C9: Denial Queen (EDITED)

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"Guys! I'm sorry, I need to go because I have a surgery scheduled at 10AM

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"Guys! I'm sorry, I need to go because I have a surgery scheduled at 10AM." Lisa grabbed her Celine tote bag sitting on the chair and slang it on her shoulder. "Anyway, do you want to carpool with me, Jennie? I can drive you to work if you want.", the hot surgeon added, bringing the sexy cat-eyed girl out from her internal monologue and battle.

Jisoo elbowed the sexy cat-eyed girl encouraging her to respond, but since her brain is still lagging the black-haired goddess answered for her. "Yup! She's riding with you.", she elbowed Jennie again, but before the sexy cat-eyed girl can decline, the hot doctor already took it as a yes.

"Alright! Let's go!", Lisa started heading to the door while Jennie is trying to regain her thoughts and composure. Jisoo pushed the cat-eyed girl to stand and playfully slapped her butt before she whispered, "Get her, girl! Chop-chop!" with matching hand demonstration. The annoying black-haired goddess for the 3rd time earned a deadly glare from Jennie.

Lisa patiently waited for Jennie at the door and opened it for them to exit as soon as the cat-eyed girl arrived beside her. When they reached the parking lot, Jennie excused herself to get her white coat and comfortable black flats in her car because she's not walking around nursing home facilities on high heels. "Why did I overdress again today?", Jennie asked herself. As soon as she gathered her things, she went straight to the waiting dashing Lisa who's standing next to the passenger door of her silver Audi TT coupe. The hot surgeon being a gentlewoman, opened the door for the sexy cat-eyed girl and gently closed it after the sexy cat-eyed girl had settled. Jennie felt special, she hasn't been treated this way by Kai she thought. Jennie went back to her internal battle, she's scared and nervous to death that maybe, MAYBE it's true she's starting to like Lisa more than a friend.

"So, where to?" Lisa asked as she buckled her seatbelt, looked at the sexy cat-eyed girl's eyes with her charming sunny smile that can make anyone melt and swoon.

Jennie can't stop her heart from beating so fast, her heart is racing 200bpm, it's suffocating her. She had to blink and look at straight out the window to avoid being hypnotized by the hot surgeon's eyes and smile. "Encompass Nursing Home.", she flatly said.

"Are you an in-house doctor there?", the hot surgeon asked as she started the car and put the address on her GPS.

"I'm a mobile doctor.", Jennie briefly said. She kept her answers close ended because she doesn't want to talk to Lisa right now as she feels uneasy about her previous scary thought.

"What is that?", the hot surgeon asked not sensing Jennie's anxiety because she was focused on the road.

"I drive and see patients in 3-5 different nursing home facilities around Queenstown. Facilities that are affiliated with our company.", Jennie still cordially responded, but not showing interest of knowing anything about the hot surgeon.

She's battling between stopping this friendship before it progresses to something more OR keep going as she has this very strong feeling that Lisa is meant to be in her life. Thankfully, their conversation was cut due to work calls Lisa had to pick up. Jennie realized how the hot surgeon is way more busy and in-demand than she is, but it amazes her that Lisa can balance her work and life well. Call after call after call -- the hot surgeon's phone never stopped ringing. She could be a costumer service agent, Jennie thought. The sexy-cat eyed girl went back to overthinking her internal battle.

As soon as the last call ended Lisa worriedly exclaimed, "Ohmygod! Jennie how are you driving to your next facility?", both the very attractive girls realized it too late, they're 40 minutes away from Jennie's apartment and 5 minutes near their first stop.

Lisa thought hard for a solution and finally came up with one after a minute. She called her cute gay friend Bobby who she met before Jennie. Bobby is her night beach walk and McDonald's hot fudge sundae buddy, they hangout every Friday and occasionally on Saturdays when the hot surgeon is not on-call. The cute gay friend is jobless at the moment so he's the perfect solution to their problem.

"Hey girl!!!", Jennie was surprised to hear a man's voice from the hot surgeon's car's speaker, but relieved that it sounded too gay for someone hitting on the hot surgeon. Lisa nicely and sweetly asked Bobby a favor if he can drive Jennie to her next facilities and drop her to Lakes District Hospital when she's done working. The hot surgeon bribed her amazing friend with a week of free gas and hot fudge sundae, and movie binge watching this coming Saturday at his parents' house.

