Chapter 12: Kisses and Small Confessions

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Few minutes after my body fell to the ground, I felt my body was being carried by some cookie as I started to have a fever for some reason. I can feel very quick steps as the grip of the cookie's hand held on my arm to keep me from falling. I then heard the door opened or something as the cookie that was carrying me started walking towards something. I felt my body was being placed on something soft as something else covered my body. Then I felt a towel being placed on my forehead as I can hear myself panting from the fever. I can also hear two cookies talking about me as I felt a hand holding mine which I don't know who it was. I also can't move my body as I can hear them talked about my condition after I drank the cure and- wait. The cure? What cure did I drank for me to have these side effects? Anyway, after the conversation between the two cookies, I tried to open my eyes and saw Dark......Cacao cookie looked over to where I was and had his hand that was holding my hand earlier to have my eyes closed so I can rest for now as I slowly doze off to sleep. I don't know what was wrong with my body, but what I did know was that it needed rest after being under the curse for a long time.

Few hours later

Pure Vanilla: *slowly opened his eyes and looked around* Where am I right now? * sat up slowly and looked at his right and saw Dark Cacao sleeping* Oh? *quietly giggled as he reached his hand to touch the other king's cheek* 'I really missed you very much, along with the other cookies' *gently smiles*

???: *pops out of Dark Cacao's head from behind*

Pure Vanilla: Hm? *watched as it floats towards him* Hi there

???: *comes closer and landed itself on Pure Vanilla's head*

Pure Vanilla: *chuckled quietly and picks it up* Now, are you a pet or something? Is Dark Cacao Cookie your owner?

???: *snuggled a little bit before looking over to where Dark Cacao is and floats towards him*

Pure Vanilla: Hm?

???: *suddenly yanked Dark Cacao's hair*

Dark Cacao: *woke up from the sudden hair pulling* Dark Spirit! What are you thinking?! *looked over to Pure Vanilla* Pure Vanilla cookie...... *stood up to hug the other cookie*

Pure Vanilla: *hugs back* I missed you and the other cookies very much😊

Dark Cacao: *breaks the hug* .........

Pure Vanilla: Hm? Dark Cacao cookie? What's the matter?

Dark Cacao: *cupping his chin and kissed him on the lips*

Pure Vanilla: 😳 *closed his eyes and slowly kissed back before breaking the kiss after 10 seconds* Dark Cacao Cookie...... *looked at the other cookie with his jeweled eyes*

Dark Cacao: 'God, his eyes are so f****** pretty. Ah yes, I need to confess my feelings to him' *takes a deep breath* Ever since you said those words to me before you went under the curse, I...... have been very worried about you. I actually can't stop thinking about you and how you were warm-hearted towards everyone. I really love you...... for everything you do even sacrificing yourself to save others, Vanilla *looks at him with his amethyst eyes*

Pure Vanilla: *blushes at Dark Cacao's confession and looked away* I love you too...... Cacao. Whenever I'm with you during walks, my heart flutters. I also can't stop thinking about you. So...... *looks at Dark Cacao's amethyst orbs with his sapphire and yellow topaz orbs*

Dark Cacao: *slightly blushes but gives out a small smile and held the other cookie's hand with his* Anyway, the other cookies that helped us with the final war were very concerned about you. White Lily cookie went back to her normal self after being released by the ultimate dough

Pure Vanilla: Ah I'm very glad that everything went back to normal

Dark Cacao: Yeah and sorry about Dark Spirit. He's my son's pet

Pure Vanilla: Ah that's quite alright. Although *watched as Dark Spirit float towards the cookie and landed on his head* He seems to like me😊

Dark Cacao: *sighs* Guess so *looks at the floating pet* Dark Spirit. Let my son know that Pure Vanilla cookie is doing okay

Dark Spirit: *nods before zooming out of the bedroom to inform Dark Choco about the Vanillan king*

Dark Choco's bedroom
Dark Choco's POV

I was reading a book as usual after what had happened earlier when I was with Cream Puff cookie and Alchemist cookie. They were very worried since a syncope is one of the rare symptoms that happened after drinking the cure. Dark Spirit was with my father as I only wondered if Pure Vanilla cookie was okay. I sighed as I continued to read the book about different techniques when I heard a knock on the door. I told them to come, looking up to see Cream Puff cookie, Alchemist cookie and...... Dark Spirit? He was supposed to be with my father. What happened? I told the two cookies to come in as Dark Spirit quickly floated towards me and smacked my head in excitement. I was confused about what was going on until Cream Puff cookie said that Pure Vanilla cookie was doing okay and was chatting with my father. I stood up, closing the book and placing it on my desk, and tell them to let the other ancient cookies to meet up at my father's room. They both nodded and scurried out of door and went to the direction of the rooms where the other three ancient cookies were staying in. Dark Spirit and I started walking to the opposite direction after I closed my bedroom door as my pet seems to be very excited about the news.

Dark Choco: Come on. Let's go

Dark Spirit: *nods happily as he started zooming, making his owner started to run in the hallways of the Dark Cacao castle*

5 minutes later

Dark Choco: *leaning on the wall that was next to the open door*

White Lily: Your highness

Hollyberry: We heard that Pure Vanilla cookie is awake

Golden Cheese: How is he feeling?

Dark Choco: Shhhh

Other ancient cookies: *confused as they took a peek and saw the two male kings chatting*

Cream Puff: *whispers* Why are we watching them?

Alchemist: *nods*

Dark Choco: Just watch

Alchemist: *confused and whispered* Watch what?

*Dark Cacao kissed Pure Vanilla*

Other ancient cookies, Cream Puff, Alchemist: 😳

Dark Choco: That is what I'm talking about

Hollyberry: Ah so he actually confessed his feelings for Pure Vanilla cookie

Golden Cheese: Yeah 😄

White Lily: *makes a small smile*

We all watched my father kiss Pure Vanilla cookie as they broke the kiss after a minute. It was very cute to be honest. And seeing Pure Vanilla cookie feeling flustered made my father chuckled which it was very rare for all of us. Hollyberry cookie and Golden Cheese cookie were chatting quietly with White Lily cookie as Alchemist cookie, Cream Puff cookie and I watched the soft kisses given to Pure Vanilla from my father. After about 10 minutes, he finally noticed the other ancient cookies quietly chatting outside his bedroom door as he let them come inside and chat with Pure Vanilla for a bit. Cream Puff cookie knocked on the door that was opened as my father also let the three of us walk in and greeted Pure Vanilla cookie. White Lily cookie hugged Pure Vanilla cookie as she started crying and apologizing for hurting him and putting his life in danger as the other cookies including my father felt remorse from the ancient cookie. Pure Vanilla cookie willingly forgive her as he said that he was okay even though he was the one who got hit by the curse as my father said that it was getting late and that we should get get some rest for the night. Before I walked out of my father's bedroom, I glanced over at the two cookies giving more soft kisses as I smiled and slowly closed the door behind me. I felt glad that everything was over as Dark Spirit floated towards my shoulder and doze off to sleep. I started walking over to my bedroom and got myself ready for bed after letting Dark Spirit sleep on the pillow. I got on my bed after changing, climbed onto my bed and covered myself with the blanket. I was very tired after today as I doze off to sleep for the night with Dark Spirit sleeping right next to me.

The Sleeping Beauty Curse | A Dark Cacao x Pure Vanilla FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now