Chapter 18: Proposal

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⚠️Warning! Another round of lime missiles has hit the chapter! You've been warned! Enjoy!
3rd POV

Pure Vanilla: *sighs* Thank you for saving me the third time

Dark Cacao: *sets him down* No problem and...

Pure Vanilla: Hm? What's wrong?

Dark Cacao: Well... *whispered* I wanted to touch you...

Pure Vanilla: *blushes*

Dark Cacao: ... Well?

Pure Vanilla: *nods shyly* Let's find somewhere more private. I feel like someone is watching us but not sure

Dark Cacao: Sure

Few minutes later
At the quartz gazebo

Pure Vanilla: *sits at the railing of the gazebo and softly sighed* This place is very beautiful when the moon is out

Dark Cacao: *nods as he looked at the other cookie's thighs* ............. *reached his hand to touch his thigh* 'So soft, warm and......creamy'

Pure Vanilla: *looked down and blushed* Cacao?! What are you doing?!

Dark Cacao: *slowly ride his hand up Pure Vanilla's thigh* Sh~ don't shout *leans close to the other cookie*

Pure Vanilla: But-!

Dark Cacao kissed the other cookie to quiet down as he grabbed his thighs and caressed them gently, making Pure Vanilla shiver a bit. Then he broke the kiss and decided to take out his cloak, dropping it to the ground as he laid Pure Vanilla down. He looked amazingly beautiful when the moonlight shined on his body. Dark Cacao was very tempted to rip out the dress off the cookie, but decided not to since it was a gift from Hollyberry. He wasn't sure what to do next as he mindlessly took out the underwear, making Pure Vanilla blushed immediately after that happened. The cookie sat up and tried to covered his crotch when he felt the top of his dress gently pulled down as he looked at his chest and blushed again. Dark Cacao smirked lightly as he gently pushed Pure Vanilla down, leaned his head towards the crook of the neck and gently bit the same spot he bit the last time he did at his kingdom. Pure Vanilla yelped as he gripped onto Dark Cacao's shoulder while the other cookie licked the spot he bit before letting his forehead touched Pure Vanilla's forehead.

Dark Cacao: Did it hurt? I apologize for it

Pure Vanilla: Oh, that's okay. I just yelped when you suddenly bit my neck *looked away*

Dark Cacao: *chuckled* I see *reached his hands to pinch the other cookie's nipples*

Pure Vanilla: Ah! *twitched as he felt his nipples being teased and fondled* Cacao~

Dark Cacao: *smirked as he started to lick one of the nipples and sucking it*

Pure Vanilla: Ah~! Cacao~! Keep going~! Nggh~!

Dark Cacao: *switched sides as he lick the nipple and sucking it* 'I can feel him twitch a lot under me. I think I should stop after this' *gently bit the nipple*

Pure Vanilla: Ah! *quietly moaned* Cacao~

Dark Cacao: *let his mouth go of the nipple after teasing it* You okay, Vanilla? *helping the other cookie to sit up*

Pure Vanilla: Yeah *softly panted as he leaned close to Dark Cacao* I'm okay...

Dark Cacao: *gestured to stand on his knees as he gently pulled the top of the dress up and fixed it*

Pure Vanilla: Thank you, Cacao

Dark Cacao: *looks down*

Pure Vanilla: Hm? *looks down to where his private is* 😳*blushed as he looked at Dark Cacao and cutely pouts* You took the underwear out

Dark Cacao: *smirked lightly* Well, I was about to get to there

Pure Vanilla: *blushes again*

10 seconds later

Pure Vanilla covered his mouth to prevent any moans coming out as Dark Cacao was playing with the crotch with his hand. Then he lift one of Pure Vanilla's legs and placed it on his shoulder while placing his mouth on the tip of the crotch as Pure Vanilla kept his mouth cover, making muffled moans as he felt his crotch being ready to release his seed. After about 2 minutes, Pure Vanilla finally released his seed, not knowing it went through Dark Cacao's mouth until the mouth was off his crotch and looked down. Then he realized and profusely apologized to him for releasing his seed which the other cookie shook his head and said it was okay. Pure Vanilla took a sigh of relief as he felt hands touching his butt cheeks, making him yelp. Dark Cacao let out a soft laugh, making the other cookie stood in surprise as he never seen him laugh before besides the times when he was taking care of his son, Dark Choco when he was a baby. The Cacaoan king was only massaging the butt cheeks as he was planting soft kisses on Pure Vanilla's thighs and knees. The other king started to twitch from the tender squeezes and the soft kisses that Dark Cacao make, causing him to hold onto the other king's shoulder for support as his legs were getting a bit weak from standing for a while.

Pure Vanilla: Cacao... is it okay if we stop?...

Dark Cacao: Sure *let go of the butt cheeks, lift Pure Vanilla's leg off his shoulder and stood up to help him* Let me help

Pure Vanilla: Ah thank you

5 minutes later

Dark Cacao: *glances over at Pure Vanilla who is sitting on his lap, stargazing* 'Should I ask him? I did mention the proposal to the other three about it'

*wind gently blew*

Dark Cacao: 'Ever since the curse has lifted, we both started dating for a couple months even though we mostly focused on our kingdoms. Now...' *kiss his lover's hair and softly whispered* Vanilla?

Pure Vanilla: Hm? *looking up, staring at the pair of purple orbs with his yellow and blue orbs* What is it?

Dark Cacao: Can you... close your eyes for a minute?

Pure Vanilla: *confused but nods* Sure *closes his eyes*

Dark Cacao: *took out a small box with a ring that has blue, white, black and purple gemstone carved into beautiful flowers* '*sighs* Oh god! What am I doing?!' *looks up to see the other three ancient cookies, Gingerbrave and other cookies* 😳

Dark Choco: *mouthed 'Father you can do it'*

White Lily: *mouthed 'You can do it! Propose to Pure Vanilla cookie'*

Dark Cacao: *nods, thanking them quietly as he slowly put the ring on Pure Vanilla's ring finger*

Pure Vanilla: Hm? I felt something on my finger. Can I open my eyes?

Dark Cacao: Yeah

Pure Vanilla: *opened his eyes and noticed a ring on his finger* Cacao... *looks up at the other king with tears on his eyes* Is this...

Dark Cacao: *whispers* Yes, will you...

Pure Vanilla: *sat up to hug the other cookie* Yes! Yes! Yes! I will marry you!

Dark Cacao smiled as he wiped out the tears that was still trickling on the other cookie's cheek. Then he kissed Pure Vanilla as they shared a passionate one as fireworks started to appear behind them. After the passionate kiss, they both smiled as they heard cheers, making them turn to see the other ancient heroes, Gingerbrave and his companions, Caramel Arrow, Crunchy Chip, Dark Choco, Cream Unicorn, Whipped Cream and their pets . They all ran over to congratulate them as Hollyberry, White Lily, Cream Unicorn, Whipped Cream and their pets gave Pure Vanilla a hug. Golden Cheese, Gingerbrave and his companions, Crunchy Chip, Caramel Arrow, and Dark Choco gave Dark Cacao light back pats, handshakes and fist bumps. After the congratulations, the other cookies stepped away to let the two cookies have their time together as they watched them hugging each other with smiles on their faces as the fireworks were exploding behind them.

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