C36: The Proposal (M)

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"...Jennie... will you be my wifeummphhh?"

Before Lisa can even finish the most awaited question, Jennie harshly pulled up the hot surgeon, grabbed Lisa's face, then she smashed her lips against her love's kissable plump lips – the lips she's been longing to taste since forever.

"Oh, WOW! Is that a yes?" Wide eyed Lisa asked, still floating on cloud nine, trying to wrap her head from what just happened.

Hysterically crying Jennie can only eagerly nod in response, she couldn't speak from overwhelming happiness – it feels surreal to her. The sexy cat-eyed girl quickly handed her left hand to cue Lisa to put the beautiful engagement ring on her left ring finger, FAST.

The hot surgeon obliged, also tearing up out of extreme happiness – not only she didn't get rejected, but she also received a kiss on the lips as a response!

"I love you, Lisa... I love you... I love you so much!" Jennie finally also admitted her true feelings for the hot surgeon.

Jennie held Lisa's face again and gave the hot surgeon another intense and sloppy kiss on the lips, then seconds later she started moving her head and lips, kissing Lisa with such deep longing and desire. This time, Lisa also held Jennie's face, kissing back the sexy cat-eyed girl with equal intensity and passion. She changed the pace to slow but deep kisses, taking her time to feel and taste Jennie's lips – nibbling and sucking on Jennie's bottom lip without mercy.

They kissed again and again and again until Lisa had to pull out for air. However, Jennie who is hungrier than Lisa, didn't let the hot surgeon rest – she smoothly slid her tongue. Lisa was quick to respond by lovingly and adoringly caressing her love's wonderful tongue with hers.

"Baby..." Jennie moaned and breathed in pleasure.

Their mouths opened again, and their tongues slid against each other once more, moving in a slow dance. Jennie's hands are now tangled in the hot surgeon's hair while Lisa's hands moved to the sexy cat-eyed girl's low back, under her favorite T-shirt, gently caressing Jennie's smooth and silky skin. The sexy cat-eyed deliciously moaned at the contact – their bodies are now heated.

Jennie started to move them seemingly wanted to go somewhere – to the sacred place where magic happens. Their feet shuffling towards the living room without breaking the kiss.

"Lisa, not on the couch. In my room." Jennie briefly said then captured the hot surgeon's lips again.

"I don't know where your room is. Lead the way." Lisa said as she showered Jennie's left jawline, neck, and collarbone with lustful kisses, her hands are restless – she didn't know whether to squeeze the sexy cat-eyed girl's butt or breasts. This is her first time making out with a girl, she doesn't know where her hands are supposed to go or should be doing, so she decided to just rest it on the sides of Jennie's bare waist.

(These irresponsible and thirsty parents forgot their son on the doorstep. Poor Kuma finds this unforgivable.)

They continued their lustful and passionate kissing until they reached Jennie's bed. The sexy cat-eyed girl pushed the hot surgeon to her bed and took off Lisa's favorite house T-shirt exposing her black lacy bra and delicious curves, she then dropped Lisa's favorite jogger pants revealing her black lacy panties then stepped out off it. Lisa thought the matching lacy underwear is sooo sexy and Jennie is the hottest.

Jennie couldn't be more ready for Lisa. She had been waiting for this moment for so long – to make love with the one she loves the most in the world.

Lisa who's entranced, didn't know what to do. What is she supposed to do in this situation? Jennie awakened Lisa when she sat on her lap, the sexy cat-eyed girl's legs spread apart, they are now face-to-face, too close they can feel and smell their marshmallow-y hot breaths, and Jennie's hands wrapped around Lisa's neck. Lisa swallowed hard to wet her dry throat since her mouth was agape the second the sexy cat-eyed girl started undressing herself.

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