Chapter 9: Testing the Cure

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Once we got everything for the trip, I have to make sure that everything is present as Professor Latte cookie did a head count even though there's only 7 of us. Once everything is a 100% ready, we hopped on the ship and sailed into the ocean. The professors were chatting with Captain Ice cookie who is the captain of the ship, Hollyberry cookie and the Raspberry cousins were chatting while both me and Alchemist cookie were relaxing. The captain's pet, Boatswain, float towards us and just sat with us. It's an anchor and it has a very raised eyebrow expression as both me and Alchemist cookie looked at each other in confusion. I mean, it looked at us too and just sitting with us chilling. As we continue chatting, Captain Ice cookie shouted something about an obstacle blocking the ship's way as Boatswain float out of the ship, towards the obstacle which it turned out to be an enemy ship and transform itself into a gigantic anchor and crushed them. Both Alchemist cookie and I were very shocked as the other cookies watched while Boatswain transformed back to normal, get praised by its owner and float back to us.

Alchemist: 😐

Cream Puff: That was surprising

Latte: Girls we're almost here

Almond: So once we get to the port, there will be a carriage that will take us to the Hollyberry palace

Hollyberry: Yeah, after we arrived there and unpacking our belongings, we'll test out the cure

Alchemist, Cream Puff: Okay!

20 minutes later

Cream Puff: All set!

Alchemist: Now we just wait for the others

Latte: No need for that

Raspberry: Hello you two

Cream Puff: Ready to go

Raspberry Mousse: Let's go

The four of us went to the forest through the gondola as we thanked the boatman before going deep into the jungle forest. It was an early afternoon and the sun is still up in the sky as both Alchemist cookie and I stayed close to the Raspberries cousins. Then they heard a sound and told us to stay really close to them as we both nodded and held hands so we don't get lost. However, the sound was getting closer as I was very scared even though I've been to the forest a few times behind the academy. Alchemist cookie screamed when a butter tiger popped out of the bush, and stopped for a moment. It walked up to Raspberry cookie as Raspberry Mousse cookie was guarding us before the tiger turned around and looked at the female cookie. Raspberry cookie realized what the tiger wanted, told us to follow the tiger which we nodded and followed the butter tiger. When we arrive, we noticed another cookie which both of the Raspberry cousins knew her which it got her attention and growled at us. Alchemist cookie and I were so afraid that we hid behind Raspberry Mousse cookie.

Raspberry Mousse: Ladies, it's okay. The cure

Alchemist: R-right! Cream Puff cookie! Prepare the vials!

Cream Puff: O-okay! *sets the bag down and take out 5 small vials of the cure*

Raspberry: *looks over at Tiger Lily* Please do not worry. These cookies here are here to help these butter tigers

Tiger Lily: Grrr..... *stopped growling before nodding her head*

Cream Puff: *gulps as she walked to the butter tiger cub who was under the curse, apply the cure into the mouth and waited for a moment*

*the cub slowly woke up and stretched its limb like a cheeseball kitten*

Alchemist: It worked?! Yes!!!

Cream Puff: I know *seeing the cub pounced onto the cookie and getting licked on the face, making her giggle* Let's help the other butter tigers

Raspberry cousins, Alchemist: Okay!

The Sleeping Beauty Curse | A Dark Cacao x Pure Vanilla FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now