Chapter 7: Discussion about Pure Vanilla

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A Few Days later

I had my suitcase with my necessities and a few nightgowns for the stay at Dark Cacao Kingdom. A few days ago, the king sent me a letter, saying that I can stay at his kingdom for a few days which I was excited as he also mentioned in the letter that I can bring a friend to come along the journey. I was waiting for Whipped Cream Cookie which he has not shown up yet as I looked up at the clear sky and took a deep breath. A few minutes later, the other cookie, his pet, Rosette and her friend Dark Spirit had arrived and greeted me as I greeted them back. Meringue Horn went up to the cookie and squished her cheek onto his cheek as I laughed softly as I tell Meringue Horn to come back which she came back and squished her cheek onto mine. Then she floated towards Dark Spirit Rosette, and started to play with each other which Whipped Cream cookie laughed at the adorable interaction as I asked him if he was ready to go which he nodded and transformed myself into an unicorn. The other cookie got on my back with our suitcases and Meringue Horn on my head before we headed out. The location of Dreamy CookieLand is a few hundred miles away from Vanilla Kingdom as I run up to the sky with Whipped Cream cookie, Rosette, Dark Spirit and Meringue Horn on my back. It took us hours to days to get to the Dark Cacao Kingdom as we have to make about 5-7 stops since Vanilla Kingdom is very, very, very, very far away from Dark Cacao Kingdom. When we finally arrived, I transformed myself back to normal as Meringue Horn squished her cheek onto my face, making me laugh.

Cream Unicorn: Meringue, please 😂

Meringue Horn: *pouts*

Whipped Cream: My~ This is the first time we been to a very different kingdom and it's very cold *hugging Rosette and Dark Spirit to keep them warm*

Cream Unicorn: Yes I know *looks at the gate* 'Should I knock'

*The gates opened*

Cream Unicorn: 'Never mind' Ah, you must be Caramel Arrow Cookie, right?

Caramel Arrow: Yes, his majesty is waiting inside

Whipped Cream: Let's go

Inside the castle

Whipped Cream: *sighs*

Meringue Horn: *confused*

Cream Unicorn: What's the matter?

Whipped Cream: Ah no, it's just that it's been a long time since I seen Dark Choco cookie

Cream Unicorn: Your lover or something?

Whipped Cream: *blushes* N-n-not like that >///<

Cream Unicorn: *chuckles softly*

Meringue Horn: *happily goes around in a circle*

Dark Cacao: Sorry for the wait

Whipped Cream, Cream Unicorn: Your Majesty Dark Cacao Cookie *bows*

Dark Choco: Whipped Cream cookie?!

Whipped Cream: *looks up to see Dark Choco* Oh my goodness! *runs up to the prince cookie* I missed you!

Dark Choco: I missed you too

Cream Unicorn, Meringue Horn, Dark Cacao: 😳/😶

Whipped Cream: Ah! My apologies, your majesty

Dark Cacao: That's alright. I need to talk to your friend first

Whipped Cream: Alright! *hold Dark Choco's hand* Let's go 😄

Dark Choco: Alright *walks out of the room and closed the door behind him*

Meringue Horn: *whimpered as she float towards Pure Vanilla*

Cream Unicorn: Meringue!

Dark Cacao: That's alright, let it be

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