Chapter 4: The Ingredients Pt. 2

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Crunchy Chip's POV

Once I got on the ship that goes to the academy, my cream wolf pack huddled up to be prepared for the sea adventure. I was talking to one of the sailor cookies as Sorbet Shark cookie was the captain of the ship. He does not communicate with guests who were on board unless they were friendly to the captain as I sat down next to my wolf pack and took a nap since I was tired after picking up all of the ingredients with Caramel Arrow cookie earlier. Although, ever since the final war, his majesty Dark Cacao Cookie has been acting strange. Even my wolf pack has noticed it which made me feel...... confused for some reason. Every time after I relay a report to his majesty, he would be his usual self, but in a different way. Or when Caramel Arrow relays her report on her training with Dark Choco cookie, he would do the same. Whenever I asked her about why his majesty is acting this way, she does not know why. I sighed as my wolf pack was already in their sleep as I closed my eyes and dozed off to sleep.

3 days later

I woke up to the captain of the ship, Sobert shark cookie who's was petting my cream wolf pups with their consent. They didn't mind other petting them because they're cute, but were trained to be like the leader of the pack and protect the kingdom. I got out of the ship with the cargo box full of ingredients and waited for some cookie to take me to the academy. I did get the location right, but was not sure where to go from there. Then the leader of my wolf pack started running towards the direction of another cookie who was very familiar with the academy as that cookie was so scared that she noticed me and ran towards my direction. The leader chased after her as she was running for her dear life when I whistled my cream wolf to come to me and not scare the cookie. He ran over to me and nudged his pups as the cookie was tired from running away from my cream wolf.

Crunchy Chip: Sorry about that kiddo. Are you a part of the Parfaedia Academy?

???: Yes! Cream Puff cookie is my name. Are you in the care of the ingredients from Dark Cacao Kingdom?

Crunchy Chip: Yeah! Sorry about the leader of the wolf pack. He sensed your presence from a short distance and wanted you to come over and guide me to the place where the other ingredients are

Cream Puff: Sure 😄 follow me!

Crunchy Chip: Okay! *grabbed the cargo box and followed the younger cookie to the academy*

5 minutes later

Cream Puff: Alchemist cookie! Professor Latte cookie! The last cargo box is here!

Alchemist: It's here?! Finally! Now we can start the grinding process for some into powder and liquids

Latte: Where is it, Cream Puff cookie?

Crunchy Chip: It's here! Sorry for the delay, his majesty Dark Cacao Cookie has been very busy with his paperwork and put me and the First watcher to take charge of the ingredients

Latte: Oh that's alright, sir...

Crunchy Chip: Crunchy Chip cookie

Latte: Ahh yes, sir Crunchy Chip cookie

Alchemist: While you're here Crunchy Chip cookie, wanna help us grind some ingredients so it can be easier for us to put in the ingredients inside this small cauldron we have?

Crunchy Chip: Yeah! Alright

The three cookies and I started to grind some ingredients into powder and liquids as Latte cookie and Alchemist cookie were looking through some books about the cure for Pure Vanilla cookie's curse. Cream Puff cookie was looking as the pups of my cream wolf pack as I said that you can pet them if she wanted to which she nodded and gently petted the pup which it liked it and walked up to Cream Puff cookie. The pup started licking the cookie as she let out a lot of giggles, telling the pup that it tickles as she petted the head of the cream wolf pup and decided to continue helping me with grinding the ingredients. Then another cookie... what's his name again... Ah! Almond cookie walked into the laboratory, seeing me helping the three cookies grinding some of the ingredients with the help of the leader of the wolf pack. The cookie asked Latte cookie to chat with him outside as she was a bit confused but nodded as she walked out of the room to chat with Almond cookie about something. While that, I was almost done with grinding the ingredients when Cream Puff cookie accidentally tripped over the pup and was about to hit her head when the leader of the wolf pack caught her fall and Alchemist cookie asked if she was okay.

Cream Puff: I'm okay Alchemist cookie *turned to look at the cream wolf* Thank you for catching my fall

Cream wolf: Awooooo

Crunchy Chip: Just be careful next time kiddo *grinding the last ingredient which it was the rose* Finished

Alchemist: Thank you for the help, sir Crunchy Chip cookie

Crunchy Chip: No problem kiddo

Latte: Oh you guys are finished? That's amazing, but we must have to continue another day since I'm not going to be here next week

Cream Puff: Is it because of a meeting or something?

Almond: That's correct. Latte cookie and I were going to the Dark Cacao kingdom next week for the meeting between the 4 ancient cookies and us

Alchemist: I see. Is it okay if I can stay here at the academy for the next few weeks? The Headmaster said that I can as long I get your permission

Latte: Sure 😄

Almond: That's fine with me as long you follow the rules of the academy

Alchemist: Okay thank you 😄

Crunchy: Are you guys going there right now?

Latte: Yep!

Almond: We would appreciate if you can guide us around the kingdom when we get there

Crunchy Chip: Yeah!

The two cookies went to pack their luggage as Alchemist cookie and Cream Puff cookie were still researching about the cure while I wait for the two cookies to arrive. After 5 minutes of waiting, they both arrived at the same time as I asked them if they're ready to go. Almond cookie nodded and wanted to make sure that both Cream Puff cookie and Alchemist cookie will follow the rules which the younger cookies nodded and waved goodbye. The three of us waved back as we walked our way to the port where there was another ship waiting for us to hop aboard. I then noticed that the other three ancient cookies were there along with... wait where's Gingerbrave and the others? I only saw Custard III cookie and Wizard cookie as I stood there confused as one of the two pups nudged me to go which I nodded and got in and greeted everyone on the ship. The ship then sailed as all of the other cookies were chatting with each other as I sat with my wolf pack and decided to take another nap for the day. Man I was tired as h*** as I doze off to sleep with my wolf pack already in their deep sleep.

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