Chapter 6: Cream Unicorn's Visit

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The Next day
Vanilla Kingdom
Gingerbrave's POV

Chili Pepper: Man, I can't believe that we have to sort this out while Wizard cookie, White Lily cookie and Custard III cookie went to Dark Cacao Kingdom

Gingerbrave: I understand that, but remember those times when we first got there, we have to bare the cold and attack ents and tree stumps?

Strawberry: Ugh, please don't remind me of that. It's very terrifying

Gingerbrave: Ehehe 😅Sorry about that

Black Raisin: *knocks on the door* Hey guys

Chili Pepper, Strawberry, Gingerbrave: Hey/Hi Black Raisin cookie

Black Raisin: Sorting out of paperwork for Custard III cookie?

Chili Pepper, Strawberry, Gingerbrave: Yep

Black Raisin: Why don't you guys take a break or something?

Gingerbrave: We're almost done though

Chili Pepper: Just needed like 5 more minutes

Black Raisin: Alright! Meet you guys at the inn

Chili Pepper, Strawberry, Gingerbrave: Okay

5 minutes later

Chili Pepper cookie, Strawberry cookie, and I were on the way to the inn where Black Raisin cookie and her group were. We all said hello to the people around the plaza as we continued walking over to the inn. Black Raisin cookie greeted us as we walked in and sat down at a table while one of the villager cookies went to grab us the food we ordered and drinks. Strawberry cookie and I both ordered a cup of milkshakes while Chili Pepper cookie ordered a cup of sparkling wine. The drinks came out first as we all took a sip of our drinks before being satisficed by how sweet the drinks are. Then our food came out as Black Raisin cookie sat with us to chat about how we were doing since the final war with Dark Enchantress cookie. I was just sitting there drinking my milkshake as I took a small bite of my meal while chatting with the other three cookies. As we chatted with glee, one of the villager cookies went up to our table and told us that there is a cookie looking for Pure Vanilla cookie. They also said that the cookie looking for the ancient cookie is a good friend of his and wanted to greet him. The four of us looked at each other before Black Raisin cookie told the villager cookie to lead them to the spot where the mystery cookie is. The villager cookie nodded as the other 3 cookies and I followed the villager cookie to the the location of the mystery cookie.

Another 5 minutes later

Gingerbrave: *saw a familiar cookie standing at the entrance of the gate* Cream Unicorn cookie?!

Cream Unicorn: Fufu, it's been a long time my friends 🤭

Strawberry: What are you doing here?

Cream Unicorn: To look for Pure Vanilla cookie, of course

Chili Pepper: Umm about that...

Cream Unicorn: Hm? What's the matter?

Black Raisin: It'll be better if we chat at the inn

Cream Unicorn: Huh?

10 minutes later

Cream Unicorn: 😨 Oh my goodness!! Is he okay?!

Black Raisin: We're not sure about that. He's under the sleeping beauty curse

Cream Unicorn: 😨 *faints*

Strawberry: Cream Unicorn cookie!!

Villager #4: We should get him into a room

Chili Pepper: I'll help *carried the fainted cookie to a room*

Villager #2: What should we do right now?

Black Raisin: For now... we have to tell him what happened to Pure Vanilla cookie once he wakes up

Other cookies: *nods*

In one of the inn rooms
Cream Unicorn's POV

I slowly opened my lavender eyes, not knowing why I fainted in the first place when I suddenly remembered that I'm looking for my friend Pure Vanilla cookie. I got out of the bed that I was laying on and opened the door to see one of the cookies that worked in the inn. He saw that I was awake and told me to follow him which I nodded and followed him to where Gingerbrave cookie and the other cookies were. They all looked at the direction where I was walking and asked if I was okay because I did fainted after what had happened to Pure Vanilla cookie. I then sat down between strawberry cookie and Chili Pepper cookie as Gingerbrave cookie explained the situation involving the ancient heroes cookies and that Pure Vanilla cookie's life was at stake. I was shocked and worried as Strawberry cookie mentioned that they all helped out finding the ingredients for the cure that their friends Cream Puff cookie and the two professors of the Parfaedia academy needed to make the cure. Then my pet, Meringue Horn went up to where I was and squished her face at my cheek as she was worried about me while the other cookies watched the interaction. I then apologized for her behavior as Gingerbrave and the other cookies didn't really mind it. I sighed as Strawberry cookie told the other two cookies that they need to finish sorting out the paperwork for their friends who traveled to Dark Cacao Kingdom.

Gingerbrave: Oh yeah! I totally forgot about that!

Chili Pepper: Wanna come along, Cream Unicorn cookie?

Cream Unicorn: No, I'm okay. I have to get back home, my other friends are waiting for me 😊

Strawberry: I see. Then *waves at the cookies* Thanks for the meal, guys

Black Raisin: No problem! You should get going too

Cream Unicorn: Ah yes. Well then, I will try to send a letter to the king of Dark Cacao Kingdom very soon. Bye-bye *waves before going back home*

At Dreamy CookieLand

Cream Unicorn: *sighs*

Meringue Horn: *whimpers*

Cream Unicorn: Hm? *looks at his pet* What's the matter, Meringue?

Meringue Horn: *whines*

Cream Unicorn: Are you.... worried about me?

Meringue Horn: *nods quickly as she squished her cheek with Cream Unicorn's*

Cream Unicorn: *giggles* Oh my, please stop! It tickles

Meringue Horn: 🥺

Cream Unicorn: *sighs again* Alright, alright *pets Meringue Horn* Better?

Meringue Horn:😄

I smiled as I let Meringue Horn have some fun as she nodded happily and rushed out of my room to have some fun time. I chuckled as I went to write the letter to the king of Dark Cacao Kingdom, hoping if it was okay for me to visit Pure Vanilla cookie bring along Meringue Horn. Once I was done with the letter, I walked to the balcony and saw the messenger bird flying towards me and cooed as I giggled softly and tied the letter to the leg of the bird before releasing it to fly towards the kingdom. I sighed as I walked back in to see Meringue Horn walked back into my room, and went towards my leg. I picked it up as she snuggled onto my chest and happily whimpered as I laughed and sat down on my bed to lay down. It was only afternoon as the loneliness took it over with me... well except for my pet of course. I sat up and went out to get something to eat which it was a snack. After that, I went to get ready for bed as time passes quickly, hitting night time as Meringue Horn hops onto my cloudy bed and curled up to me as I petted her head before dozing off to sleep for the night. For some reason, I can't sleep as my pet noticed my expression and squished my cheek which I giggled and tell Meringue Horn to stop which she did and cuddle onto my lap. I sighed as I petted her head, making her look at my lavender eyes with her bubblegum eyes. I smiled as I laid my head down onto my cloud pillow and hugged Meringue Horn which she didn't mind as we both dozed off to sleep under the starry night.

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