C13: Lowkey jealous Jennie (EDITED)

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"Good morning, sunshine!", the hot and charming surgeon greeted the annoyed sexy cat-eyed girl as soon as she stepped out of Lisa's room. "Let's have our first breakfast together! But please don't laugh at my cooking. I poured my heart and soul in it.", she warned the sexy cat-eyed girl while she excitedly escorted her to the dining table. Jennie bit her lower lip to prevent herself from laughing while looking at the burnt foods.

"I know that look. I'm sorry, I did my best, but it seems like...", the hot surgeon's face fell, and heart broken, she was about to take away the foods and throw it in the trash. "No, no, no! We're eating it." the guilt-ridden sexy cat-eyed girl stopped the hot surgeon's hand from touching the plate. "Thank you for cooking. Come here. Sit beside me.", Jennie pulled Lisa to sit beside her. The hot surgeon is still quiet, feeling sad that the sexy cat-eyed girl is only pretending to like her cooking. "Here. Take a bite." Jennie stuffed Lisa's mouth with pancake first before she took a bite herself. "Mmmm... You know, it's surprisingly delicious! The burnt sides give a crispy texture and it's good!", the sexy cat-eyed girl praised.

"I hope so. Because you're the first person I ever cooked for. Just so you know.", the hurt pouting hot surgeon coldly said. Jennie was taken aback by Lisa's sweet revelation, her heart fluttered and felt butterflies in her stomach. "What does she mean by I'm the first person she ever cooked for? Do I mean something more to Lisa?", the sexy cat-eyed girl began to question and read into things and hoped she's reading it right.

"Lisa, I really do think the pancake is delicious although it's almost burnt. The bacon is burnt, but still edible. Plus, I prefer broken egg yolk than sunny side up anyway – the best way to prevent salmonella poisoning. And I really do appreciate you and your effort. Now please show me your charming smile!" When the hot surgeon didn't comply, the sexy cat-eyed girl made the hot surgeon face her then passively moved Lisa's corner lips up using both her thumbs and the rest of her fingers cupping the hot surgeon's jaw. The hot surgeon couldn't hide her laughter anymore, so she let it out making them both burst into laughter. "Gosh! You're such a baby!". Jennie squeezed Lisa's fluffy cheeks.

"By the way, what's OUR plan today? I mean, what are WE doing after work?" the sexy cat-eyed girl just loves the sound of the two emphasized words. It makes her feel on cloud nine, like she belongs to someone, and that she finally found the one for her – her forever person. "Bobby and I usually go for a night beach walk at 9PM on Fridays and he picks me up around 8:30PM. So... I guess we can still have dinner later at Nobu?" the hot surgeon responded.

This is not what Jennie wanted to hear for an answer. What she wanted to hear from the hot surgeon is an invitation for another girl time movie night and pretend to fall asleep on her couch, so she gets to stay overnight again at Lisa's place. But who is she in Lisa's life? She's just a friend like Bobby, and she can't demand the hot surgeon for her undivided attention and time. The sexy cat-eyed girl's heart twinged a little at that sad thought and reality.

"Oh, ok. Let me know what time to meet you up at Nobu then." The sexy cat-eyed girl responded, trying not to sound disappointed. "Of course!", the hot surgeon confirmed. Jennie stood up and started gathering the plates. "Jennie, please leave it. I'll get it. You need to go home and fix yourself. You don't want to be late for work." The considerate hot surgeon said. "Ok. Don't forget your lunch. And send me pictures of you eating it.", the sexy cat-eyed demanded. "Yes, boss!", Lisa saluted with a playful grin. "Silly." Jennie softly smacked the hot surgeon's left shoulder. "Amazona." Lisa teased more while soothing her shoulder. They both chuckled. Few minutes later, Lisa walked Jennie to her car. It's her discreet way of getting a little more time to be with the sexy cat-eyed girl.


6:30PM came and the two gorgeous doctors met at Nobu for dinner. Jennie did her best to enjoy the quality time with Lisa but became more secretly sad when she was reminded by the hot doctor that they won't be able to hangout tomorrow since she's fulfilling her promise to binge watch movies with her cute gay friend for driving the sexy cat-eyed girl to her facilities few days ago. Jennie showed her understanding side even though her heart is terribly sad, and also afraid that Lisa will grow closer to Bobby than to her.

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