Meanwhile, Jennie carefully watched Lisa throughout the process of finding solution to fixing the problem – she now knows that the hot surgeon pouts her lips while tapping her chin with her right index finger when thinking; she smacks her lips, sighs, and scratches her head when frustrated because it took her 7 redials before Bobby answered his phone, her mini excited claps and dance with her genuine happy kid smile when she's happy about something... AND most importantly, the way Lisa will do anything for herz It made Jennie's heart swell with happiness and contentment knowing that someone genuinely cares for her, and she's sitting beside her.

"Whew! Problem solved!", the hot surgeon exclaimed and pretended to wipe a sweat. "Is it okay to give your number to Bobby or do you want me to text you when he's on his way?", Lisa being considerate.

"It's okay, Lisa. I know you'll be busy as hell on your surgeries, there's no way you can text me every time he's about to pick me up.", Jennie being considerate as well. "Oh right! Gosh, Lisa! DUH???", the hot girl playfully eye rolled and made fun of herself which the sexy cat-eyed girl thought was cute and funny, she giggled and said, "You're too silly, but cute!". Lisa looked at her shyly and said, "Thank you. You're cute too, with these cute dumpling cheeks.", she tried to pinch Jennie's cheeks, but the sexy cat-eyed girl quickly smacked her hand unintentionally hard.

"Ouch! Waaaaa! Huhuhu! My hand." Lisa fake cried, and as a reflex out of guilt, Jennie quickly grabbed Lisa's hand to soothe it, and there it goes again – the weird knots in her stomach and electricity running through her spine at the touch. She immediately released the hot surgeon's hand with a panic in her face which Lisa noticed. "Jennie are you okay?", concern in Lisa's voice was apparent. "Yes! I... uh... need to go! Thanks, Lisa.", Jennie hurriedly gathered her things, opened, and closed the car door in a lightning speed. "Okay. Bye, Jennie!", Lisa left unheard by the sexy cat-eyed girl, also left confused by the sudden change in Jennie's mood and demeanor.

The hot doctor thought of apologizing to the girl later because she thinks she may have offended the sexy cat-eyed girl when she named her cheeks dumplings. Little did Lisa know that she is the problem, not her dumpling cheeks.

The whole day, all Jennie thought of was Jisoo's previous ala-Tony Robbins motivational speech and her repeated advice to get the girl before it's too late. She thought that (maybe) her roommate is wrong! That (maybe) the black-haired goddess is reading her and things incorrectly, and she's being swayed and almost sold by Jisoo's ridiculous beliefs and ideas -- she's not buying it she told herself. Rather, she is convinced that the feelings she has for Lisa is nothing but a normal feeling of happiness, because she finally found a bestfriend, a soul sister, and a sister-from-another-mister since she awfully misses her strong, close, and loyal bond with her childhood bestfriend Chahee and her big sister Colleen back in Korea.

How about her longing and lusting over the hot surgeon earlier this morning? Jennie thought Lisa is undeniably an extremely hot and good looking girl who can make every human being question their sexuality, but that doesn't mean they're automatically gay for innocently (girl) crushing on her -- she justified it as that! Jennie convinced herself enough that for the second time, she decided to stay and keep the hot surgeon in her life, and will keep her words that she will always be there for her, come what may.

Dr. McPretty: Hi Jennie! Hope you're having an amazing day with Bobby!
Just want to let you know I'm thinking of you and I'm very excited for later! Don't work too hard and don't miss lunch!

Jennie smiled at the sweet text from the hot surgeon. This time she's hyperaware of her feelings and behavior and  started  learning to keep her heart in check, learning to tame it down if it races, learning to ignore the weird knots in her stomach, and learning to focus on the thought that she ONLY likes Lisa as a friend. Well, let's see how long she'll keep denying her feelings and fooling herself!


"Nice to finally meet you, Jennie! Lisa is right, you're very pretty!", Bobby said with all his serious cute gayness...

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