Chapter 25: Banquet

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Dark Choco: *dancing with Whipped Cream*

Whipped Cream: How are you doing right now?

Dark Choco: Good. What about you? Are you tired?

Whipped Cream: No, I'm okay 😊

Dark Choco: *leaned forward to kiss Whipped Cream* You looked beautiful in the hanbok

Whipped Cream: *blushes as he looked down at the blush pink hanbok he wore* Thank you

Dark Choco: *smiles as he twirl the other cookie around* 'I guess it would be okay to propose to Whipped Cream during the banquet'


Dark Cacao: Vanilla

Pure Vanilla: Hm? What is it, love?

Dark Cacao: Do you think that the proposal will go well?

Pure Vanilla: Why do you say so?

Dark Cacao: I'm just a bit worried

Pure Vanilla: Don't worry about it

Cream Unicorn: I'm sure that everything will be okay

Meringue Horn, Rosette, Dark Spirit: *agreed to what Cream Unicorn said to the Cacaoan king*

Dark Cacao: I hope so

Meanwhile with Dark Choco
3rd POV

After the dance, Dark Choco and the others watched Whipped Cream perform as he and Rosette danced to the classical music played by the musicians of Dark Cacao kingdom. Whipped Cream learned the dances that the kingdom usually does as the fan on his hand showed the elegance of the two dragons that was illustrated according to the legend. Once the dance was finished, the audience clapped as Whipped Cream did the traditional curtsy before leaving the stage to change to another hanbok that Dark Choco chose for him. A silky white hanbok with red and pink flourished flaky peonies sown on the skirt as the top has simple stripes of yellow, pink and peach. Dark Choco blushed as he saw his lover walking onto the stage wearing the hanbok that he chose for Whipped Cream as he started to dance to some more classical music. He admired the dances that Whipped Cream shared as it was his first time dancing to the traditional music which it was surprise. Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla were also enjoying the dance as Hollyberry, White Lily, Golden Cheese and Cream Unicorn were chatting and drinking sparkling water. After the second dance, it was done and people were enjoying themselves for the whole night.

Dark Choco: *walks over to where Whipped Cream is* That was amazing, love

Whipped Cream: Oh why thank you 😊

Dark Choco: *went silent for a minute*

Whipped Cream: Hm? Choco? What's the matter?

Dark Choco: *suddenly carried Whipped Cream by the waist and walked to the stage*

Whipped Cream: *surprised* Choco! What are you doing?! Put me down!

Dark Choco: *sets the other cookie down* Sorry about that...... I actually wanted to give you something

Whipped Cream: *confused and slightly tilted his head* What is it?

Dark Choco: It's...... *took out a pink ruby ring under his sleeve* This

Whipped Cream: *gasps softly*

Guests: *muttering and whispering to each other*

Pure Vanilla: My goodness! It's happening 😄

Hollyberry, White Lily, Golden Cheese: 😁/😊

Whipped Cream: Choco......

Dark Choco: Whipped Cream, you're the love of my life and I wished you to be happy with me, so...... *kneels down on one knee* Will you marry me?

Whipped Cream weeped in happy tears as he nodded, saying yes as Dark Choco placed the ring on Whipped Cream's finger and kissed. The crowd cheered as Dark Cacao, Pure Vanilla, the other three ancients and Cream Unicorn clapped their hands. They watched as Whipped Cream was being carried by Dark Choco as both Dark Spirit and Rosette flew over to where their owners were and happily danced around them which it was cute. Dark Choco kissed Whipped Cream's cheek as the other cookie giggled and kissed him back which the cookie blushed a bit. The two went back to their seats as they watched more performances by the dancers and musicians of the kingdom. Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao felt very happy for the two as the pure cookie leaned his head onto Dark Cacao's shoulder. Dark Cacao noticed it and leaned over to kiss Pure Vanilla and wrapped his arm around his waist to get himself closer to the other cookie. After the performances, it was time to clean up as everyone helped around to get the palace cleaned up before they get ready for the night. Whipped Cream and Pure Vanilla were asleep as Cream Unicorn found the two cookies to be cute as he took a few photos of the moment. The father and son duo carried their beloved and noticed Cream Unicorn holding a camera, getting their attention. After a few snaps, they finally went to their rooms to be ready for bed.

Dark Choco: 'Today was fun' *opens the door for the pets to get inside first* 'At least Whipped Cream accepts me' *sets him onto the mattress of his bed, before covering Whipped Cream*

Dark Spirit: *floats over to his owner and landed on his head*

Dark Choco: I know. Let's go to sleep

Dark Spirit: *nods happily as he flew over to where Whipped Cream and Rosette is*

Dark Choco: '*sighs* Well. time to get ready for the night'

Few minutes later

Dark Choco: *walks out of the bathroom, seeing Whipped Cream sleeping with Dark Spirit and Rosette and smiled* 'That's cute... *yawn as he walked over to the other side of the bed and climbed in*

Rosette: *woke up to the movement and saw the cookie getting under the covers*

Dark Choco: *noticed Rosette* Ah, go back to sleep Rosette

Rosette: *flew over to where Dark Choco is and snuggled*

Dark Choco: *chuckled as he scoots to where Whipped Cream is and hugged his waist*

Dark Spirit: *scoots over to where Rosette is and cuddle with her*

Rosette: *cuddles back*

Dark Choco: *chuckled as he looked at Whipped Cream's sleeping face* 'cute'

Whipped Cream: *slowly opened his eyes* Ngh~ Choco...?

Dark Choco: 😳

Whipped Cream: *sits up and looks over to where Dark Choco is* 😳 Oh!

Dark Choco: *sits up* How's your nap?

Whipped Cream: It's short but sweet for a dream between us 😊

Dark Choco blushed as he grabbed Whipped Cream's waist and set him on his lap. The other cookie blushed a dark shade of rose red on his cheeks as he giggled and wrapped his arms around Dark Choco's neck. Then they both shared a kiss as both Dark Spirit and Rosette were sleeping and cuddling with each other. Whipped Cream looked over to where the pets were and reach a hand to pet the two of them as they were sound asleep. Dark Choco tells the other cookie to get ready for bed as he nodded and walked to the bathroom to get ready for bed. After about 5-10 minutes, Whipped Cream was finally done and wearing a white hanbok for bed as he climbed over to where the other cookie. He then got under the covers and went closer to Dark Choco and doze off to sleep soon after. Dark Choco chuckled as he leaned over to kiss Whipped Cream's forehead, whispered a good night and doze off to sleep afterwards. The two hugged each other for warmth as they slept through the rest of the calming snowy night.

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