C25: Obstacle #3: Dr. Bae

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"Thanks for bringing us free lunch, Jennie

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"Thanks for bringing us free lunch, Jennie. That's so sweet of you." Dr. Bae sarcastically said, wanting to piss the sexy cat-eyed more. Jennie's attention quickly shifted to the biatch.

"Pardon?" The offended sexy cat-eyed girl asked, holding her anger because she doesn't have plans to stoop down to the biatch's level. "Those are for us, right?" The biatch was trying to insinuate us meaning Lisa and her. "I'm sorry, but it's not for you. It's for me and Lisa. And if you don't mind, we would like to eat..." cold Jennie was trying her best to be cordial and stretched her patience, but Bae immediately cut her off with blunt and rude reply, "I'm not leaving if that's what you're about to ask. I didn't know Lisa invited you to our lunch date. I came here first so you're the one who should leave." The biatch further pressed the sexy cat-eyed girl's button. "EXCUSE ME???" The sexy cat-eyed girl now raised her voice with fuming eyes and flaring nose, changed her posture in ready-for-a-catfight stance.

Panicked Lisa stood between them. "Stop you guys. What is happening? Can you two chill?" The hot surgeon said with her hands spread out to her sides. "First of all, Jennie doesn't need to be invited. She can come here anytime she wants to. Same goes for you, Dr. Bae. Secondly, there is no lunch date. It's just lunch. Lastly, no one is leaving." Lisa unknowingly committed another mistake in jealous sexy cat-eyed girl's eyes. The hot surgeon will certainly pay for this later.

"What do you mean she can come here anytime she wants?" Surprised Jennie asked with venom in her words, challenging the hot surgeon to explain herself and she better give a good answer or else. Bae smirked with in-your-face look painted on her annoying face, adding more fuel to the fire. The game is on.

"I mean, if she needs my help or I need her help, she can come here anytime. Work-related stuffs." Calm Lisa honestly responded, trying to diffuse the heated tension in the room. However, the sexy cat-eyed girl is not pleased of her answer. "Ok. How about we all sit down and eat lunch together?" The hot surgeon is trying to be the peacemaker, still figuring out why the two beautiful girls are pitting against each other. The ever oblivious and dumb Lisa!

"Lisa, you sit beside me." The sexy cat-eyed girl demanded to which the nervous hot surgeon obediently obliged. Jennie fixed Lisa's plate and drink, showing the biatch who the hot surgeon's true girl is. "Thanks, Jennie." The appreciative hot surgeon sweetly said as she lightly squeezed the sexy cat-eyed girl's right hand. "You're welcome. Now go ahead and eat. I don't want you starving." The sexy cat-eyed girl's heart softened at the hot surgeon's gentle touch and charming smile.

Dr. Bae is hella not happy of what she's witnessing right now. She can't let Jennie win the game. "Lisa don't forget you lost our bet. You owe me dinner date and movie night later. Also, you may want to pack some clothes and bring your toothbrush in case you decide to stay overnight in my place." The biatch reminded the hot surgeon and intentionally angering the sexy cat-eyed girl more.

Lisa on the other hand, totally forgot about it as she was extremely busy with work and all she thinks and looks forward to every day is going home to hangout with her sexy cat-eyed girl who takes all her stress and work exhaustion away. Before the hot surgeon can even respond, Jennie already interrogated her with a spine-chilling question, "Why didn't you tell me this? Hm?" The sexy cat-eyed girl looked at the hot surgeon with raised eyebrows and intimidating wide eyes. Lisa thought Jennie is scarier than Aunt Nancy. She feels she's about to pass out in fear, not only pee in her pants.

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