C11: Trust You, Trust Me

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"You two! Why don't you just kiss already?", an annoying voice was heard, stopping the two very attractive doctors from their supposed-goodnight-hug moment

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"You two! Why don't you just kiss already?", an annoying voice was heard, stopping the two very attractive doctors from their supposed-goodnight-hug moment. Of course, the annoying voice belonged to Jisoo, who can't stop fangirling over the two. She's just a strong JenLisa believer and shipper, and who can blame her?

"Fuck this girl! She ruined our moment." Jennie mentally cursed, pissed enough to poke the savage black-haired goddess' head hard. "Ouch! What's wrong with you?", Jisoo asked while soothing the back of her head. "Goodnight, Lisa. Let me know when you get home safe, okay?", the sexy cat-eyed girl ended the night as she grabbed the savage black-haired girl by the arm and closed the door. Jennie obviously wasn't pleased of Jisoo's rude intrusion.

Lisa, on the other hand, didn't know how to react, what to think and feel of what just happened. She wondered why Rosé and Jisoo seem to think that she and Jennie are a thing. 'Do we look like we are?' The hot surgeon thought as she walked back to her car, analyzing their actions together if they're giving off lovers vibes – she didn't think so! She came into conclusion that their friends are just a bunch of foolish people for thinking such because: 1.) They are STRAIGHT, and 2.) she only loves one person named Sehun. (Eye roll everyone)

Lisa is literally more oblivious and dumb than Jennie. 

Inside the Kim's apartment, Jennie sat Jisoo down to give her a serious talk and scolding. "Look Jisoo, stop your delusion. You're scaring (me and) Lisa away! She might get your teasing the wrong way, and she's the only friend I have here besides you. So please, I'm begging, stop it.", the sexy cat-eyed girl sounded really frustrated, and the savage black-haired goddess felt guilty this time. She realized she may have been overdoing it and she could be the reason why there won't be a JenLisa endgame.

"Okay. I'm sorry. It's just that, I haven't seen you this happy and I always want you to be happy." Jisoo sincerely said before she added, "Jennie, this will be the first and last time I'm telling you this... don't be scared. Follow your heart. And when the time comes you realize I'm right and you need someone to help you go through the scary phases, please remember that I'm here for you." Jennie sighed in relief and hugged the black-haired goddess to express how thankful she is for understanding and for being a good friend before they officially called it a night. Jennie fixed herself to bed and didn't sleep until she received a text from the hot surgeon.

Dr. McPretty: Hey Jennie! Got home safe in one piece. Btw, don't be too hard on Jisoo. She's just bored with her life. See you tomorrow! Sleep well and sweet dreams!
*hug, zzz, and halfmoon emojis*

Jennie: Hey! I'm glad you got home safe. Don't worry, we're fine. I know and understand that her life's mission is to annoy people. See you! Goodnight, Lisa.


Morning came and Jennie started to worry because she didn't wake up to a thoughtful good morning text from Lisa. Since last week, the hot surgeon never failed to greet her in the morning, well except when she paid a visit yesterday to return her wallet.

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