Chapter 14: "Intruders" in the Morning

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Pure Vanilla's POV

Pure Vanilla: *slowly opened his eyes and yawns before sitting up* 'Is Cacao up?' *looks around and saw that he is still asleep* 'Oh~'

Dark Cacao: *snoozing as he had his arms around Pure Vanilla's waist*

Pure Vanilla: *quietly giggled as he was about to touch Dark Cacao's hair when his hand was suddenly held* Eep!

Dark Cacao: *opened his eyes and noticed he was holding the other cookie's wrist* *letting go of the wrist and sitting up* Morning, my love

Pure Vanilla: *chuckles* Morning to you too, Cacao. You surprised me when you held my wrist

Dark Cacao: My apologies. I didn't mean to

Pure Vanilla: *giggles as he got himself to sit on Dark Cacao's lap* That's alright

The two of us chatted about the old times before we became ancient heroes. So many hardships that we have to face after our parents passed away during the past final war with the ultimate dough as Cacao missed the good times he trained with his father. We laughed about our favorite memories as I let my head rest on his shoulder while Cacao placed his hand on my thigh and caressed it making me shiver a bit. Then I was being showered with kisses from Cacao as I let out a bunch of giggles, making him blush a lot. He then stopped as I also stopped giggling wondering what happened when he pushed me onto the mattress and seeing him on top of me. I madly blushed as he was also blushing too and leaned forward to kiss me on the lips as I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. We kissed for a minute as Cacao broke the kiss as we both in need of air. We then did an forehead bump as we smiled at each other's presence before we gave each other a soft peck on the forehead. I was about to lean forward to kiss Cacao on the lips when we were interrupted by the bedroom door slammed open, revealing Crunchy Chip cookie and Caramel Arrow cookie.

Caramel Arrow: Crunchy Chip cookie! What were you thinking!? Don't you see his majesty rest- 😳

Crunchy Chip: Huh?! Hey!! Why did you stop your sentence- 😦

Dark Cacao: 😠 What is the meaning of this!?

Caramel Arrow: *bows down* We're very sorry to interrupt your privacy with his majesty Pure Vanilla cookie, but there is an attack with the licorice monsters on the northeast wall! Our soldiers were in the need of your assistance

Dark Cacao: *sigh* Alright, bring more soldiers who were ready to fight *looks at Pure Vanilla and gives him a kiss* Vanilla my love, I'll be back. There's a commotion at the wall and my soldiers needed my assistance

Pure Vanilla: I understand, I also needed to rest too anyway 😊 I'll be waiting

Dark Cacao: *nods before he left the room*

Few minutes later

Pure Vanilla: *heard a knock on the door* Who is it?

???: It's me

Pure Vanilla: White Lily cookie? Come in

White Lily: *opens the door, poking her head out* How are you feeling after what had happened yesterday?

Pure Vanilla: I'm alright *held White Lily's hand* How are you and the other cookies?

White Lily: Well while you're under the curse, Custard III cookie was helping you with the paperwork with the help of Gingerbrave cookie and the others. They're all worried about you

Pure Vanilla: I see

White Lily: I heard there's a commotion at the wall

Pure Vanilla: *nods* That's right. There's more of the licorice monsters attacking

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