Chapter 24: Coronation

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The next day
Near Noon
Pure Vanilla's POV

Pure Vanilla: *slowly opened his eyes, revealing a pair of glimmering heterochromia eyes and yawned* '*hiss* My butt... it's sore...'

Dark Cacao: *turned his body and hugged Pure Vanilla's waist*

Pure Vanilla: *sighs* 'Should I sleep more...? No... I have to get ready' *tries to get out of bed*

Dark Cacao: *wokes up* Vanilla...? Where are you going?

Pure Vanilla: Getting ready and- *hissed lightly*

Dark Cacao: Oh. Your butt still hurts?

Pure Vanilla: It's just sore, but don't worry about it

Dark Cacao: I see, but getting ready for what?

Pure Vanilla: You forgot?! It's your son's coronation today!! It's happening in 2 hours

Dark Cacao: Oh s***... I forgot we discussed about this a month back

Pure Vanilla: *giggles* Then let's get ready then

Cacao nodded as we both got out of his bed and went to the bathroom together to get ready for the day. The maids were helping us getting ready as they rushed to prep us up with ease. Cacao was wearing a black formal hanbok while I was wearing a white formal hanbok for Dark Choco cookie's coronation. He asked me if I was ready which I nodded and held hands as we rushed outside of his bedroom. The maids quickly followed as we're running to the main palace where coronation is taking place. I felt his hands tightened onto mine as I was running out of breath from all of the running which make Cacao noticed it. He then suddenly started to carry me which I blushed and continued to run while I told him that I can keep running when he refused to let me run more after noticing me running out of breath. I quietly giggled and kissed Cacao on the cheek which he blushed a bit, smiled and put a few kisses on my cheek. I giggled again as we had arrive at the main palace, seeing our friends and some of the other cookies that we know that were invited by Cacao. Whipped Cream cookie and Cream Unicorn cookie were the few cookies that were invited as their pets, Rosette and Meringue Horn, zoomed up to where I was and started cuddling onto my cheeks as I let out more giggles.

Pure Vanilla: Ahahahaha! You two! It tickles!

Rosette: *kisses Pure Vanilla's cheek as she floats over to Whipped Cream and cuddles her owner*

Whipped Cream: Sorry about that, Pure Vanilla cookie! Rosette and Meringue Horn missed you so much

Cream Unicorn: Today is the day for Dark Choco to be crowned emperor

Dark Cacao: Yes. Unlike that time when these two sneaked into my place and playfully ambushed Vanilla

Meringue Horn: *flinched as she flew over to hide behind Cream Unicorn*

Cream Unicorn: 😅Ah yes. I remember that time. Me and Whipped Cream cookie were frantically looking for these two for the last two days when Dark Choco cookie sent Whipped Cream cookie a letter.

Whipped Cream: I was shocked. I told him as soon as I got the letter and we have to rush over to the kingdom unexpectedly

8 months ago

Whipped Cream: Cream Unicorn cookie! We're almost there

Cream Unicorn: I can see the castle *landed on the soft snow*

Whipped Cream: *got out of Cream Unicorn's back* Should I knock on the gate?

Cream Unicorn: *turns back to his cookie form* Yes. We should-

*the gate suddenly opens*

Caramel Arrow: Ah Cream Unicorn cookie, Whipped Cream cookie! Get in

Cream Unicorn, Whipped Cream: *nods as they rushed inside to the castle*

5 minutes later

Rosette, Meringue Horn: *perked up to see their owners*

Whipped Cream: Rosette!

Cream Unicorn: Meringue!

Rosette, Meringue Horn: *zoomed over to cuddle with their owners*

Pure Vanilla: I'm glad that you two are reunited with your owners

Cream Unicorn: Thank you so- Pure Vanilla cookie?! 😧What happened to your eyes?!

Whipped Cream: Wow, your eyes are beautiful

Pure Vanilla: *chuckles* Thank you for the compliment. It's a long story. Come in and have some tea. Rosette and Meringue Horn are going to play with Dark Spirit

Cream Unicorn, Whipped Cream: Okay! 😄


Pure Vanilla: Ahahaha. I remember that time

Whipped Cream: It's a surprise that you told us about the cure

Cream Unicorn: Yes. I remember Gingerbrave cookie telling me about this before the cure was actually made. I'm happy that you are doing very well to this day after you were lifted from the nightmares

Pure Vanilla: *smiles* I see. I'm glad that you two are doing okay. I was even more surprised when you first told me about Dark Choco cookie as your boyfriend

Whipped Cream: 😳 It was a bit awkward at first. However, after seeing how much he loved me, I accepted his love way before he returned to Dark Cacao kingdom to assist his father and the other cookies during the ultimate final war. I was taking care of Dark Spirit, knowing that he will not see him for a while until the day we visit you while you're under the curse

Cream Unicorn: Yes, I remember that, too. I was shocked and worried when we saw you at that state. *sighs* The news about the condition you're in that time made me faint

Pure Vanilla: *chuckles* At least I'm well today. Now, why don't we watch the ceremony? It's getting started

Whipped Cream, Cream Unicorn: Okay

Dark Choco's POV

I was walking on the path, leading to the palace where my father is standing at the top of the stairs. The shamans, the maids, and a few soldiers were behind me as I walked to the bottom of the stairs and going up. While doing that, I then noticed Whipped Cream cookie, Pure Vanilla cookie, Cream Unicorn cookie, and the other ancient cookies watching me from a distance. I looked over to my father with a small smile on his face as he opened the scroll that explains I'm going to be crowned the new emperor of the kingdom. He then handed me over the scroll as I bowed down and turned around to see the people of the king bowed down to me, chanting long live the king 4 or 5 times. I smiled as I walked over to the throne and looked over at my dad. He gave me a nod as I nodded back and sat down as the people of the kingdom did the chanting once again. 10 minutes after the ceremony, the other ancient cookies, Whipped Cream cookie, Cream Unicorn cookie, and the pets came over to congratulate me as Dark Spirit came to cuddle me as I let out a chuckle and smile. Whipped Cream cookie gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead as I let out a laugh as I looked over to my father and Pure Vanilla cookie and walked over to them.

Dark Cacao: My boy, congratulations

Dark Choco: Thank you father

Pure Vanilla: I'm very happy for you. Maybe you can take Whipped Cream cookie as your bridegroom

Dark Choco, Whipped Cream: 😳

Pure Vanilla: I'm just kidding, but would it be nice to have someone by your side?

Dark Choco: I guess

Whipped Cream: *giggles as he hugged Dark Choco's arm* If he wants to, I can live in this castle with him

Dark Cacao: That will be okay with me

Cream Unicorn: We should get going

Hollyberry: He's right! The banquet is about to start soon. We should get ready

Others: *nods*

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