Chapter 8: Leaving the DC Kingdom

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A few days later
Whipped Cream's POV

It has been 4 days since we stayed in Dark Cacao Kingdom to visit Cream Unicorn's friend Pure Vanilla cookie who is under the sleeping beauty curse. I was very shocked when he told me about what had happened through the letter he sent me. I felt bad for the cookies that had a deep connection with this pure cookie who is suffering from this curse. Anyway, I was as usual dancing as my lover, Dark Choco cookie, was at his desk reading a book. I stopped dancing as I walked up to him and watched him read as he was focusing on the book. Then he noticed that I was watching him read his book as he placed it on his desk, got up, grabbed me by my hips, and set me down on his lap when he sat down. I blushed as I never sat on his lap before besides sitting next to him. Then I felt a hand on top of mine as I looked down and noticed Dark Choco cookie's hand was on top. I blushed even more, not knowing that he was watching me with a small smile on his face. When I turned around and saw that, I stuffed my face onto his chest, not knowing what I was doing as I felt the same hand wrapped around my waist and kept me close.

Dark Choco: *chuckles* I do appreciate that you watched me read, Whipped Cream

Whipped Cream: *too shy to look at him*

Dark Choco: *sighs* Whipped Cream, come on

Whipped Cream: *slowly looked up with deep blush in his face* W-well... Aren't you going to finish reading?

Dark Choco: Yeah. How's Dark Spirit?

Whipped Cream: Oh he's good. He actually here with Rosette

Dark Choco: Really? I missed him

Whipped Cream: Sure😄*hops off Dark Choco's lap* Let's go

Dark Choco: Okay *puts a book mark on the page he stopped and walked out of his room with Whipped Cream*

5 minutes later

Whipped Cream: Rosette?

Rosette: *turns around and float towards her owner and kissed Whipped Cream's head*

Whipped Cream: Oh silly you! *picks Rosette* Where's Dark Spirit?

Rosette: *got out of Whipped Cream's light grip and float towards the bed to look for Dark Spirit*

Dark Spirit: *woke up after Rosette founded him*

Dark Choco: Dark Spirit!

Dark Spirit: *got up and sped over to where Dark Choco is and smacked onto his forehead*

Dark Choco: Ow! Hey, I missed you😄

Dark Spirit: *happily goes around Dark Choco in a circle*

Whipped Cream: Oh yeah! Cream Unicorn has a pet too, you know? His pet's name Meringue Horn! She's the cutest like Rosette 😄

Dark Choco: Oh I see. Should we look for him?

Whipped Cream: He might be with Pure Vanilla cookie

Dark Choco: Then let's go

I nodded as both Rosette and Dark Spirit started floating out of the room while both Dark Choco cookie and I followed them. It took us only a minute to find them which they were next to the open door as I peeked and saw Cream Unicorn cookie sitting at the side of the bed with Meringue Horn on his lap. His pet then noticed us and float towards us to say hi when she was spooked by both Dark Spirit and Rosette. The three of them sped inside the room and started chasing each other which it was adorable. Cream Unicorn cookie then saw us and greeted us as both Dark Choco cookie and I walked into the room. We all sat down after Dark Choco cookie closed the door and started chatting as our pets were zooming around the room, dodging any obstacles in their way. Dark Spirit then stopped, causing the other two to stop as well as they watched their friend float towards the sleeping cookie and just laid there. Meringue Horn and Rosette float towards their friend as they also decided to lay with their friend and Pure Vanilla cookie. The three of us noticed this and chuckled as it was very adorable seeing out pets cuddling with each other as they were next to the cookie. Then we heard a knock on the door which Dark Choco cookie opened the door to see his father, Dark Cacao cookie.

The Sleeping Beauty Curse | A Dark Cacao x Pure Vanilla FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now