Chapter 19: I Spy...

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Dark Choco's POV

After my father proposed to Pure Vanilla cookie at the vanilla orchard garden that the Vanillan king owned, everyone else were walking in the hallways as they were chatting about the marriage proposal and the grand ball. Whipped Cream cookie and I were walking hand in hand as our pets, Dark Spirit and Rosette, were playing with Cream Unicorn cookie's pet Meringue Horn. I turned around to see the 3 ancient heroes chatting with each other while my father was carrying Pure Vanilla cookie who is covered with my father's cloak and sleeping in his arms after hosting the grand ball that lasted 3 hours. Whipped Cream cookie found this very cute as he pointed out that the sugar glass heels that he wore glistened from the moonlight. I chuckled, saying that it does as both Whipped Cream cookie and I quietly laughed to ourselves as the other cookies that were ahead of us were saying goodnight to each other. I turned over to let my father know that both Whipped Cream cookie and I we're going to bed as he nodded and said good night to the two of us as I dragged Whipped Cream cookie to the guest room I'm staying.

Whipped Cream: So Dark Choco cookie, what should we do right now?

Dark Choco: I was thinking of spying on my father and Pure Vanilla cookie

Whipped Cream: *surprised* W-wait why?!

Dark Choco: Usually, whenever Pure Vanilla cookie visits the kingdom, I pass by my father's room and hear moans

Whipped Cream: *blushes after he had an image on his mind* My, weren't you uncomfortable with that?

Dark Choco: No. One time, at first, I thought my father and Pure Vanilla cookie were actually doing it, and the door was opened by a crack so I took a peek to see if he was actually doing when...

Whipped Cream: When what?

Dark Choco: It was just my father thrusting his fingers inside Pure Vanilla cookie

Whipped Cream: 😳Oh...

Dark Choco: Wanna spy on them?

Whipped Cream: *gulps* Sure


When every cookie is asleep, we walked out of my room as I held his hand and gently dragged him to the location of where Pure Vanilla cookie's room is. On the way there, I saw Golden Cheese cookie and Hollyberry cookie walking as they both saw us and asked what we were doing out in the middle of the night. Whipped Cream cookie said that I wanted to spy on my father and Pure Vanilla cookie which the two ancient heroes looked at each other and said that they were about to go there also. Both Whipped Cream cookie and I nodded as the four of us started walking to Pure Vanilla cookie's room. When we got there, the four of us saw Caramel Arrow cookie, Crunchy Chip cookie and White Lily cookie. I quietly called them out which the three of them saw us, quietly waved at us and told us to come over there. We walked over to them as I asked White Lily cookie what is happening in there which she told me to look inside. I took a peek and saw that both Pure Vanilla cookie and my father were cuddling with each other as my father was caressing Pure Vanilla cookie's thigh. Whipped Cream took a peek and blushed as soon as he saw Pure Vanilla cookie's thigh was exposed to my father.

White Lily: They were like this since we came to check on them

Crunchy Chip: At least his majesty was being slow on Pure Vanilla cookie

Caramel Arrow: I mean, he was lifted under that curse a year ago

Hollyberry: The funny thing is that Pure Vanilla cookie is still wearing the dress that the three of us gave. I think Dark Cacao cookie liked it on Pure Vanilla cookie

Whipped Cream: At least it wasn't ripped or--

*a yelp was heard*

Everyone: 😶

Whipped Cream: *whispers* Was that... a yelp?

Others: *nods*

*a moan was heard*

Dark Choco: *blushed a bit*

Whipped Cream: *blushed more than his boyfriend*

Golden Cheese: Didn't think that would happened

White Lily: And not the fact that Dark Cacao cookie actually telling Pure Vanilla cookie to take off the dress

Others: Huh? *went to take a peek*

Hollyberry: Oh my f***ing god

Golden Cheese: Well s*** has gone down

Hollyberry: Shoving those fingers up in that a**

Dark Choco: 'Damn Hollyberry cookie'

Caramel Arrow, White Lily, Whipped Cream: *blushed and covered their faces with their hands*

Crunchy Chip, Dark Choco: *tried to cover their faces, but can't bear the moans they hear*

Whipped Cream's POV

While some of us cookies were spying on Pure Vanilla cookie and Dark Cacao cookie, I was covering my face due to the deep blush on my cheeks. I then looked over to see Dark Choco cookie as he was also blushing and was trying to hide his face. I slowly walked up to him and stuffed my face onto his shoulder as he looked over and hugged me. I felt a bit awkward since we're actually spying on the two kings. Wait are they actually doing it? Then we heard another moan, but it was a bit louder. I hoped that the other cookies who were staying in this castle will not hear the moans coming from this room. Then it stopped after a few minutes. What's happening? All of the sudden, I heard Hollyberry cookie telling us to run as quick as we can as we scrambled our ways to our room. I asked Dark Choco cookie who was carrying me about what was going on when he said that his father noticed our presence and the door slightly opened. We got to the room where Dark Choco cookie is staying and he threw me onto the soft mattress which I yelped, causing our pets to wake up.

Dark Choco: *took out his cloak, and got under the blanket*

Dark Spirit: *confused*

Rosette: *even more confused*

Whipped Cream: *blushes as Dark Choco was on top of him* D-dark Choco cookie...

Dark Choco: *placed a finger in front of his lips* Sh~

Whipped Cream: *nods as he heard footsteps and door slammed open*

Dark Choco: *whispered* Pretend to sleep

Whipped Cream: *nods as he closed his eyes*

Dark Cacao: *roughly pulled the blanket out to see his son and Whipped Cream sleeping peacefully and smiled* 'Good thing they're sleeping' *covered the two cookies with the blanket and closing the door behind him*

Whipped Cream: *whispers* Is your father gone?

Dark Choco: *took a peek* Yep. We should sleep for the night. You must be tired after all of the dancing you had with me and Cream Unicorn cookie

Whipped Cream: *nods* Good night *pecks Dark Choco's cheek*

Dark Choco: Whipped Cream...

Whipped Cream: Hm? *looked at him before he felt something on his lips* 😳

Dark Choco: Now that's a good night kiss

Whipped Cream: *pouts but smiles* Good night

Dark Choco: Good night *wrapped an arm around Whipped Cream's waist and pulled him closer*

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