trust that guy in there to not pick me out of favoritism but out of talent if he would pick me. I just, I trusted you" looking him in the eyes. He sighs saying "how can I make it up to you?" I say "tell me why you said that" and he says "I know its not an excuse but I've been so stressed lately that it just slipped. I didn't even feel like myself when I said that" looking at me. I look at him saying "baby, were both stressed recently, were here, were going on a mission that we might not come out of, were buying a house, and so on. If you breathe we'll be ok" quietly and he says "I just want to say I'm sorry." I say "if you do something like that again, I'll shoot you" and he says "can I kiss you?" I say "yes" sighing and he smirks, kissing me gently. I mumble "you aren't off the hook yet" and he says "fine" us going back in. Jake quietly says "carry on, sir" us sitting down. Maverick says "ok, only six people can go on this mission. Payback and Fanboy, Phoenix and Bob, Rooster, you're solo as usual, and I'm leader of the mission." We stand up and we go to get our gear and whatnot. Jake comes up behind me in this room were all getting ready in. He quietly says "am I off the hook yet?" I say "yes" him rubbing my shoulders. I look at him mumbling "I'm not ready for this" and he says "yes, you are. You know what to do" quietly and then he says "you will be ok, you know what you're doing. You do well under pressure" as he tightens my straps on the back of of uniform. He mumbles "you flew the thing and hit the target almost as fast as Maverick" rubbing my side. Then he tightens a strap on my shoulders and I say "you gotta warn me before doing that" groaning and he says "stand up straight and it wouldn't be an issue." I mumble "you're so edgy today" and he says "I know, I'm sorry." I say "ok, we gotta go" quietly he lets the rest of them leave and he kisses me mumbling "I love you" and I say "I love you too." He says "I take orders from you. You need my help, I will be there." I say "don't be stupid. If I need you, I'll let you know" quietly and he kisses me. I offer him my hand and we walk to the planes. Jake mumbles "I love being the back up" and I say "stop being salty" kissing him when no ones looking. He mumbles "I'm just messing with you" him rubbing my back. I say "ok, I love you" and he says "I love you too, babe" kissing me. He offers me a hand and helps me up onto the wing. I say "that was helpful" and he chuckles saying "I just like holding your hand." I tap his cheek saying "love you" and he squeezes my hand saying "love you too." I get into my plane and everything warmed up and Phoenix says "what took you so long?" I say "Hangman wouldn't shut up" and Jake says "excuse me?" I say "damn, you can hear me?" He says "yeah, I'm backup, I gotta sit in a plane on the runway till you get back" and I chuckle saying "ok. Then I'm sorry?" Jake says "it's ok" and we get ready to do this thing. We talk about the plan as we fly to this place. When we get there, Maverick says "ok, going in, try to keep up." We weave the canyon carefully but quickly and I say "those things are terrifying" looking at the explosives at the top of the canyon. Pete says "going up!" I say "going up" and we take a quick steep climb and Pete says "blow it up, Rooster" as he dives down and he shoots the target and I try to get the target and hold it saying "can't hold it, that'll do" dropping it. We do the steep climb back out and enemy planes are coming at us. I say "shit, I've got a hold on one of them, do I shoot?!" Pete says "light it up!" I rapid fire on this jet, the jet going down. We get into more trouble on our way pack when Phoenix says "shit! Man down! Maverick is down! I repeat, Maverick is down!" I say "I'm going after him" and one of our advisors say "don't go down there! You don't have the means to save him!" I say "I'm turning around" and Jake says "you don't have enough fuel, you're going to go down on your way back if you try, and how are you going to get him back? You have a one person aircraft. Babe, I know you aren't listening to me but I have to try." I say "you're right, I'm not listening to you. I love you but I'm gonna figure it out." He sighs saying "I love you too, be safe" as I turn around. I say "I'll be just fine, I got you on speed dial" and he chuckles saying "ok, holler if you need anything."

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