Chapter 20: Caught

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The next day

Dark Choco cookie, Cream Unicorn, the pets and I were walking in the hallways of Vanilla kingdom as we were chatting about what had happened yesterday. From the dress that Pure Vanilla cookie wore to the dance between him and Dark Cacao cookie to the proposal that the Cacaoan king did in front of the shining moon and fireworks. It was very lovely. Cream Unicorn was very happy for the two as our pets were playing around with each other, going around us in circles. Why they were playing, I noticed Dark Spirit stopped suddenly as the other two were confused as they looked at what was in front of them. The three of us stopped as I asked Dark Spirit what was wrong when I looked over and madly blushed. Dark Choco cookie and Cream Unicorn cookie saw me blush as they were confused and looked over at what I'm blushing at and... they also blushed. What we saw was... Dark Cacao cookie and Pure Vanilla cookie making out... IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HALLWAY?!

Whipped Cream: Oh gosh *about to faint when Cream Unicorn caught his friend*

Cream Unicorn: I'm surprised! Why in the middle of the hallway? Will other cookies see this?!

Dark Choco: To be honest, they were like this last night

Cream Unicorn: Really? What happened?

A minute later

Cream Unicorn: 😳Oh my! I didn't know that they were doing it in Pure Vanilla cookie's room!

Whipped Cream: What's worse was that we were almost caught by Dark Cacao cookie

Cream Unicorn: 😮 Really?!

Dark Choco: Yeah, but my father was not rough on Pure Vanilla cookie since he was... sensitive in some areas

Whipped Cream: Oh! He kissed me on the lips last night

Cream Unicorn: Really?! Aww, so cute!

Rosette, Meringue Horn, Dark Spirit: *flew over to warn the cookies about something*

Whipped Cream: What is it?

Dark Choco: *took a peek and saw Dark Cacao walking to their direction* My father is coming! We need to hide!

The three of us started to run from where we walked from as the three of us split up to two different directions. Cream Unicorn cookie and the pets went on the right while me and Dark Choco cookie went on the left. We found an empty room which it turned out to be Pure Vanilla cookie's bedroom and hid there. Dark Choco cookie closed the door behind him as he told me to hide in the wardrobe closet which I nodded and went inside while he hopped inside and closed the closet door. He then told me to sit on his lap which I blushed and slowly approach him to sit on his lap. As I was adjusting myself to get comfortable, we heard the door open and two cookies chatting as me and Dark Choco cookie looked at each other in shock as we can hear giggles and kisses between the two cookies. I took a peek and whispered to Dark Choco cookie, saying that it's Dark Cacao cookie and Pure Vanilla cookie making out. He then sighed as he brought me closer to him since he was kind of tired from running in the halls. I snuggled onto his chest since it was warm as it made me slowly doze off to sleep. I'm a bit worried that Dark Cacao cookie and Pure Vanilla cookie will get mad if they founded us hiding in the wardrobe closet. But for now, we both doze off to sleep and off to our dreamland.

Cream Unicorn's POV

After I got separated from Dark Choco cookie and Whipped Cream cookie, I started to get a bit worried as Rosette, Whipped Cream cookie's pet, was getting more worried than I am. I decided to find the two cookies that went on the left with the three pets that were with me. While searching for the two cookies, I heard quiet yelps as I stopped in my tracks and followed the sounds of yelps, leading me to a bedroom where the door was kind of wide open. I took a peek and noticed Dark Cacao cookie and Pure Vanilla cookie on the bed... making out? Or giving cuddles to each other? I was confused as Dark Spirit, Dark Choco cookie's pet, sensed Dark Choco cookie and Whipped Cream cookie inside the wardrobe closet. I was a bit hesitant to go in without them knowing so Meringue helped me by slowly lifting me using her magic and slowly float my way to the wardrobe closet. Then suddenly, Meringue accidently dropped me onto the ground, making a loud thud as the two cookies on the bed was interrupted by the thud.

Pure Vanilla: What was that?

Dark Cacao: I don't know. Want me to check it out?

Pure Vanilla: Yes

Cream Unicorn: 'Oh no! Dark Cacao cookie will see me! I need to hide!'

Meringue: *gestured Cream Unicorn and other two pets to hide under the couch*

Rosette, Dark Spirit, Cream Unicorn: *quickly hid under the couch*

Dark Cacao: *walks over to where the thud is* Hm? I don't see it

Pure Vanilla: Maybe it must be our imagination

Dark Cacao: Alright, if you say so *walks up to the other cookie and showered him with soft kisses*

Pure Vanilla: *giggles* That tickles Cacao!

Cream Unicorn: *sighs* That was close *slowly crawled out of the couch*

Rosette: *looks over at the wardrobe closet*

Dark Spirit: *tried to open the closet with its strength*

Dark Cacao: Dark Spirit? Rosette?

Cream Unicorn: 'Oh no!'

Pure Vanilla: Cacao, don't scare them *walks over to the pets* I'm pretty sure that I feel that Cream Unicorn cookie is here

Cream Unicorn: 'Crap!'

Dark Cacao: Do you mean, he's under the couch?

Pure Vanilla: Huh?

My eyes widened in a slight fear as Pure Vanilla cookie looked over to where I was hiding and was surprised to see me. He then told me to come out of my hiding spot as I slowly got out of the couch with Meringue coming afterwards. Dark Cacao cookie asked me what I was doing which I sighed and told the two ancient cookies the truth about what we saw earlier. I also told them that I was looking for both Dark Choco cookie and Whipped Cream cookie since we both went different ways. Dark Cacao cookie and Pure Vanilla cookie looked at each other and looked at where both Rosette and Dark Spirit were at as the Cacaoan king opened the closet door, seeing the two sleeping cookies. He was shocked and was about to wake up his son when Pure Vanilla cookie told him not to disturb their sleep and carried Whipped Cream cookie to the couch before setting him down. Dark Cacao cookie then carried his son to the couch and set him down next to the other cookie while Pure Vanilla cookie draped a blanket above them. Pure Vanilla cookie then told me to sit down and have some tea which I nodded and sat next to the two sleeping cookies while Dark Cacao cookie and Pure Vanilla cookie sat at the other couch. We started to chat as both cookies woke up from their nap as they were shocked to see the two ancient cookies. I told the two cookies that both ancient cookies knew the truth since I was founded by Dark Cacao.

Dark Choco: *sighs as he leaned over to Whipped Cream* Father we apologized. We got scared when you notice our presence

Whipped Cream: Plus we can't walk over to where you two were... making out

Cream Unicorn: I was with them, so I understand how they feel

Dark Cacao: *lightly sighs* I see. That's why I felt something off

Pure Vanilla: At least the short misunderstanding is resolved

Others: *nods*

Pets: *started to play around*

Dark Cacao: It's almost dinner. We should get going then

Pure Vanilla: Good point. We should not keep the others waiting. Let's go

Cream Unicorn, Whipped Cream, Dark Choco: *nods* Okay!

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