Chapter 21: Well....

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Golden Cheese's POV

Pure Vanilla: So how is your guys' stay so far?

Golden Cheese: It was good so far! Unlike last night😏

Dark Choco: *slightly flinched when the ancient hero mentioned last night*

Dark Cacao: *didn't know what Golden Cheese meant*

Pure Vanilla: Last night?

Hollyberry: Oh my god, last night when you two are making out!

Gingerbrave, his comrades, Cream Puff, Alchemist except Chili Pepper: *confused* Huh?

Latte: Oh my

Almond: 😐

Pure Vanilla, Dark Cacao: 😳

Hollyberry: Anyway, changing the topic. Are you two planning a wedding or anything?

Pure Vanilla: *blushes even more* Ah w-well...

Dark Cacao: Was thinking of doing two weddings

Other cookies: TWO?!

Golden Cheese: Really? Wouldn't that put a big toll on Pure Vanilla Cookie??

Cream Unicorn: Yeah, it would put you two in immense pressure

Pure Vanilla: I don't mind doing two weddings

Dark Choco: So one wedding in Vanilla kingdom and one wedding in Dark Cacao kingdom?

Dark Cacao: Yes, so we can discuss ideas for the first one

Caramel Arrow: What about the second one?

Dark Cacao: Following the traditional way

Other cookies: Oh~

Alchemist: So who's getting invited for the weddings?

Dark Cacao: For the wedding in Vanilla's kingdom, everyone. But for my kingdom, just those three *pointing at the other three ancient heros*

Gingerbrave: Oh I see

Strawberry: We should get some ideas then

Other cookies: Yeah!

After we finished dinner, we discussed about what wedding will look like over some flan for dessert. I was chatting with some of the cookies as we were discussing about the party that happened 2 days ago. Honestly, it was very romantic for Pure Vanilla cookie and Dark Cacao cookie to dance in the middle of the dance floor. The other cookies who were chatting with the other two ancient cookies were discussing about the wedding for both kingdoms. Thinking about before Pure Vanilla cookie was lifted from the curse, Dark Cacao cookie was more worried than he used to be back then . He usually wouldn't care about his son back then, but this time it's different. He was like any normal father who treat his people the same as his son, Dark Choco cookie as Dark Cacao cookie has confessed his feelings for Pure Vanilla cookie. Anyway, I noticed that the cookie was sleeping on Dark Cacao cookie as he was getting much sleepy than before. Was is the side effect of the curse? Or the cure? I shrugged it off as I told everyone that we should get some sleep since we have to get back to our homes tomorrow. They nodded as we finished our flan and went our way to our rooms for the night. I wonder what both Pure Vanilla cookie and Dark Cacao cookie planned to do for their two weddings.

Pure Vanilla's POV

I was very sleepy as Cacao was carrying me in his arms while walking on our way to my bedroom. It was a bit chilly even for a summer month as I leaned closer to the cookie and snuggled up against his shoulder. When we got to my bedroom, he set me down as I started to wake up, still sleepy. I then told him that he should get ready for bed while I sleep for a bit more. Cacao nodded as he walked into the bathroom to get ready as I lay on my bed and close my eyes for a bit. Two weddings...... Golden Cheese might be right. With my current mental state, I would be sleeping from time to time during the weddings. Then I felt a hand touching my cheek as I slowly opened my eyes and saw Cacao looking at me with his soft amethyst orbs. He told me that he was finished getting ready for bed as I nodded and went to the bathroom to get ready for bed. As I was changing my robe to my nightgown, I noticed that my nightgown is different from the one that I usually wear so I just shrugged a bit and wore it that came along with...... white thigh high socks, underwear and a white cardigan. I blushed when I saw myself wearing it as I peek over to where Cacao is and slowly walk out of the bathroom and into my bed without the other cookie noticing. I immediately dozed off to sleep as I felt an arm going around my waist and pulled me closer to the chest which I then snuggled and smiled.

10 minutes later

Pure Vanilla: *felt a hand on his thigh* 'Hm? Who's hand is this?' *slowly woke up and sit up, finding Dark Cacao's hand on his thigh* Cacao?

Dark Cacao: *looks up* Vanilla...

Pure Vanilla: Yes?

Dark Cacao: Since when did you have a.........v*****?

Pure Vanilla: *confused* Eh?

Dark Cacao: Let me show you *carries Pure Vanilla to the bathroom and set him down on the counter* Sorry to say this, but can you open your legs so I can take out the underwear?

Pure Vanilla: *blushed* Oh, sure *slowly opened his legs a little as he watched his fiancé took out the underwear* So, what do you need to show me?

Dark Cacao: One second *took out a hand mirror from the drawer and placed a hand on Pure Vanilla's thigh and slowly move it out more* This

Pure Vanilla: 😳 *started to scream in panic*

Dark Cacao: Vanilla, calm down. We need to figure out what caused it and-

*door slammed open*

Hollyberry: Pure Vanilla cookie! What happened?!

Golden Cheese, White Lily: *confused but worried for their friend*

Latte: I heard a scream. What's going on?

Cacao was telling the cookies about my current situation as he was was trying to calm me down. I was holding his hand and squeezing them as I felt uncomfortable for some reason. White Lily cookie walked over to where I was and looked through the nightgown when she found the reason why I scream. She was shocked and froze there for a second before calling the other cookies to take a look. Latte cookie was the first one to look and was surprised to see a v***** under my nightgown. Then the other two cookies saw it, they were shocked and asked how I got it. I told them I do not know how the v***** appeared as Cacao carried me off the counter and set me down as I still feel uncomfortable down there. Latte cookie said that she will find out who did as she asked me what was that last thing I ate or drink which it was at dinner. She found it strange and think that it could be spiked, but I also mentioned something about Cream Puff cookie giving me the medications for the side effects. Something clicked on Latte cookie. She then told me and the other four cookies that she has to get some sleep and will continue with this matter tomorrow morning.

Latte: Let's go and get some rest

Pure Vanilla: Wait, do you know what caused me to have this?

Latte: I think I know, but I need to ask Cream Puff cookie

Dark Cacao: We should get some sleep

Other cookies: *nods as they say good night before walking out of the door*

Dark Cacao: You must be surprised *carried Pure Vanilla to his bed and setting him down*

Pure Vanilla: *nods as he yawned* Yeah......

Dark Cacao: *got to the other side and wrapped his arms around Pure Vanilla's waist and pulled him closer*

Pure Vanilla: *softly giggled and whispered* Good night Cacao

Dark Cacao: *whispers* Good night love *kissed Pure Vanilla's forehead and closing his eyes to sleep*

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