Chapter 17: Dance

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5 hours later
Pure Vanilla's bedroom
Pure Vanilla's POV

*sighs* Today is the day where the ball will take place. A few days before today, White Lily cookie convinced me to wear something different rather than the special white robes I usually wear to very important balls like this one today. Instead of the robe, she wanted me to wear...... a dress. I was very hesitant about wearing a dress since usually female cookies would wear it. However, since White Lily cookie convinced me to wear one, I agreed. I never seen the design of the dress, but all what Hollyberry cookie, White Lily cookie, and Golden Cheese cookie said was the dress is very flowy, revealing and decorated with the flowers of my orchard garden. I'm very excited for tonight, but there is a problem. The dress didn't arrive. Did Hollyberry changed her mind and return the dress back to her kingdom? Or did the dress got destroyed? I was very worried that other cookies will have to wait a long time to make my appearance. I sighed and was about to put on the special robe that I originally planned to wear when...

???, ???: *appeared out of thin air*

???: Ara~ You must be the cookie that has experienced the sleeping beauty curse

Pure Vanilla: *quickly turned around and started to feel nervous* W... who are you?

???: Oh! Don't be nervous! I am the godmother and this cookie right here is my assistant

Assistant: Please, we come to help you get ready for the grand ball. Every cookie is waiting for you

Pure Vanilla: I see

Godmother: Fufu~ Now you can trust us. We'll get you ready in a second. Close your eyes, dear cookie

Pure Vanilla: Okay *slowly closed his eyes*

Assistant: Alright here it goes!

A minute later

Pure Vanilla: Finished?

Godmother: Yes, now you can take a look

I nodded as I slowly opened my eyes and saw the dress that was on me. Like what Hollyberry cookie, White Lily cookie, and Golden Cheese cookie said is all true. The dress was very flowy, revealing(just a little bit) and was decorated with the flowers of my orchard garden. The shawl goes well with the dress and the shoes were made out of sugar glass. The white stockings that goes to my thighs, being supported by the belt that was around my waist. My hair was in some sort of braid decorated with small crystal roses and butterflies. I gently twirled around, liking every single detail as I wanted to thank the godmother and her assistant when I noticed that they disappeared. I was sad at first, but I can't leave my people and friends waiting, I make haste and started to walk out of my bedroom and walked to the ballroom where the cookies were waiting. I stood right in front of the doors that is the entrance of the ballroom as the knights opened the door for me to step in and greet everyone that has been waiting for my arrival.

Dark Cacao's POV

Dark Choco: Father, are you nervous?

Dark Cacao: No, why did you ask?

Crunchy Chip: You have been pacing back and forth since last night. What happened?

Caramel Arrow: 😐

Dark Cacao: That is none of your concern, you three

Dark Spirit: *bored when he looked up and was in a good mood*

Dark Choco: Hm? What's the matter? *looked up* 😳

Caramel Arrow: Your highness, what's the matt- 😳

Crunchy Chip: Huh? *looked up* 😳 Your majesty

I was confused about why my son and the two cookies were surprised when I looked up and was surprised. I saw Vanilla in a dress, looking very elegant as he started walking down the stairs while everyone watched. Then I noticed the other three ancient cookies looking very pleased with the results of Vanilla wearing the dress. Then suddenly, everyone gasped. Vanilla accidentally missed a step and was about to fall when I ran up and caught him in my arms. He looked up and saw that I caught him as I set him down and heard him thanking me for saving him from the fall. He looked......... beautiful. I nodded as I walked back to where my son, Crunchy Chip cookie and Caramel Arrow cookie were and stood on the side. We listened to the short speech that Vanilla shared as we all clapped for Vanilla as he bowed down and walked to the throne that is in the middle, watching all of the cookies having a good time. Custard III cookie sat on another throne that is on the left side of Vanilla while Wizard cookie stood next to him on his right. I don't really enjoy crowds in parties, but this one is an exception since almost a year ago, Vanilla was under the curse so his kingdom didn't had a chance to celebrate that year. I sighed as I excused myself to walk to the balcony and relaxed for some time.

20 minutes later

Dark Cacao: *walks back inside the ballroom and noticed Clotted Cream* Hm? Him.... Who's he talking to? *noticed Pure Vanilla* Vanilla? Why is Clotted Cream cookie talking to him? *started walking towards them*

Clotted Cream: Pure Vanilla cookie. You looked very dazzling with the dress that your friends gave you

Pure Vanilla: Thank you for the compliment, Clotted Cream cookie

Clotted Cream: It's an honor to be invited by the king of Vanilla Kingdom. Perhaps, can I ask you to have the first dance with you?

Pure Vanilla: I....... I'm sorry. I'm actually waiting for someone to dance with me

Clotted Cream: I see *using one of the robotic hand to approach, and wrapped it around Pure Vanilla's waist* And who is this cookie you're talking about?

Pure Vanilla: *started to feel threatened* That's-

Dark Cacao: *roughly placed his hand on Clotted Cream's shoulder* Let your robotic arm go of Vanilla! He's waiting for me to have his first dance. Move this instant

Clotted Cream: *sighs* Alright *let go of Pure Vanilla's waist* I apologize *takes his leave*

Dark Cacao: Are you okay, Vanilla? Did he threatened you to dance with him?

Pure Vanilla: *softly chuckled* I'm okay. Thank you for saving me twice 😊

Dark Cacao: *nods and kneels down* Then, will you accept my invite to do the first dance?

Pure Vanilla: *blushed* Sure 😊

I felt his hand placed on top of mine as I guided him to the middle of the dance floor as every cookie including our friends watch us dance. The skirt of his dress glided gently when I twirled him around and hear the sounds of soft clacking from the heels he wore. We looked at each other as I gave him another twirl and lift him up in the air as we were like attempting to do ballet which it was strange. Then after about a few minutes, it was almost the end of the first song as we ended our first dance with me leaning towards him and planted a kiss on his forehead, making the audience gasped while some of them applauded for our dance as we did a curtsy with each other before Vanilla walked towards the direction of our friends. I smiled a bit as I was about to leave when I felt a small hand behind me and saw Vanilla feeling invaded by the other cookies that wanted to chat with him. I sighed and carried him princess style as he profusely blushed and started walking away from the crowd. The cookies were awed as Hollyberry cookie, White Lily cookie, and Golden Cheese cookie chuckled with each other as they watched the two of us walked away.

The Sleeping Beauty Curse | A Dark Cacao x Pure Vanilla FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now