C6: We're now FRIENDS

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Lisa cleared her throat and broke the silence while both girls are walking in the park, "So, back to your previous questions

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Lisa cleared her throat and broke the silence while both girls are walking in the park, "So, back to your previous questions..." Jennie immediately faced the beautiful surgeon to stop her, "Lisa, you don't have to..." but she was quickly cut by the beautiful surgeon. Lisa gently held Jennie's left hand as she spoke, "Jennie, I don't have to, but I want to.", the cat-eyed girl can only sigh and nod in defeat and let Lisa answer.

They continued walking, unaware that their hands are still intertwined, it's like a natural thing for them to do.

"I came here for my fiancé. Honestly, I don't even know if he's still my fiancé.", Lisa shook her head in disbelief how stupidly and blindly in-love she is still with Sehun. Jennie gave the beautiful surgeon a surprised look, she didn't know what to feel about the revelation.

"What happened?", Jennie didn't mean to ask out loud. "I'm sorry, you don't need to answer my question.", she quickly and apologetically added.

Lisa looked at her with immense sadness and hint of pain in her eyes. "He left me 3 years ago, because according to him, I didn't love him enough and I wasn't a good fiancé because I refused to give his parents money to pay their rent which led to their eviction. The thing is I didn't do it to be mean and selfish. I was financially struggling myself after graduating from med school. It was the very first time I found myself paying for an apartment, insurances, bills, and so on... I was working my ass off almost 24/7 to make ends meet while helping him pay for his student loan and help his parents out. If I keep giving his parents money, we could face eviction ourselves."

Jennie squeezed Lisa's hand as a sign that she's listening and empathizing.

"We worked and lived in New York that time and the cost of living there is ridiculously expensive! Although Sehun graduated as mechanical engineer, he had difficulty finding job in the city. He didn't want to move to another state where he can find work as an engineer because of his parents. So he ended up being a server in a restaurant. His salary went straight to his father's medical bills. We ended up fighting every day, mostly over money. Then he kept forcing me to borrow money from my parents. But I didn't want to, because the price I'll pay for owing them is sacrificing my independence, life, and happiness. He knew from the start that this is one of the reasons why I moved out of Thailand after graduating in high school. I applied to Yale School of Medicine and was very fortunate to be selected and granted full scholarship – they paid for everything including dorm rent and all bills. I only had to work for my allowance, food, basic needs, and transportation. That's how I got through college aside from receiving occasional help from kind friends and newfound parents whenever I had absolutely nothing in my pocket."

There's a moment of silence, a heavy one. Jennie is looking at her feet while internalizing Lisa's story. Her heart aching for the hot surgeon.

"One day, he left me without saying goodbye. He didn't return my texts, emails, and calls. His parents refused to talk to me either. They hated me! Months later, I heard from his sister's friend that he flew to New Zealand as soon as he got accepted for a mechanical engineer job. That he's somewhere in Queenstown and doing well for himself. I was genuinely happy for him, but I cried for almost a year because I missed him terribly. It was painful and hard without him. And I hated myself for not being enough and for not giving my all to support him and his parents. It sucked that I was so poor I couldn't fly here to be with him. So, I worked harder until I started to get recognized for my work, started earning big money, and receiving job offers with higher pay – which led here. I was tapped to be the chief neurosurgeon for Lakes District Hospital. The moment I learned the hospital is based in Queenstown, New Zealand, I quickly signed for the position in hopes to meet Sehun again.", Jennie can't look at the hot surgeon, the information is too much for her to take in all at once. All she knows is that she's deeply hurt for Lisa.  "I still love him, Jennie. And I want to believe he still feels the same for me." Lisa said with teary eyes and shaking lips, she looked up the sky to prevent it from falling and wished to the stars that they cross paths again.

Jennie looked at Lisa's perfect doll side profile, thinking how can someone hurt a beautiful angel like her? And there are so many things she wants to say to Lisa: 1.) To stop being exceptionally stupid, 2.) He hates Sehun to the core! This jerk obviously only loved her for her money and what she can give him, most specially her unconditional love, 3.) She deserves better and shouldn't settle for less. 4.) Have self-respect and love for herself, 5.) Stop blaming herself for nothing was her fault, 6.) Sehun (and his parents) is not her responsibility as they're not married... and the list of sensible advices goes on. BUT she quickly realized it's not the best time to say these, it's not what Lisa needs right now. Instead, she squeezed Lisa's hand for the second time, trying to convey how she's there for her – she will ALWAYS be there for Lisa from this moment until forever.

Lisa looked at their intertwined hands then gave the gorgeous cat-eyed girl a grateful smile as she understood Jennie's unspoken words by her sweet and kind gesture. She then continued, "And why not Thailand? Because my father said to never return home once I leave the house. My father is a man of his word, and he can shut me off like I'm nothing to him especially when I can't give him what he wants or be the person who he wants me to be. I can't live forever to be his puppet and pawn. I had enough of pleasing an unhappy, unappreciative, and selfish man who can't be pleased by anyone, including himself. He loves no one but only himself... and his ego, image, reputation, power, and money! And my mother? She doesn't do anything. She just agrees to whatever he does and says, whether it's right or wrong, because she's too afraid to get hurt or punished if she defends me. I never heard from him since I left, except for my mom. Sometimes she still calls, crying and begging for me to go home." Lisa spilled with more pain and anger apparent in her voice. The beautiful surgeon quickly tried to lighten the mood as she saw Jennie deep in thought,

"You're probably thinking I'm so dramatic and stupid beyond repair, that I need help. And you're right!". The beautiful surgeon joked to lighten the mood. They both chuckled.

Jennie once again faced Lisa and held her hands as she intently looked at the hot surgeon's soft and kind does eyes, "Lisa, thank you for trusting me. I want you to know that you are special. You are dearly loved and appreciated by many, more than you'll ever know. And I'm always, ALWAYS here for you. Come what may, okay?". The tall hot surgeon enveloped the kind sexy cat-eyed girl for a tight embrace and gently kissed her left temple before saying with a grateful heart, "Thank you, Jennie. Please know that you can trust me, too. And I'm extremely lucky to have you as a friend. I am and will ALWAYS be here for you, too. Come what may, okay?"

Jennie ignored the weird knots in her stomach caused by Lisa's kiss as she nodded in understanding as she inhaled Lisa's perfume, a mix of fresh wood and citrus scent – it is now her favorite scent. And Lisa's warm arms are now her favorite safe place. "Friends. We're now friends!", the cat-eyed girl happily thought with a smile.


"So... How about you? What's your story? Why New Zealand?", Lisa asked in return.

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