C17: Moving In with Manoban

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"Jennie, I want to help you. I want you to stay with me until you fully heal. We'll work together to pick up the pieces and build you again. And if the time comes you're completely healed and want to move out, you can. I'm not taking no for an answer. Don't worry, I'll call Jisoo to ask her permission." Lisa said, giving Jennie no other options but to agree. The sexy cat-eyed girl knows the hot surgeon means well and besides, she always wanted to be with Lisa anyway. "By the way, you are free to choose whatever clothes you need in my walk-in closet. New under wears are on the top of the shelf inside the black container. And I'll pick you up at 2PM, we're meeting the lawyer I hired for the restraining order. Call me if you need anything. I need to go now, sunshine! Don't miss me too much." The hot surgeon tried to put a smile on the sexy cat-eyed girl's face by being full of herself again. Instead, she received a scoff and the famous Jennie eye roll. "Oh, come on! You're not going to miss me?", the hot surgeon asked with eyes wide in surprise followed by a cute pout and knitted eyebrows. "Stop with the aegyo, silly. I'll see you later.", the smiling sexy cat-eyed responded instead of admitting that she always misses the hot surgeon whenever she's not around.

Nervous Lisa called Jisoo to ask for permission, "Jisoo, uhm... So, I was thinking, since Jennie is in this predicament right now, I would like to ask if...". As expected, the black-haired goddess immediately gave her approval, "When is the moving date?" The hot surgeon was stunned and speechless for 5 seconds before she could speak, "Wow! That was easy." The black-haired goddess chuckled. "I'm on the same page with you. Our friend needs a safe place and someone to look after of her. And you're the only person I can trust to do that." Jisoo matter-of-factly said. "Besides she's been staying in your place more than ours since last week." The black-haired goddess then lowkey teased. "Hey, I drove her home before midnight! That doesn't count as staying.", the guilty and embarrased hot surgeon defended herself. "How about you? Where are you staying until we get the restraining order?" she quickly changed the topic. "You know you're welcome to stay in my place, too. It's not big for three, but I think we can all fit in." The kind hot surgeon offered.

"Thanks, Lisa. No worries, I'm staying at my friend's. I was planning to tell Jennie last night that I'm moving to Invercargill by the end of this month. I accepted the job offer to be the new Vice Dean of University of Otago.", the black-haired goddess proudly revealed the news. "But shit happened, so I'm telling her this weekend when she's more of herself." She added. "No way! Jisoo, you're going to be a Vice Dean?", impressed Lisa asked, but it sounded more like surprised Lisa to Jisoo. "What's that surprised tone? Hey, you only got smart last night, but you're still not smarter than a 5th grader until you solve my simple math question." The hot surgeon rolled her eyes and said, "Jisoo, would you leave Emma and her eggs alone?" The black-haired goddess laughed at the hot surgeon's response. "Jennie's smarter than you, she got the answer in 1 second. Makes me wonder how you became a neurosurgeon?" She further teased. "Congratulations, Vice Dean! Let's celebrate by packing Jennie's things this weekend. Have an amazing day!" Sore loser hot surgeon ended the call. (Jisoo's question during their kitchen encounter: Emma has 10 eggs in her basket. She took 2 out of the basket and put it in her pocket. How many eggs does Emma have now?)

Meanwhile, Jennie called the beach house landlord to kindly ask to get her work laptop inside the douchebag's rented room and keep it until her nurse practitioner picks it up later this afternoon. She also learned that the douchebag isn't home yet. Maybe he's still in jail. She felt bad for the douchebag, but he deserved it she thought. What made her feel worse was the thought that Gina is hurt upon hearing the news that his son is in jail in New Zealand, but Jennie thought this may be the (long awaited) way to enlighten Gina and his family, the truth why she left her son. "Jennie, I'm very grateful to you for loving my Kai and for being very patient with him. I know he can be stubborn and difficult sometimes, but please don't give up on him." Gina entreated Jennie 6 months into their relationship. "I won't mama Gina. I promise.", the then stupid and completely blinded in love Jennie responded. And Jennie being a woman of her word, she did do her hardest to keep the promise – but promises sometimes are meant to be broken. Now that she broke it, she hates herself for hurting and betraying Gina. This is her internal battle right now.

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