Chapter 10: The Results of the Cure

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2 days later
Hollyberry's POV

Butler: Your majesty, Raspberry Mousse cookie and Raspberry cookie from House Raspberry wished to see you

Hollyberry: *looks up at the butler before looking back at the paperwork* Bring them to the drawing room. I'll meet the two there

Butler: Okay your majesty *bows down and walked out of the office*

Hollyberry: *sighs* 'It's been a few days since Cream Puff cookie and Alchemist cookie tested out the cure for the butter tigers. Wonder what is it about'

10 minutes later

Raspberry Mousse:......


*Door opened*

Raspberry cousins: Your majesty *stood up and bows*

Hollyberry: Please sit down. How are you two?

Raspberry: *sat down on the couch* I'm good

Raspberry Mousse: *sat down on the couch* I'm also good. We're here to report you about my mother's condition.

Raspberry: *nods*

Hollyberry: Ah yes. How's your mother doing?😄

Raspberry Mousse: Oh my mother is doing well. The cure worked and she has only experienced dizziness and a fever. Thanks to the two cookies, people are getting the cure and were getting well

Hollyberry: At least that it is good to hear your mother getting better.😄 But for now, you must take care of her

Raspberry: *nods* We'll go back

I nodded as I walked them out to the entrance of the palace and waved goodbye to the Raspberry cousins. I was relieved that the cure worked and if it didn't, both Cream Puff cookie and Alchemist cookie would have to restart everything over from finding the ingredients to processing it and testing. I sighed as I walked back inside, to my office as I was greeted by the two professors of the academy who were waiting for my arrival. I then gestured Latte cookie and Almond cookie which they both thanked me as I walked into my office and closed the door behind me. The two professors sat down on the couches as I sat down at my desk and asked what do they need which Latte cookie responded by mentioning the cure. I looked up and told the two cookies that Raspberry Mousse cookie's mother was cured and was doing well besides the common side effects. Almond cookie nodded as he looked at his watch on his left wrist, saying that both Cream Puff cookie and Alchemist cookie will be here any minute as I nodded and continue to sign paperwork with some assistance from Latte cookie. A few minutes later, both Cream Puff cookie and Alchemist cookie knocked on the door as I told them to come inside which Alchemist cookie opened the door and walked in. They seemed to be in the brightest mood since this morning.

Cream Puff: We came to report that all of the victims of the sleeping beauty curse has been doing very well😄

Alchemist: Not only that, they only experienced fatigue, dizziness, fever, and headaches! 😀

Latte: Oh that's wonderful, girls! Now, when are we going to Dark Cacao Kingdom, Hollyberry cookie?

Hollyberry: *stopped signing for a minute* Oh, we're going there in 2 days. So be prepared for the cold at that kingdom

Cream Puff: *gulps* O-o-ok

Alchemist: I guess we need to wear something warm when we get to the kingdom

Hollyberry: Yes you're right

Almond: We'll be taking our leave and relax at our guest rooms

Latte: *nods* Girls, how about you two get some rest?

Cream Puff: Okay!

Alchemist: We'll see you later

I waved goodbye to everyone as they left my office to do their own business. I sighed as I continued my paperwork as my butler brought over some sparkling juice with some snacks that go well with the drink. I thanked the butler as he nodded and walked out of the office before closing the door behind him. I was almost done with my paperwork as I took a bite of a biscuit that was on the plate full of tasty snacks. After about 30 minutes of working on the paperwork, I stretched my arms to ease the aches and stood up to do a few stretches. I then relaxed and took a sip of sparkling juice as I took another bite of a cookie which it was so delicious. By the time I finished eating the snacks, it was almost dinner time and I am eating dinner with the other cookies that were staying here in this palace for the trip in a few days to the Dark Cacao Kingdom. I sighed as I got myself out of the office and walked to my bedroom to get ready for dinner with the other cookies. By the time I finished getting ready for dinner, it's early evening as I was being escorted to the dining room where the other cookies were, greeted me as I walked into the large room and sat down as the others sat down afterwards. We chatted about the trip to Dark Cacao Kingdom and Pure Vanilla as I watched the happy chatter between the girls while Almond cookie and my son Royal berry cookie were chatting about other topics which I smiled and continued to eat my dinner. After dinner, we all relaxed before we went to get ready for bed. In 2 days, we're going to Dark Cacao Kingdom. It's almost midnight by the time I finished getting ready for sleep as I got on my bed and doze off to sleep for the night. I hoped the cure will work out for Pure Vanilla cookie. *sighs before dozing off to sleep for real*

2 days later
Dark Cacao Kingdom
Dark Cacao's POV

???: *panting*

Dark Cacao: 'What the... who's panting so much?'

???: Dark Cacao! Ahhh~! Harder please! Ngggh~

Dark Cacao: 😳 Pure Vanilla cookie?! *looks around*

???: Dark Cacao! I can't... I can't hold it any longer! Nggh~

Dark Cacao: Pure Vanilla cookie! *looks around before feeling something wet on his cheek* What the...*looks up to see Pure Vanilla* 😳

Pure Vanilla: *pants as he was sitting on top of the other cookie naked*

Dark Cacao: Pure Vanilla cookie! Are you okay?! *tries to sit up* 'What the! Why can I not sit up?!' *then felt something on top of him*

Pure Vanilla: *peacefully sleeping as he was gripping onto Dark Cacao's robe*

Dark Cacao: *sighs and closes his eyes for a bit* 'God, he's cute when he's sleep...... Wait why I am say that? I still don't know if he actually-'


Dark Cacao: *opened his eyes and sat up really quick* What the f*** was that dream? *sighs as he heard a knock on the door* Come in

Caramel Arrow: Your majesty, the guests are coming here in any minute

Crunchy Chip: Get yourself ready while we greet your guests

Dark Cacao: *nods* Tell them to set their belongings down in their guest rooms and lead them to the meeting room. I'll see them there

Crunchy Chip, Caramel Arrow: Yes your majesty *wake out of the bedroom*

Dark Cacao: *sighs* I guess that I should get ready for the meeting today *gets out of bed to get ready*

The Sleeping Beauty Curse | A Dark Cacao x Pure Vanilla FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now