C32: Love and Dilemmas

820 23 16

To: Jeff Jones
Subject: COO of new IRF in Auckland

Hi Mr. Jones,

I'm writing back to tell you that I'm changing my mind. I will take your offer to become the chief operations officer of HealthSolutions IRF. When are you expecting me to start? Also, I want to amend the contract. I have few demands before I sign it.

Jennie Kim, MD


Jennie had to do something to help Colleen after Drew was unjustly fired by the douchebag (Kai did keep his threat to fire her sister's husband. He hired Drew as a carpenter to his family's construction company when he was trying to win Colleen's approval) and on top of that Drew got into a major car accident that put him in the ICU, and Mason cut Sarah's educational funds. Colleen is in devastating dipshit right now. She had to fly to Korea ASAP and temporarily left Sarah to Aunt Nancy, thank goodness it's vacation time for the pretty and adorable kid.

Consequently, Jennie just committed the biggest mistake of her life... she decided alone. She didn't consult Lisa. What happened to her rule about consulting and deciding together? Did she forget? Or was she afraid that Lisa won't let her move? Or she didn't trust Lisa enough that she may understand and support her? How and when is she going to tell the hot surgeon that she's moving?

Meanwhile, Jennie lovingly watched Lisa and Sarah who are happily playing in the patio – both are unaware of the serious situation. The sexy cat-eyed girl can't help but smile at how her favorite pretty niece who is sitting on the hot surgeon's lap, hysterically laughing and squealing while she is being tickled by the love of her life. In just couple of days, the two have become closer. Sometimes she feels as if Sarah loves Lisa more than her now since the pretty kid looks for the hot surgeon more than her. This made Jennie fall harder for Lisa.

"Did you tell her?" Aunt Nancy asked.

"I haven't. But I'll tell her when we get back to Queenstown. I want us to spend our time here worry free."

"Jennie, I'm also helping Colleen. You don't need to shoulder all the responsibilities."

"Auntie, I know. But we want you to save for your retirement. We know how hard it is to live here in the US, especially here in California. Besides, we're all grown-up now, so stop worrying about us anymore. We'll find ways and solutions to our problems. Please, I want you to focus on your health instead and enjoy your nearing retirement."

"I just want to remind you that you have your own life, and someday you'll have your own family, too. You can't keep doing and providing everything for your siblings because they won't strive for success and they won't stand on their own feet if you keep enabling and helping them. Teach your siblings to be strong and independent, like you did for yourself. Because when you have your own family, they will be your number one priority, not your siblings."

Hopefully, stubborn and selfless Jennie listened and got something out of Aunt Nancy's words of wisdom and advice. Hopefully, she changes her mind and decision.


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