"... When I ring you, it means I'm in danger. Then that's the only time for you to call the police and tell them I'm with Kai Jong-in." This is the last text Jennie sent to anyone before she drove to the beach house, ignoring Jisoo's multiple calls. The sexy cat-eyed girl didn't give the address to the black-haired goddess because she knew her friend will go there to try to save her, and it's not safe for Kai could hurt her too.
Jennie parked her car and observed the beach house and its surrounding first. She needs to have an exit plan in case things will get heated up between her and Kai. She was relieved that their room has big windows, and the first floor was occupied by a big family, some family members are grilling steak and BBQs outside. She thought she needs to stay close to the big windows, so someone will be able to see them AND stay close to the kitchen, so she can grab a defense tool in case everything goes terribly wrong.
She rang the doorbell, and the douchebag quickly opened the door with an excited smile. The smile she used to love and adore. Kai escorted her to the dining room, proudly showing her all the foods he cooked and prepared, the beautiful tulips, and soft music playing on the background. It was their song , All of Me by John Legend. This is the romantic side of Kai that she fell in love with, but now that she's enlightened and wiser, she knows that the douchebag is only doing this to suck her back in again. She knows because this is one of his hackneyed hoovering techniques whenever he feels he's starting to lose the sexy cat-eyed girl. Thank goodness he hasn't gotten creative yet or else Jennie could fall for it. Nonetheless, she still thanked the douchebag's efforts. Jennie needs to be cordial, to go with the flow, but stay vigilant. The least thing she needs right now is upset the douchebag or else she won't be able to get her point across, make him listen to her, and have a peaceful conversation.
They sat across each other after Kai put food on her plate. He's really into his plan, acting like a chivalrous knight tonight. There was an awkward silence until Kai broke it, he started a light conversation before he goes into the main topic and agenda.
"How's your aunt Nancy?" Kai knows how to start, because he knows that Jennie loves her aunt so much. Her aunt who raised her like her own daughter before she left for the US when she was 4 years old. Jennie considers her as her real mother. Not her birth mother nor stepmother.
"She's doing okay." Jennie flatly answered. She knew Kai is testing the waters with her.
"I saw your sister and niece in the grocery store few days ago. Sarah is growing up so fast. Don't you miss her?"
"You know I miss them a lot, Kai."
"Jennie, I'm trying my best to have a nice conversation with you. Stop the attitude." The douchebag is now triggered.
Kai cannot believe that Jennie has changed, from being weak and desperate woman to a strong and independent one. Honestly, he made the sexy cat-eyed girl weak and desperate. Kai destroyed her identity, her self-esteem, her selflove, her self-respect, and above all... her LIFE. She was already broken when he met her, and he broke her even more and worse when she left him.
Kai was used to seeing a crying and desperate Jennie, begging him to come back and stay in her life even if she knew he is NO good for her – because she believed what the douchebag said, "If we break up, it's your lost because nobody will like you because you're ugly. And nobody will love you because you're a piece of sh*t. That's why your parents abandoned you. That's why your mother sold you in exchange for money. In fact, you should be thanking me. You should feel lucky that I'm still here, still loving and caring for you. I am your only best shot to give you the family you've been dreaming of." But for the first time, the sexy cat-eyed girl was the one who broke up with him AND left him without looking back. And Kai cannot accept it! He can't lose. He wants to get the upper hand again and will make sure that Jennie can't go anywhere this time, and later, he will make her pay double for what she had done – for breaking up with him.

Fanfiction50% true life events, 50% imagination Two brokenhearted strangers unexpectedly meet in a foreign country. Beautiful friendship blossomed and turned into unexpected love. Two girls are dealing with this terrifying new discovery and territory. Will th...