Chapter 3: The Ingredients Pt. 1

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2 days later
Parfaedia Academy
Cream Puff's POV

I was strolling around the academy halls with 3 to 5 large books behind me floating using my magic as I hummed a song that a local singer in this academy sang. It was a lovely tune and I would get easily distracted when being in class during the academy hours. But today is the weekend and I have to go my merry way to the port where Professor Latte cookie was waiting for me with Professor Almond cookie. I ran as fast my little legs I can and somehow tripped... on someone's leg. I was about to get mad at the cookie when I noticed that it was Professor Éclair cookie as he asked if I was okay and if I'm in the rush to go somewhere. I quickly apologized and was about to run again when he stopped me and told me that he can walk with me to the port which I nodded and thanked him as we started walking on our way to the port. After 10 minutes of walking, Professor Éclair cookie and I saw Professor Latte cookie and Professor Almond cookie which they both looked over at my direction as I ran over to them and apologized for my tardiness. Professor Éclair cookie greeted the other two professors as he told them that he was picking up the new edition of history books for his classroom as he waved goodbye to the three of us and walked his merry way back to the academy.

Almond: *sighs* I can't believe that we have to wait for the ingredients to come at this time

Latte: Oh come on, Almond cookie. We have to pick up the ingredients and--- Oh they're here!

Gingerbrave: Hey!!!

Almond: *sigh* Well, let's help him then

Cream Puff: Okay

After waiting for Chili Pepper and Strawberry to arrive at the port to the academy

Strawberry: So what are we supposed to do with these ingredients?

Cream Puff: Of course the cure, and we might need Raspberry cookie and her cousin's help with testing the cure since she told us about the recent situation at Cranberry Forest

Gingerbrave: Really?!

Strawberry: Yeah, we were there and Licorice cookie was the one who showed Dark Enchantress cookie the curse

Others except for the professors, Raspberry and Raspberry Mousse: EH?!?!?!!?!

Chili Pepper: What the f***ing h*** is wrong with that bastard?!

Cream Puff: 😨 I still don't understand why would he do that, but Alchemist cookie is waiting for us at the laboratory

Others: *nods*

10 minutes later

Alchemist: Hi everyone! That took you guys so long

Cream Puff: Sorry about that Alchemist cookie! The books that I found about the curse and the cure are also here with me along with the ingredients

Alchemist: That's alright 😄

Almond: Can we put these down?😑

Latte: Oh Almond Cookie, just put them next to the cauldron

Cream Puff: *sets the books down and went to help Gingerbrave and the other two cookies with the Cargo boxes* Now let's see.... 1, 2, 3, wait....

Gingerbrave: What's wrong, Cream Puff cookie?

Cream Puff: There's should be one more cargo box full of ingredients from Dark Cacao Kingdom...

Others except for the professors: .............EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!?!?!?!?!?

Strawberry: What should we do?!

Gingerbrave: How are we supposed to know if Dark Cacao cookie founded all of the ingredients?!

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