Chapter 2: Berries, Berries and... Licorice?!

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Hollyberry Kingdom
Strawberry's POV

When Hollyberry cookie and I arrived at her kingdom, there were cookies that were very concerned about Pure Vanilla cookie as the ancient cookie assured them that he's going to be okay once they gave him the cure. We walked to her castle and being greeted by Royal Berry cookie, the king of Hollyberry Kingdom and the son of the ancient hero. The queen of the kingdom and his wife, Jungleberry cookie, also greeted us as Hollyberry cookie told her son and his wife that Pure Vanilla cookie was in danger and needs their help. Jungleberry cookie nodded as she asked her mother-in-law of what both Hollyberry cookie and I need. The ancient hero gave the current queen a list of the ingredients, which it was not that difficult. Princess cookie and Knight cookie also greeted the two cookies with the king and queen, but the female cookie decided to run to the garden to relax. Knight cookie chased after Princess cookie as both Hollyberry cookie and I both sweat dropped at the duo running to the garden. Jungleberry cookie told us that most of the ingredients are in the forest which they both nodded and was about to go to the forest when Royal berry cookie stopped us. The king and queen told them that there is a problem. And it was...

Jungleberry: After the final war between the cookies and Dark Enchantress cookie, there's been strange rumors that there was a curse happening in the Cranberry forest.

Strawberry: Ummm... can you try to describe what the curse is or anything?

Royal Berry: That! It was something about some sort of sleeping curse

Hollyberry: 😮WHAT?!

Strawberry: We need to check that out and keep your people out of danger!

???: That's not all

Others: *turned to see Rassberry and Bumbleberry*

Strawberry: Oh Rassberry cookie!

Raspberry: We actually found out who was behind the rumor

Bumbleberry: And it was from some cookie named Licorice cookie

Strawberry: Him?! Why is he over at the forest?!

Raspberry: We don't know, but we might also help you two with what you're looking for

Jungleberry: Yes, the list is right here. Most of the ingredients are in the forest and a few are around the Grandberry Market

Hollyberry: Alright! Let's go!

10 minutes later
Raspberry's POV

The four of us cookies went to the forest by the boat as soon as we got off, we heard a commotion coming from the forest. We started running towards the direction of the commotion which it turned out to be Licorice cookie and another cookie. The other cookie noticed us and pleaded for help with her eyes as Bumbleberry cookie and the others nodded and went up to fight against Licorice cookie. He summoned his 10 minions and commanded them to fight us as Bumbleberry cookie took the other cookie to safety. Strawberry cookie, Hollyberry cookie and I fought against the cookie that was summoning his minions as they come charging for us and once they were defeated, we all charge at the summoner cookie. He dodged our attacks and was about to cast a curse on us when all of sudden a buttercream tiger appeared out of the bushes behind Licorice cookie and pounced on him. He struggled and tried to cast a curse on the tiger when Strawberry cookie smashed her lollipop hammer to the ground next to Licorice cookie's face.

Strawberry: Hey!... What are you doing here in the Cranberry Forest?

Hollyberry: Why are you trying to put the curse in this whole forest!?

Licorice: Kekekekek Why I would know? You know that I was the one who created the sleeping curse and shared with Dark Enchantress Cookie!

Hollyberry: So... you're the one who caused this whole ordeal? *walks over to where the grim reaper cookie is* Dark Enchantress cookie is dead, and Pure Vanilla cookie is under the sleeping curse thanks to you!

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