Chapter 16: Dress

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6 months later
Latte's POV

It has been 6 months since Pure Vanilla cookie has woken up from the curse as he was doing well with the cookies that were staying with him to assist him for the grand ball he planned to do. Cream Puff cookie and her friend, Alchemist cookie were at Vanilla kingdom as they were helping the king of Vanilla kingdom as I was on my way to pick the girls up from the entrance of the kingdom. I waited for them to arrive as I see them walking towards me with Pure Vanilla cookie as they thanked him for the hospitality at the inn that Black Raisin cookie. I waved to get their attention as the girls ran over to where I was and waved goodbye to the ancient cookie. Pure Vanilla cookie smiled as he waved goodbye to the three of us as I started riding my floating spoon back to the academia. But before I do that, I have to drop off Alchemist cookie at Cookie kingdom where her brother, Vampire cookie, is waiting for us. While I concentrated riding my spoon to Cookie kingdom, I hear the girls were talking about Pure Vanilla cookie. Wonder why...

Latte: How is your stay, you two?

Alchemist: It was fun! Can't wait to go to the ball with my brother and his friends

Cream Puff: And I can't wait to see Pure Vanilla cookie in a beautiful dress!

Latte: Ara~ I'm pretty sure that Pure Vanilla cookie is a male

Cream Puff: We know. Hollyberry cookie is actually planning to make Pure Vanilla cookie wear a dress

Latte: When was this?

Alchemist: Yesterday. It happened like this


Wizard: Oh the grand ball is in 2 day! Can't wait to see every cookie coming to have some fun

Gingerbrave: I know right!

Strawberry: Yeah!

Hollyberry: Hey kiddos!

Others: *turned to see the three ancient cookies*

White Lily: Hi everyone

Cream Puff: Hi!

Golden Cheese: The decorations were almost done! Can't wait for the ball in two days

Hollyberry: I know! By the way... would it be funny to make Pure Vanilla cookie wear the dress for a ball?

Golden Cheese: Um what?

White Lily: *confused*

Gingerbrave, others: *even more confused*

Alchemist: Why?

Hollyberry: You know how both Pure Vanilla cookie and Dark Cacao are together? Well I was thinking, since he was planning to wear one of the special robes he owned, I can switch out the robe for the dress my tailor designed

Golden Cheese: There's no way😅

Cream Puff: What does it look like?

Hollyberry: a Very flowy, white dress decorated with small yellow vanilla orchids and white lilies around the asymmetrical skirt . Comes along with a custom shawl so his soul jam can be placed in the middle and high heels. Hope he doesn't mind though 😅

Strawberry: I mean... he's not a female cookie...

White Lily: Hmm, maybe I can try to convince him to wear the dress that Hollyberry cookie mentioned

Chili Pepper: Well, will it look weird on Pure Vanilla cookie?

Golden Cheese: Nope. It'll look beautiful on him

Others: Oh~


I was a bit surprised after what the girls told me about what the three female ancient cookies planned to do. I mean, Pure Vanilla cookie wearing a dress? It's... very rare. I don't mind seeing him in a dress, but will he be okay with it? we were almost there to the kingdom as I landed the spoon at the entrance of the kingdom where Vampire cookie and his friends, Sparking cookie and Herb cookie, we're waiting. Alchemist cookie thanked me as she waved goodbye to Cream Puff cookie and flew off to the Parfaedia Academy. The young cookie was slowly dozing off to sleep as I chuckled quietly and enjoyed the ride as the sky was a mixture of yellow, orange and pink with light pink clouds. The ride was almost an hour away from the academy as was thinking about the conversation that Alchemist cookie was talking about. I then woke up my student as she rubbed the sleepiness out of her face and saw that we're almost at the academy. We landed on the ground in front of the dorm where Cream Puff is staying at. We both said goodbye to each other before we part ways. By the time I arrived at my own place, it was close to midnight so I got ready for bed. Before I doze off to sleep, I had an fun idea to make the grand ball interesting. But I have to sleep for the night and go to the palace tomorrow with Cream Puff cookie.

The next day
Hollyberry's POV

Hollyberry: Ah this is nice

Golden Cheese: Yeah! Today is the big day! Can't wait to get the party started

White Lily: *chuckles before noticing the sad look on Pure Vanilla* Pure Vanilla cookie? What's the matter?

Pure Vanilla: Oh, I'm sorry. It's just... I'm not sure if it is okay for me to wear such a revealing dress. And I don't know if Cacao will like it *looks at the floor with blush on his face*

Other 3: 😳'Huh!? This is the first time we see him acting like this!'

White Lily: My dear friend, I assured you that Dark Cacao cookie will like you in a dress

Golden Cheese: Not that one time where Dark Cacao cookie saw you in a maid outfit

Pure Vanilla: >////< No please! I need to get back to the office *stood up* I'll see you guys at the party

Hollyberry: *watched as Pure Vanilla closed the door behind him* You know what Latte cookie told me when she went to see me?

White Lily, Golden Cheese: Eh?/Huh?

After what Hollyberry told the other two cookies

White Lily: Really?!

Golden Cheese: So like a fairytale, but the Cinderella is Pure Vanilla cookie who gets his robe transformed to the dress that your tailor designed

Hollyberry: That's right!

White Lily: I wonder how it will go. Not to mention that Dark Cacao cookie wanted to propose to Pure Vanilla cookie

Hollyberry, Golden Cheese: HUH!?

Both Golden Cheese cookie and I were shocked at what White Lily cookie just said. She then said that both Dark Cacao cookie and Pure Vanilla cookie were dating for 6 months even though they known and worked with each other for many years. Many of us cookies knew that those two loved each other and would wished to announce their wedding one day in the future. Wait why did I say that in my mind. I asked White Lily when Dark Cacao cookie will propose to Pure Vanilla cookie which she said that the Cacaoan king said soon. *sigh* I wanted to see the proposal with the other cookies that understood their love. Anyway It was almost late afternoon as I told them that they should get ready for the ball today. The other two cookies nodded as they waved goodbye and say they will see me at the party which I nodded and waved back at them. I soon got myself ready by taking a bath with the maids' help and everything else that a female cookie would do. After 10-15 minutes of getting ready, I walked out of my guest room and walked towards the ballroom where every other cookie is present and waiting for Pure Vanilla cookie to appear. I wonder how is he doing with the dress though.

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