C16: Protective Lisa

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"Give me Jisoo's phone number

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"Give me Jisoo's phone number." Lisa commanded in a gentle tone. She realized Jennie is still traumatized for her to be asking the sexy cat-eyed girl too many questions – specially to ask the sexy cat-eyed girl to recall the events and relive it once again.

"Give me your phone and I'll look for her name. I'll call her."

Jennie can't talk right now, but appeared to be calmer now compared awhile ago. Her mind is still figuring out if she successfully got her freedom from the douchebag or if she's still in danger on top of feeling intense grief that she just lost her second family, especially Gina.

The sexy cat-eyed girl unlocked her phone and handed it to the hot surgeon. Lisa eyed Jennie as if asking why she never answered Annoying roommate's multiple calls, and many unread messages notifications. This only confirmed Lisa's gut feeling that Jisoo must know something before this unacceptable abuse happened to Jennie.

Lisa went to the balcony to give Jennie some space and time to pull herself together. She dialed Jisoo's number, it only ringed once before she got an extremely worried black-haired goddess on the other line, "JENNIE! Ohmygod Jennie! Thank God! Are you alright? Where are you? I've been driving around trying to find you...", she was cut off by the hot surgeon. "Jisoo, this is Lisa. Jennie is here with me. She's not well. We are going to the police station after we talk. But I need you to tell me everything you know if she said anything to you, which I'm assuming you do because you sound worried sick." The serious hot surgeon said. She is determined to pin the person who did this to the sexy cat-eyed girl.

"Oh, thank God! Oh..." Jisoo exclaimed and about to cry in relief. "Lisa, she texted me couple of hours ago instructing me not to go home tonight or until she tells me it's safe to go home. Then she told me to call the police if I receive a ring from her and to tell them that she's with Kai Jong-in. I'm assuming he's her ex-boyfriend. She never told me where she went, and she never answered my calls. So, I decided to drive around the area hoping to find her car somewhere. Is she alright? Is she hurt?" the black-haired goddess is genuinely concerned of her friend. Although she always made fun of Jennie, she truly cares for the sexy-cat eyed girl like a sister.

"Jisoo. I believe this is not over yet. By the sound of it, you both are still not safe. She went straight here instead of going home. She must know that this Kim Jung-un is going to follow her to your apartment. And she wouldn't warn you if she thinks this person is harmless. Listen to my plan. Are you friends with your neighbor across the street?" smart Lisa analyzed the situation right and, on a mission to protect and defend Jennie. "What does our neighbor got to do with this?", slow Jisoo responded. Let's forgive her for now as she's also overwhelmed, shocked, terrified, and confused as Jennie. "And it's Kai Jong-in.", the perfectionist professor corrected.

Lisa took a deep breath trying to be patient with slow Jisoo right now. "I'm pretty sure this Kai Jung-un is going there anytime soon. If not later tonight, tomorrow. I need you to ask your neighbor if you can stay in their place tonight and observe any stranger who arrives at your front door. Take a picture of him and call the police. We are charging him for domestic violence and stalking."

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