Chapter 13: Make Out

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⚠️Warning! First round of Lime missiles has hit the chapter! You've been warned! Enjoy!
3rd POV

Dark Cacao was getting himself ready for the night as Pure Vanilla was already asleep on his bed. He then walked over to the other king's side of the bed and admired his peaceful sleeping face. It's honestly cute for Dark Cacao to admit that he admired Pure Vanilla's sleeping face as he climbed onto the bed and went under the blanket. He got closer to the other cookie as Dark Cacao gently wrapped a strong arm around Pure Vanilla's waist and pulled him closer to him. He can feel the other cookie shuffled around to face the other cookie and slowly opened his eyes, revealing such beautiful heterochromia jeweled eyes. Pure Vanilla smiled as he hid his face onto Dark Cacao's robe which made the Dark Cacaoan king blush a bit. He then used his free hand cup Pure Vanilla's chin before showering soft kisses onto him. It made the other king giggled softly as he did the same to Dark Cacao which got the Dark Cacaoan king blushing a bit. He then sat up, picking Pure Vanilla by his waist and let him sit on Dark Cacao's lap.

Pure Vanilla: Cacao *blushes* I sitting on your lap?

Dark Cacao: To be honest... I've been wanting to see you sit on my lap for a long time

Pure Vanilla: 😳 R-really? I mean... I don't mind sitting on your lap, but is there another reason?

Dark Cacao: Oh that...... so I can do this *slid his hand under Pure Vanilla's hanbok skirt and touched his leg*

Pure Vanilla: Ah! What was that for?! *playfully smacked Dark Cacao's shoulder*

Dark Cacao: *smirked lightly* You like that, didn't you?

Pure Vanilla: *madly blushes and pouts*

Dark Cacao: *chuckled as he took his hand off Pure Vanilla's leg* I want to do something

Pure Vanilla: Hm? What is it?

Dark Cacao: *reached his hand over to untie the robe string* Strip

Pure Vanilla: Eh? *then realized what Dark Cacao meant and blushes* You asked me to...... strip in front of you?!?

Dark Cacao: 😐 Yeah. Why did I ask? Because I want to touch your...... body

Pure Vanilla blushed harder as he hesitantly took out the top of the hanbok, revealing his chest as he glanced at Dark Cacao who is in awe. He then slowly took out the skirt of the hanbok he was wearing as he was left only with silk pants and socks that kept his legs warm in the cold winter. Dark Cacao told Pure Vanilla to lay down on his back as he watched the gentle king nodded slowly and lied down, wondering what else did the Dark Cacaoan king wanted to do. The Cacaoan king leaned forward to give soft kisses on Pure Vanilla's warm neck and nibbled lightly so he wouldn't hurt the Vanillan king. Pure Vanilla winced when Dark Cacao founded his sweet spot which it was on the left side of his neck behind. After 5 seconds of neck biting, the gentle king can feel a tongue touching the spot where Dark Cacao bit at as he gripped his hands onto the other king's shoulders. He started panting quietly when Dark Cacao's hands touched his nipples and fondling them to make Pure Vanilla shiver. After that, he started to suck one of the pecs as Pure Vanilla let out a quiet soft moan, making the other king continued to tease the nipple before switching sides.

Pure Vanilla: C...... Cacao *yelped quietly* Please...... Ah~!

Dark Cacao: *sucking the left nipple while fondling the right nipple with his free hand*

Pure Vanilla: *kept moaning quietly as he felt Dark Cacao started biting his nipple roughly* Ahh~!! Cacao! Please, I beg of you...... to stop!

Dark Cacao: *stopped as he looked at the other cookie who was panting like crazy*

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