Chapter 15: White Lily

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After breakfast
White Lily's POV

Golden Cheese cookie, Hollyberry cookie, Dark Cacao cookie, Pure Vanilla cookie and I were walking in the hallways of the Dark Cacao castle. Latte cookie, Almond cookie, and the others went back to their rooms to relax as the five of us were chatting about the old days. I watched as both Dark Cacao Cookie and Pure Vanilla cookie were chatting with each other while holding hands. Hollyberry cookie and Golden Cheese cookie were chatting with each other too as I was walking behind them with a small smile on my face. But at the same time, it's......... sad. Not because of Pure Vanilla cookie, but it was because of my actions in the past. Every time I think about Pure Vanilla cookie, I would get nightmares about him dying and other cookies abandoning me for my cruel actions. I was so much in deep thought that I didn't hear them calling my name until I felt a hand holding my shoulder. I looked up to see Pure Vanilla cookie looking at me with worry as I told him that I was okay and excused myself to got to my room. I walked away from Pure Vanilla cookie and the others as I walked to my room and closed the door before sliding down to sit on the floor and started crying. I blamed myself for hurting other cookies and putting them in danger as I continued to cry and not knowing what will come next.

Wizard's POV

Gingerbrave: Wizard cookie. Do you think that White Lily cookie is feeling okay?

Strawberry: Hm? What do you mean?

Chili Pepper: Is she depressed or something?

Wizard: Hmm I'm not sure. Custard III cookie and I haven't pay any attention to it since I was helping Custard III cookie with the paperwork

Custard III: Wait now I think about *stops writing* Did anyone noticed the sad look on White Lily cookie?

Others: Huh?

???: *knocks on the door* Hello? It's Alchemist cookie and Cream Puff cookie

Wizard: *opens the door* Oh what are you two doing here?

Cream Puff: Well we wanted to ask you something about White Lily cookie

Others: Huh?

Alchemist: You guys noticed how sad she was when she sees Pure Vanilla cookie, right?

Gingerbrave: Yeah, what about it?

Cream Puff: *looks at Alchemist before looking at Gingerbrave and the other cookies* We think that she might have......... depression

Others: 😳/😧

Custard III: Why did you think that?

Cream Puff: *sighs* I don't know. Like every time I look at White Lily cookie, she has that sad look on her face

Chili Pepper: Hmm I see

Gingerbrave: Should we see if White Lily was okay?

Others except for Custard III: *nods*

Wizard: Then let's go!

The other cookies and I walked out of the to to let Custard III cookie focus on the paperwork. The 6 of us started walking in the hallways as Strawberry cookie and the other girls were chatting with each other while me and Gingerbrave cookie were behind them. I was a bit worried about White Lily cookie as Gingerbrave cookie assured me that she will be okay even after Pure Vanilla cookie is doing okay with the other ancient cookies. Not to mention that he and Dark Cacao cookie loved each other which it was a shock to me and the other young cookies. While walking to White Lily cookie's room, we heard crying. All 6 of us were confused as we started rushing to the room where the sound of crying is coming from. And coincidentally it was coming from White Lily cookie's room. I knocked on the door, waiting for any response from the other side of the door, but to no avail. Then Cream Puff cookie shouted her name, but also to no avail. That's weird. She was doing okay at breakfast when she was chatting with Pure Vanilla cookie and the other ancient cookies. I knocked on the door once again, but then again, to no avail.

Wizard: What if...... the door was locked? Maybe she can't hear us?

Cream Puff: I'm sure that might be the case *held the doorknob and slowly turned and pushed the door gently*

Alchemist: Oh it's unlocked and *saw White Lily's body on the floor* OH MY GOD!!!! WHITE LILY COOKIE PASSED OUT

Others: *looked at White Lily* 😳

Chili Pepper: We need to get inside first and-

Strawberry: Get inside right now! Pure Vanilla cookie and the other ancient cookies are coming!

Others: *looked at the direction of ancient cookies and getting inside the room before they noticed*

Strawberry: Phew. That's close. We should lock the door so they wouldn't get in

Others: *nods*

20 minutes later

White Lily: *woke up and sat up* Since when did I get in bed? *noticed the young cookies siting at the couches*

Strawberry: *turned to see White Lily* White Lily cookie! Are you feeling okay? We found you passed out when we went to see you

Gingerbrave: What happened though?

White Lily: *sighs* I couldn't say 😔

Alchemist: That's okay. We won't judge you

White Lily: That's not what I mean

Wizard: Then... are you thinking about......Pure Vanilla cookie?

White Lily cookie then started to cry after I asked her about Pure Vanilla cookie. The 6 of us were shocked as Cream Puff cookie, Alchemist cookie, Gingerbrave cookie, and Strawberry cookie ran up to the crying ancient cookie and comforted her. It was a sad for all of us as Chili Pepper cookie and I stood there, in sadness as White Lily cookie continued to cry for at least 5 minutes. After she stopped crying, she explained why she was like this to us as we were surprised and sad at the same time. The 4 cookies who were comforting White Lily cookie hugged the sad cookie as she embraced back to the 4 cookies Ok who were hugging her. We then heard a knock on the door as we looked at each other and nodded. I decided to open the door while the other cookies were hiding. I also have to hide too as I unlocked the knob and opened the door for them which I was hiding behind the door. It's was the other 4 ancient cookies that walked in as I peeped through the side of the door and watched as they were asking White Lily cookie about what happened earlier. She looked away from the others as Pure Vanilla cookie sat down on her bed and held her hand. Then I watched him hugged her as she started to cry onto his shoulders, can't hold the tears anymore as the other cookies comforted her and telling her that everything is over and pushed behind them. White Lily cookie nodded as she called out the young cookies including myself to come out of their hiding spot. We all appeared out of our hiding spots and explained to them why White Lily cookie was crying.

Dark Cacao: I knew that it has something to do with Vanilla. But I didn't think she would harshly blame herself for that

Golden Cheese: Yeah

Alchemist: So...... is everything okay right now? We can leave the room to give you guys some privacy

Other cookies: *nods*

Pure Vanilla: That's alright. We don't mind the company 😄

Cream Puff: Then...... are you able to hold a ball at your kingdom?

Others: Huh?

Cream Puff: Professor Latte cookie told me that every year, either the Hollyberry kingdom or Vanilla kingdom holds a grand ball. They takes turns doing it depending on the season and the date of the ball taking place. So last year was Hollyberry kingdom, right?

Gingerbrave: Oh yeah! I know what you mean. You're asking of Pure Vanilla cookie is going to plan a grand ball right?

Cream Puff: That's what I'm asking

Pure Vanilla: Well...... I don't plan on making one this year due to the recent incident that happened months ago. However, after the incident is behind us, I can plan a ball with your help

Alchemist: Okay! We can help

Strawberry: White Lily cookie can also help!

White Lily: I......

Pure Vanilla: White Lily cookie. It's okay. You can help me and the other cookies plan out the grand ball this year

White Lily: 😳🙂😊 Okay. I can help

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